>Ward looks like Brandon St.Randy edition

(old thread was at bump limit)

Only on ep3, that mental ward ep was basically a total waste but I'm hoping it gets better

ward's hand mangling plan is absolutely flawless, but his acting leaves a bit to be desird

>ward's name for his dad on his phone is frankenstein
So, is he the monster?

Also Ward just makes me laugh in general whenever he talks to his dad

>jeri doing lawyer stuff
>jeri mentions her ass

>tfw on episode 10 but can't go any further due to splitting headache

thank god I marathoned this, the beginning was really boring I might have dropped it watching once a week

lmao good one op he totally does

im on ep 4 now its pretty stupid but whatever

The first two were the worst, so the hardest parts over.

Episode 6 right now, it's picking up but Danny Rand's actor isn't believable as a martial arts master badass.

wow, madam Gao is a cheating bitch

I liked the first episode it established the MC's character and had its moments but imo eps 2-3 were the worst most slow eps thus far.

>colleen is too poor to have an actual sword when she gets attacked

I'm surprised by how much I'm liking the Meachums, they're entertaining

>Marvel gave us yet another Ward

Based af I ain't even mad

Hnng this show is qtkino

the opening is better than daredevil's

>we need to sell it at cost

No green/10

dude im sure she has swords under her bed and shit

she just doesnt want to have to worry about all the shit you have to deal with if you murder someone, even in self defense

Power ranking
Daredevil s1
Daredevil s2
Luke Cage
Iron Fist
Jessica Jones

Just finished episode 8. What a waste of Lewis Tan. I thought he'd be Davos.

i really dont like the opening, i feel like it the worst so far of the marvel shows

like no color and a stupid dude doing bad kung fu and leaking paint?


never ever

jessica jones was so shitty

will this show force people to realize that aggregate review sites are a joke?

>The reason
It's so simple it's perfect

OH, so NOW Iron Fist is getting good word of mouth.

No, People are obsessed with ranking things.

i really like this show, even the notoriously bad E2 and 3, but holy fuck when you guys get to EP 6 you'll see just how bad Finn Jones is at being a wise martial arts guy

he just cannot sell it.

It is, isn't it?

It's not bad, it's just there's too many iffy things to be called good. Just, meh. Whoever did the choreography should be fired and the fight team needs more steroids all that shit looked awkward as fuck.

Is Shang-Chi in this?

No idea why critics think this is the worst thing ever. It's not amazing, but it's kept my attention for five episodes. Better than JJ, at least.

So is the old shadowy lady from Daredevil gonna be the main villain of Defenders?

A better actor would've sold it, he's just too derpy and "white" with no soul.

>100 million and change your name
>for ownership of what is most likely a multi billion dollar company
>that his father created

This Danny is too street.

I'm just talking about social media, and people writing articles about it and now more people are checking it out. They don't know WTF the critics were talking about.

I'd want a show where Jeri Hogarth can just bully Danny to do better

Just to add to my post I figured out what's missing with the MC after he gets the company he loses his nobility and direction and is just led around by his nose. The actor doesn't have the air of nobility that his comic counterpart has.

if Iron Fist dies in The Defenders I wouldn't be mad

He'd look a lot better with this hair than the ugly short curls

>people think the show got bad ratings cause people were mad he wasn't asian


Eh...I think he could've pulled it off really well. It's just that they give him bad lines and then directed poorly.

the show is getting leeway here for colleen's dat ass situation. more sweatpants are needed

Oh my god

That fight in the archives room was sloppy

It should've been recorded and not animated. It feels like a cartoon made in flash or something.

Also, his fists not gradually becoming green/yellow is a wasted opportunity.

It's the SJW and minority faggots who saw that some random asian got beat out by a white guy for a role in a martial arts series. So they scream "whitewashing" and "racist" and the critics wanting to be trendy and unique all give the film mediocre reviews but it backfired because all of them had the same idea. The show isn't bad it's just not as good as DD or LC.

>we need to sell it at cost

>That monopoly game scene

Tell me it gets better than this. I expect a certain level of cheesyness, but that was so extreme.

>DD or LC.

I'd say it's not as great as certain parts of those shows, but Iron Fist is probably the only one out of the bunch that is consistently good. Not amazing, but good. There was never a point where I was disappointed at all, where there were actual drop-offs in both seasons of DD and after Cottonmouth was killed in LC.

All of them I've seen so far have been so bad

They're on tier with the final fight of DD season 1

about to start episode 3. pretty mediocre thus far.

nowhere near as good as DD or JJ (despite JJ's flaws, I found the story way more engaging). Have yet to watch Luke Cage.

>Do you know how crazy you sound?
>That's impossible! That doesn't make sense!
>Obviously you have mental issues

>There was never a point where I was disappointed at all
Nah man I've been disappointed with most of the fights so far the only ones that were exceptional imo were the ones with that little asian slope in the cage matches. The white kid is just all lanky and goofy when he does his kung fu, the stuntmen try to carry him but it shows he's not athletic and the director is shit.

Episode eight has a really good Danny vs Drunken Fist guy fight

took me until episode 6 before I realized Ward wasn't played by Fred Armisen

I'm quite enjoying Ward's descent into madness
Why are wards always good?

