Tropes you love but have never or seldom seen

>Sequel series
>New protagonists and villains
>Previous main characters are gone from the plot
>There's an entire cult devoted to one of the villains of the previous series

Other urls found in this thread:

>A show's most common receiver of slapstick is a cute/attractive female character with a likable personality.

I could tell you one show, but I'd be banned.

Why would you be banned for bringing up Runy Gloom?

That's sort of in Batman Beyond, yeah? With the Jokerz gang?

>agonists and villains
>>Previous main characters are gone from the plot
>>There's an entire cult devoted to one of the villains of the previous series

...Batman Beyond?

Beast Wars and Batman Beyond are the only two I can think of that have done that, and even then they aren't exactly "cults".

Also SWTOR with the Revanites

>characters are caught in a life-threatening trap (e.g., a room filling with water)
>commercial break
>characters are suddenly in a completely different location safe and sound
>they never explain how they escaped

Not Sup Forums, but that sounds like Mother 3 to me

>villain goes through a redemption arc which ends with him/her getting killed by the new villain
>villain comes back as an badass of justice with a whole new look

I didn't know TUFF Puppy was a bannable show here.

I can't think of anything where that happens.

Transformers Armada fulfills the first checkmark but unfortunately falls flat on the second.

>Shit hit the fan
>Classical/Jazz music starts to play

>Final Fight between Hero and Villain
>It's a simple fist fight
>A sole guitar starts to play

I'm still waiting for a cartoon to do this.

>Sequel series
>Hero team from previous have gone rogue
>Split ruling the world between themselves
>Relationships have progressed, some now friendly and some now enemies

>Final Fight between Hero and Villain
>It's a simple fist fight
>A sole guitar starts to play


Doesn't have the guitar though, you get an 80s anime soundtrack instead

>Female character
>>Not written to be seductive only
>>Not written as a "grrrl power" character
>>Not representing a minority
>>Not a burden.
>>Not the main protagonist
>>Suffers from slapstick violence too
>>Flaws she doesn't hide at all
>>Not Daddy's girl
>>Not a Bee Queen or an entitled slut

stomach mouths, especially on fit humanoids, that are there due to some event like possession or some shit (not the fat stomach mouth monster types you usually get where it's a stomach mouth only for shock value)

I know that is painfully specific, maybe I should go back to drawing and learn to write

>kind/child/innocent character that has fucking nuts power when they let loose

>something happens and they start to go ripshit on the badguys

>Team mate says they need to stop them

>Other team mates vote them down and say to let the bastards burn

Has this happened? I'd love to see it

Pretty sure this is the plot to Hotline Miami 2

DBZ. What you've described is kid/teen Gohan's arc in a nutshell.

Not Sup Forums but try parasyte

Not quite the same but:
>attractive female character with likable personality is revealed to have major issues and is shitted on often

As long as they don't overdo it, I think this shit is fucking hilarious.

Funny, I was watching Gundam Builders Try the other day and one of the Gunpla had a stomach maw it used to eat another Gunpla's head.

The placement is a bit out there but I kinda, uh, have a teeth fetish. I'd dig it

>Male human falls in love with a monster. Not some animu monster girl, a straight up fucking dragon or something. Or a robot, like giant mecha tier



I was having a good time in a thread last night talking about that, but it got deleted because of the OP.

As for a mouth abdomen, a while ago Sup Forums made an anthology comic and "Mouth" was on the comics in it.

Aaaaaaaand there go my pants

Bonus points if the chest/body mouth is sentient and can engage in shenanigans

>Alpha Bitch is given a legitimate excuse and valid reason for her bad behaviour.
>Gains enough willpower to disobey her vile parents to save the day.
>A ton of potential for a solid redemption and character growth.
>Makes a great waifu of the primary male protagonist around her age.
>Redemption episode wins an Annie Award.

There is also another Alpha Bitch who was given even more growth as the spin-off progresses, but the mere mention of it is enough to trigger /co.

>It's a show where the heroes travel the world
>The villain hasn't been seen or heard from in awhile
>Suddenly, panicked calls come in from characters who only appeared in the the first few episodes
>The main villain is retracing the path that the protagonists took throughout the series and destroying every place they already saved in the past
>The villain is doing this to show the protagonists that their entire adventure up to this point has been pointless

You can either look up Premier Pulp issues 2 and 3 or look up Schwarbage (writer) and Pal-El (artist).

