So co, who are your favorite avengers?

So co, who are your favorite avengers?

Cap & Thor.
They are also my favorite comic character's period.
Ares I guess would be 3rd fav Avenger while being my 4th favorite comic character after Martian Manhunter.

Hank/Simon OTP
The rest

Thor and maybe cap.

This is the best portion of those covers

Fight me

The Marvel Trinity - Cap/Thor/IronMan

The Marvel trinity is Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, and the X-Men.

You're showing your MCU having not read comics status.

To answer OP's question though my favorite Avengers are the Hulk then Captain America.

I like the characters that don't work as well anywhere else.
Rogue has fit right in as an Avenger in a way she hasn't fit in with the X-Men in two decades. Plus she started out in an Avengers annual.
Wonder-Man, (classic '90s version) Ms. Marvel, Quicksilver and Wanda, Vision, all couldn't work on any other team.
(Modern Carol is practically a different character)
Amazingly, Iron-Man works best as an Avenger leader and that highlights part of his character in a way his own books don't ever show.
I kinda think that the cast of Ultimates shouldn't ever go back to being Avengers, they work better in that book.
Same goes for the Champions.
Cap America, Thor, and even Hawkeye don't feel like less than a full book devoted to them works, so they shouldn't be Avenger regulars.
Characters like Black Widow and Hulk never belonged to begin with.

And losers like Ant-Man and Wasp don't really have anywhere else to go.

the blond hunks

Depends. Are you asking which characters I like the best and have been an avenger, or like best as Avengers?
If we're going with the former, and including anyone who's ever been on an Avengers team like that image:

>Agent Venom
>Moon Knight
>She Hulk

I really would love seeing a Monica-led Avengers team though

>No Flash Thompson

Captain America
Scarlet Witch

Though I think Wanda does not fit into the post Bendis/ Hickman modern Avengers at all.

Jack of Hearts

>Iron Man
>Black Panther

Black Panther
Wonder Man


Inspired by the teen titans comp

sorry for the lesbian carol pic

and Wanda is my fave

The Money maker line up
Imagine all the toys it can sell

the girl could be anyone
I want it to be psylocke

>both Spider-women
>Rita DeMara Yellow jacket
>Scarlet With
Basically just the waifus.

Best Avenger in the history of the team, bar none.

Herd and Ares need to be active on a team together.

His treatment in the last decade has been awful, his character deserves so much better.

Mac Gargan and Otto Octavius.

You may as well be asking who is your favorite Marvel hero. It seems everyone except a few Spiderverse heroes was in the Avengers at this point. That said, Deadpool and Thor, though more for their solos than their time in the Avengers.

Firestar, Black Widow, Hellcat, Spider-Woman and Tigra, Thor-Girl

Granted, he got the shaft in DisAssembled, but he's now more than "guy with arrows" to the entire Avengers legacy these days.
He's the guy that took the shot.
His whole character mythology has grown.