How many movies have you watched this year and which one has been the worst by far?

How many movies have you watched this year and which one has been the worst by far?

That picture made me angry and sad at the same time.

This would kill /fit/

neighbours 2

i wish i wasn't 1,70cm

He's a big guy

>fat guy
>not fat girl
wow so this is the power of prostitution.........

delete this image RIGHT NOW

why angry?

/fit/ HATE HIM!

He's tall and pretty muscular despite being enormous. She's a feeder who likes feeling small and overpowered. Also I bet he has a baby arm for a cock.

because I'm alone and I miss my high school days where I had moments like this and people still cared about me. I really just hate myself, that's all.

Is that Meghan MArkel?

>tfw im fat and im dating a hot girl too

just be yourself bros!

Isn't that from last year?
Did you watch it on Netflix?



Baby Driver

Remember lads just bee yourself :-)

The only thing bad about it is the racemixing.

that's what /fit/ looks like actually

>nice high school looking couple
>hating on them because you can't fathom being happy yourself.
>must be prostitution
here's the kicker he looks poorer than her.

>white guy in mexican school

ah, that explains it.

Soy runner, hands down

Damn, they're worse memers than us.

He is Spic too

bitter incel redditchan posters hate the idea and laugh it off, but a good* personality does count and can make you move forward in life even if you don't look like a Chad
it's when you're painfully autistic and bitter that it just makes your mediocre/ugly/fat looks unsalvagable

How can shrimps even compete with BIG GUYS?


Oh man, you missed the glory days of "hey /fit/ how do I wipe my ass?" or the bread debates.

Why do non-white women like white men so much? Is the "White people have decided beauty standards" thing true?


If a girl's dad is a big guy and you are too, she'll be into you.

Doesn't look like one I've ever seen.


The Snowman

Dat sum nice tilework

46 real movies + a few dozen hollyjew movies on BG.

probably nocturama or wind river

>post pic of a shit stained underwear
>"how do I prevent this from happening"
>338 posts and 80 images, click here to view


Brawl in Cell Block 99

what's the matter user?
why the anger?
hispanic isn't a race, they literally can look like anything
there's asians, blacks, whites and the stereotypical short brown ones

Reminder that if you have a good personality and are funny you can get hot girls even if you're chubby. a lot of hot girls like bigger guys.

/r9k/ hate hearing this but it's true.

Me gfs dad is bald and so am I.


Suicide Squad

> why the anger?
It's not fair. IT'S NOT FAIR!

>Reminder that if you have a good personality and are funny you can get hot girls even if you're chubby

yeah, but you can't get hot girls if you're a FUCKING MANLET. that, is also true.

please notice that while all of these guys are obese, none of them are manlets

9, the worst was It

I don't get it. Why are virgins so triggered by this image?

this is cute
what's not fair exactly?
why should he be alone like you?
alternatively, why should you not be alone?


I'm 5'6 and I'm dating a model you faggot bitch. I'd kick your lanklet ass you beta male cuckboi

This. If under 6'6" off yourself.

Why is sex so intimate.... I'd rather just fuck and not have to look at someone's eyes.

Wow she really really likes him.

so pay a girl and fuck her from behind?

have you ever considered that you don't matter that much anyways and its better to simply enjoy the happiness of others?

Nope, 2 a night minimum I watch.


Yeah a hand model

that guy is a giga cuckold and his wife is goofy as hell

Her expression is like "Am I being fucked? Let me keep checking."



Women can have a fat-fetish too, you know

Eye contact is a pure and patrician fetish. You have bad taste, user.

Yes I do

>just have a good personality xD bee yourself

He's fat. Disgustingly obese, in fact.
I'm not fat, not ugly, my friends say I'm a good, fun guy. I have a steady job. I'm not an autictic sperg. I have hobbies outside of Sup Forums. But where's my cute gf?
The math doesn't add up, you see.