I don't know if Mouth ever had more than 2 issues.

>Alpha bitch
>triggers Sup Forums


>episode starts off in the middle of some shit
>"PART 2"
>no part 1 exists

>the part one happens many episodes later, and shows an entirely different side of the story

Damn it Didney, Wander was so good

>2 episodes start off the exact same
>both split and follow a seperate group
>comes back together at the end when everythings gone to shit

>prequel series
>final episode leads directly into the first episode of the first series

Not Sup Forums, but Rouge One did this. I swear I almost came right there in the theater it was so well done.

Even Tartakovsky's Clone Wars going right into Anakin and Obi-Wan going to rescue Palps

I'm iffy on this. It can be very effective if done well but prequels in general run the risk of ruining the 'source material'.

No, although the show in question has it's very own board here.

>evil guy is defeated
>get captured and imprissioned
>time passes they are redeemed and allowed to retire as long as they dont bother anyone
>a new evil appears
>in order to understand/predict this new evil they have to go to retired bad guy to ask for his "proffesional opinion" on what would an evil genius do
>ex-bad guy is happy to comply but is constantly teasing and ribbing the heroes with all the bullshit he did to them and how this new evil is a total noob compared to who he used to be
>turns out he honestly wants the new evil to be defeated because of how unprofesional it is at being evil
>"at least when I tried to conquer the world i did it with class, this idiot has no style at all!"



>Final Fight between Hero and Villain
>It's a simple fist fight
>A sole guitar starts to play

I always love it when fight scenes have music that isn't something blood pumping.

You basically just described Stardust Crusaders.

I think it's a cute subversion of expectations. I like it when the attractive chick who seemingly has their shit together is hinted towards having major depression or something. As long as it's played for humor, like the character having a deep sigh after saying she has no life or something. Just something silly like that.

Speaking of which:
>Villainous (or at least amoral) character shares a body with the MC
>Acts like the devil on their shoulder
>Tries to convince the MC to give them control

Especially when the MC does give them control to stop another villain, and that villain gets brutally fucked up.

>Final fight between the good guy and bad guy is a bare knuckle beat down that leaves both exhausted
The only example I can think of is Kamen Rider Kuuga

>He hasn't seen Porco Rosso
>Or like half of the Metal Gear games

>Sweet female protagonist has dark spirit/alternate personality inside her
>Is terrifying when her dark side takes over

This sounds childish desu

Ending of Gurren Lagann.

Sound like an episode of Sonic X to me, don't know why tho

>Villain is an unsympathetic monster but still has their own emotional struggles and anguish
Bonus if their villainy is driven by these emotions.

>Villain vs Villain fight
I love it every time I see it

>No, there is absolutely no way I'm doing that.
*cuts to later*
>Yeah, I'm still not doing that.

Almost exactly what you described happens in the Incredibles with Jack Jack the baby

oh god, never seen that before. Thank you!

>the big guy is also the smart guy

power rangers, precure and technically fallout new vegas

>Male human falls in love with a monster. Not some animu monster girl, a straight up fucking dragon or something. Or a robot, like giant mecha tier

Rip Hunter in the abomination that is Legends of Tomorrow falls in love with the ship AI. Even makes out with it while it's in human form in his own head.

Somehow after he's no longer in his head the ship remembers and says she liked it.

The end of Sinestro Corps War. So fucking good.

>big muscular gilgamesh sword and sorcery type hero
>he is actually wise and emotionally mature not to get caught into the pitfals of rage, hatred and vengance or to be manipulated by the bad guy
>he can enjoy the finer things in life like a seetly tuned harp or a stimulating book or just a nice quiet sunny day amidst his years and years of fighting
>he actually lives long enough to retire and have a comfortable life sheperding or taking care of an inn/bar
>he still cherishes all his years of adventures but he is actually content having a peaceful life
>until one day problem comes calling back to his town
>at first he hesitates if stepping in, he is too old and rusty and the bandits are boisterous and many
>but then he sees them threaten the little girl that comes every week to buy milk from his goats
>he grabs his sword that he had hanging all those years as a relic on the wall
>goes out, he is old and tired
>still kicks everyones ass, saves the day pushes the bandits away
>there is one left, liying on the floor, cowering
>the old man has his sword out, he could kill the criminal right there and then and noone would argue it was unjust
>he puts his sword again all the same
>extends a hand to the bandit, tells him if he wants to earn his life he can go work at the inn with him
>the bandit, shaking accpets the offer
>the girl saw all of this and from all the feats that she witnessed the old man perform that day, this last one was the one that she understood as his sign of a true hero
>the old man dies, remembered by everyone in his town

man, this just never happens, am i right?