>music swells up, little cgi kung fu man is charging up ki or something for some cool dramatic shit
>dude just starts kicking like a maniac with green sparks
Intro is fucking lame

>DD S2 is critiqued for too much mystic shit
>IF S1 is critiqued for having too much mob/business shit

They got this all mixed up

Anyone know where I can get a good stream or torrent?

>chick from DD finds out about IF's situation
>"yea man I've seen all this before I'm destined for this shit"
>5 minutes later
>"fighting ninja's and conspiracy mafia running around? you know how crazy that sounds?"
Like bitch you fucked a superhuman, in a world with other superhumans who destroyed the same city you live in fighting aliens and you think an ancient zipperhead mafia with ninjas is crazy?

people keep saying this and I don't believe it.

The show is really lackluster. The fights are awful too which is bad considering its ironfist

completely wasted opportunity, yeah

yeah finn is garbage but jessica almost makes up for it
also i cant stop you from calling her a slope but calling her an asian slope is a little redundant dont you think?

"Dad Says explaining things to people are for pussies" (no it does not get much better)

>post yfw you realize Colleen will never beat you up

I wanted more courtroom shit from DD.

wow. how the fuck do you discover Sup Forums before finding good torrent sites?

For every actual superhero that says that, there are probably like a million who are actually crazy.

Despite being a manchild, I like how raw and unprepared Danny is to the world.

All he knows is the stuff from his childhood and how to be a warrior.

> i cant stop you from calling her a slope but calling her an asian slope is a little redundant dont you think?

Wanted to get my point across.

It is symbolic. He flows like a liquid yet leaves a mark.

>"my last great day was when you died"
>"thats just mean Ward"


like 6 months ago tumblr and sjw sites were buzzing that they "whitewashed" a marvel show by making the MC white in a kung fu movie, until they were happily shut down that Danny Rand is fucking white in the comics so essentially they were being racist.

>All he knows is the stuff from his childhood and how to be a warrior.
It doesn't show.

>No idea why critics think this is the worst thing ever. It's not amazing, but it's kept my attention for five episodes. Better than JJ, at least.
Where's the political commentary?! Where's the gender or race politics?! Why am I following a Rich Man?!

>>Dr Strange
>>Iron Fist
>>Fighting a woman
Holy shit, that picture is like anti-Tumblr.

well thats very nice and all but its not nearly appealing enough as a visual

well that cheesiness is part of the charm of the marvel shows, isnt it?

i mean no offense but you should know this by now, unless IF is your first

>everyone wants S2 of LC and Iron Fist to be Heroes for Hire
Fuck that, I want Danny to have an actual good solo series before that happens.
Who should they hire as showrunner for S2?
To be fair, they do address this in the show. The psychiatric ward guy claims there's guys doing it all the time now

Is it true about Bride of Nine Spiders?

That's not cheese, that's writing a saturday morning cartoon for mentally challenged children.

fuck off, i'm depressed enough already

yeah, she's in the Hand gauntlet in Episode 6.

>ywn bite Colleen's thigh

Any pics of Orson?
Also is White Tiger confirmed?

>i'm not your sister
>he's not your brother
>we don't want you here

OK, I have seen the first 4 episodes and I want to address one of the main criticisms of the series that was made when the first batch of reviews was released. I'm talking about the whole "mansplaining" thing.

The reviews made it seem like Danny was underestimating Colleen abilities when explaining how to do martial arts right, but it is shown that Collen really lacks a lot of discipline, is very emotional/arrogant/angry when fighting and does not concern herself about spending the least amount of energy to take down an oponnent. She also doesn't care about the lack of discipline of her students, even when she herself told Danny about how she teaches them martial arts so they can defend themselves from bullies and their own abusive families. Also, she can't even fix her own finger.

All those reviews made her seem like a very competent martial artist and teacher when she clearly isn't. All Danny was doing is give her some useful advice and now thanks to SJW, that's called mansplaining.

were there any ongoings with doctor strange and iron fist, or is this just a one off thing?

Is there any vanilla?

I skipped ahead to the eighth episode with the drunken fist guy.

Holy shit this is not good. I'm not someone who needs his fight scenes to be even remotely realistic but there's nothing in this world quite as shitty as a badly done kung fu fight scene.

I kind of want to know more about the production before I shit on it completely. The speed they were moving at made it seem like they didn't practice all that much.

I've seen Daredevil and Luke Cage. Daredevil got worse and worse the further it went, Luke Cage surprisingly played it pretty chill though. I guess I showed up to this hoping for some fun martial arts hijinx and will stick with it a couple more episodes at least, but at this point I'm expecting really bad villain one liners and maybe 1 fight an episode shot in the dark about as poorly as Daredevil did.

Maybe there is a "found footage" scene from the time period when he was the Iron Fist
>white tiger

How far do they go with her?

>>Check the Tumblr tag
>>Even they don't get why critics bashed the show so much.

Did critics just set themselves up in this mindset that political correctness needed to be the most prevalent thing to judge material on?

>Maybe there is a "found footage" scene from the time period when he was the Iron Fist
Got the pic/episode?

not far, she just has some poison acupuncture needles and tries to seduce danny to stick them in him

That scene made me almost vomit, I'm still shaking

she looks real ugly in this picture

>episode 10 reveal of Colleen

Even dressed up Danny looks like a little kid

vanilla? i dont get it, what scene?

>rosario dawson appears