I never had a girlfriend or kissed a girl in high school Feelsbadman

>hispanic isn't a race

About tree fiddy
Maybe 50
Justice league dark

There is no joy in watching that much

hendai loide

What if I'm extremely unphotogenic despite not being ugly and I don't go outside to actually talk to people?

313 including re-watches

worst one: Bio-Dome or Suicide Squad

I'm not telling you to be yourself, though.
I'm just saying these guys have girlfriends because they have good personalities.
I didn't condescend you by telling you that you must have a good one and to just let it out and be your gf.

i thought you were already dead, elliot.

Along with /fa/

Having a good personality doesn't mean being yourself. It means acting with confidence, never stuttering, being able to keep a conversation while looking at the other person in the eyes.

is germanic a race?

>lso im Normalfall verbring ich das Fest so:

Mit meiner Freundin steh ich frühs auf, also so um achte, neune, steh ich frühs an Heiligabend auf, dann wird erschdmal in die Küche gegangen, ähm gefrühstückt, meistens, am besten äh Sachen.. ich steh meistens bisschen früher auf, ja des mach ich, nicht mei Freundin.. ähh steh ich früher auf, gehe auf einkaufen und kaufn bisschen was zum.. vom Bägger.. so.. n paar Brezn, n paar Semmeln. ähm und am besten auch noch n bisschen weng was Süßeres, also irgendwie was schönes weihnachtlicheres. So.
Ähm..Dann geh ich am liebsten her, äh mach schon alles feddich, dass wenn sie runderkommt dass schon alles feddich ist, Kaffee schon am kochen ist undsoweider. Dann setzen wir uns zusammen an den Tisch, dann wird gefrühstückt, unddannsssdes is bei mir da bin ich n bisschen altmodisch, dann bin ich am liebsten frühs wirklich am Tisch, unten in der Küche oder halt im Esszimmer und ähh dann wird dann gegessen und alles, so richtig schön bequem und gemütlich. Ofen is schon angschürt, das heißt es ist so richtig warm auch im Haus.

>just bee funny and interesting and entertaining haha it's that easy

Sup Forums also used to have good threads about it
>Hey guys, do you wipe standing or seating?

no one truly matters so my happiness is equal to everyone elses at the very least.

please be 18

Hell has a wi-fi, apparently.

2 a night isn't a lot.

being yourself only works if you have a good personality, which evidently you don't

Women fat fetish isn't called fat fetish, it is called "daddy issues".

Having a good personality is probably harder than just working out. You need to act like a Chad, not just look like one.

Thank God I'm handsome AND have an attractive personality.

thats Santiago I've been in that sub station once

>3h a day
>not a lot

user you lost your grip on reality. Please leave.

I don't keep track but the worst was probably Repo!
What a cringe-worthy time capsule of a movie

> enjoy the happiness of others?
A hollow chasing.and literal emotional cuckoldry, which will leave you feeling empty on the drive home and the last gaze in the mirror of the day. You give to others, but reserve nothing for yourself. The Vicariously Living Virgin vs the Direct Chad Living.

At the end of the day, your real happiness is impressing the man in the mirror. No more, no less. The mirror, the iron bar and God are the only things that won't lie to you.

Most girls have daddy issues. JUST ACT LIKE DADDY. Not that hard.

It isn't, you fucking moron.

>just have confidence haha forget those 20 years of suffering and scarring abuse haha just look them in the eyes

I guess in a situation like that, unless you're rich, you can be absolutely assured she truly loves you.

>not looking in the right places or not looking hard enough
>being too picky and wanting girls who will simply never want you back
>personality is good enough to be fun to be around as a friend, but possibly insufferable to girls to the point where they don't want to be around you too much
generalizing, but maybe it's one of these

Race is a social construct, so anything can be a race, therefore "Hispanic" is a race.

>fit guy
>good hair, good job
>dating a fat girl

why did I do this to myself? She's fun in bed but I hate being seen in public with her. I want to be with a normal girl. OP's picture just makes me want to start looking.