This is basically JoJo

oh shit you're right
Taking HM as an example
>villain from the previous series turns out to be the most human of all the characters.

>Power of love is used for evil

Anytime the good guy or bad guy screams the other guys name, or both. It's not uncommon, but I need more of it.

S-cry-ed is my "trope namer" for this

Kill la Kill? Akira? Naruto?

>Bad guys brainstorms about their plans and how they will deal with the heroes

>trope thread
>posts an entire goddamn story
I love it though

>Character comes up with complicated and convoluted plan to solve issue
>They begin explaining it to the group
>Another character solves the issue with an extremely simplistic plan before the other character even finishes explaining.

>civilian has cute relationship with dastardly supervillian
It would be adorable. I haven't seen it before, but I bet it would make some great porn.

Why are my eyes leaking?

>triumphant reprise of the main theme as the MC starts to get the upper-hand on the big bad

>it's a clip show/flashback episode
>none of the clips are from actual episodes

I think rogue one did a shitty job of it because it already just felt like New Hope fanservice: the movie

I had this happen in a D&D game once, it was some of the most carefully timed DMing I've ever seen.

>Main hero and main villain are lovers

>Protagonist carries a shitload of weapons
>Anytime they defeat a strong enemy, they take the enemy's weapon.
>Actually incorporates all their opponent's weapons during combat.

Who was the precure example? Eas?

>The big bad gets sick of his minions failing
>Steps up to do the job themselves

It happens a lot, but Aku was pretty based in that regard. Samurai Jack's sword is literally the only thing that can hurt him, but he'd still lose his patience and try to kill him himself through trickery (or even head-on, a few times). I love it when the villain actually acts like the threat they're supposed to represent.

there's 2 manga i've seen this in and nothing else

Ding ding ding

>They're all from the same episode.

Innit that pretty much just despicable me?

This and the hero and villain date are God-tier tropes.

Shame it never happens.

Lucy's a super-spy, not a civilian.

>MC on phone call with friend
>both characters on screen with a seperator in the middle
>phone call ends, seperator goes away
>turns out they were next to each other
>"come over quick", "ok"
>hops over the 4th wall seperator and into the same room as the MC

>final episode reveals the entire thing was a prequel

not Sup Forums too but I loved that part in Final Destination 5

Wasn't that Force Awakens?

God I hope Last Jedi won't be Empire Strikes Back Fanservice: The Movie. Because if the movie starts of on not-Hoth I'm getting the fuck out of the cinema.

>Western episode
>magnificent seven theme motif plays

Mihoshi from Tenchi Muyo?
She was cute, competent, wise despite being a kluts and for the same reasons she ended up all bruised and crashes but she was very useful and likeable.

OVA and Manga Mihoshi, not the abominable dumbtard from the TV series.

Both were pretty fucking fanservicey, but the bullshit with C3PO and R2D2 and all of the references pissed me off

that movie could've been waay fucking better if it didn't try so hard to be a star wars movie

If it weren't for Bog and Marianne this movie would be completely unwatchable

The original My Little Pony staff took this idea and ran with it on the second season's finale.
Then the new staff fucked it up sideways.

Goliath and Demona from Gargolyes.

I'm only thinking of Supernatural for this one. Were there any others?



Futrama's final finale was cool as shit

They even played the first episode afterwards

the only bad memberberries moment in rogue one was the two fucking bar guys. everything else was appropriate

Can it really be said to be a cliche if it's rarely done?

That said
>Villains with a sense of loyalty and camaraderie, especially the mooks.
I never wanted to be a suicidal tweaker cultist more than when the War Boys showed up.