Why did Desire hate Dream so much?

Why did Desire hate Dream so much?

Because for all his talk about open mindedness Neil is still in the archaic mindset that anything related to sex is evil, so Desire hated Dream because it represented something "evil".

Because he beat him in that game with Emperor Norton that one time.

Desire's the hero in Sandman: Overture. He resets time three times just to repeatedly try to undo the destruction of the universe that Dream keeps causing.

Dreams are the purest form of desire. Following dreams sometimes leads to happiness and fulfillment, following your desires either sates basic needs or leads to your ruin.

Also he made her look like a complete twat once so she engineered a multi-layer keikaku to force him to suicide in the hopes of him taking a new form that wasn't such a mopey faggot.

Cause it wants to fuck him.

Wait, I thought the implication of Dream's 'last' conversation with Death was he could have stopped the whole plan at any time, and he let it happen because he wanted to die for his own reasons?
Or did I miss something?

>he made her look like a complete twat once

That's pretty much how Dream made all his enemies. He kept on going around hurting the pride of other powerful entities (Desire, Lucifer, the kindly ones, Loki, etc), I guess because he was intentionally trying to get them all to kill him or something.

This question is such meta-obvious, in a lucid dream you can have whatever you wish come true, so there is no desire, no craving of what one has been deprived of, within the boundless realm of the dreamscape.

That doesn't contradict anything about the post you're replying to.

I thought the decision to die was entirely Dream's, and Dream's alone
Less "force him to suicide" and more "literally the only reason this is still happening is I want to die because I feel this incarnation has fucked up so many times a hard reset is the only option left"

That still doesn't contradict anything about the post you're replying to. Desire still made a plan to force him to suicide by getting him to kill a blood relative and having the kindly ones avenge-kill him as a consequence. Nobody said Desire's plan worked.

I'm not so sure about that, I think Desire was just supposed to have as much of a good and bad side as the other Endless. Desire becomes much as a driving force to determined action as an impulsive one to recklessness, in fact there was something about that with a homeless man who had as much desire to achieve something as he did dreams of achievement, but held onto his dreams more than his immediate desires. That wasn't the start of things though.

At the core Desire disliked Dream because Dream was very rigid and rule abiding. Which is the antithesis of Desire's very nature of going with the pull of the will.
Dream's inability to just give in and give up touched a nerve I guess.

I believe it all started with that one Sun affair though. Desire was trying to show Dream the wishy washy way of things through some love triangle nonsense ending with the equivalent of "it's just a prank bro", but Dream, having big dreams and not taking to them being squashed so dismissively, responded "Don't talk to me or my entire circle of subjects ever again." and Desire, being Desire, just couldn't fathom why someone would react that way.
Boiling it down they just can't see eye to eye for very long, and they both do not like compromising their way of things. Unstoppable force, immovable object.

He did comment that Desire was only the bad guy because Dream was the main character. He said that if he wrote more stories from Desire's point of view then Dream would basically be this humorless stick in the mud always trying to spoil her fun because of MUH DUTIES. Sort of like the principal in an 80's high school comedy.

Because Desire wanted to fuck Dream super bad but couldn't.

Causes hes a dick.

They're family. Nobody can get under your skin and piss you off quite like family can.

You might ask why Dream treats Delirium like shit. Why Destiny is like that successful sibling that thinks the rest of his family is beneath him. Why Destruction is that fucking disgrace that can't hold a steady job and doesnt even have the grace to feel properly ashamed. Why Death is the peacemaker.

Desire and Dream just had a falling out and neither is the type that ever apologizes for anything they do so they'll be at odds until the End.

Dream is an asshole.

maybe he should write more stories from desire's point of view

when did it happen that "Agony" and "Ecstasy" trapped someone in thorns? was that the guy in hell that dream beat in a game of wits for his amulet?

Desire and Despair had seemed like and foil of agony and ecstasy. I barely remember the details, but did Desire ever bring up the woman that Dream imprisoned in hell because she didn't love him? I mean, people say Dream tried to follow the rules, i'd like to know what Desire thought of Dreams actions concerning women he's fallen in love with. Imprisoning someone in hell for not loving you is... against certain rules? it's pretty over the top.

I always assumed it's because dreams are escapism from desires. You fantasies your desires but never make them real. Kinda like most NEETs and what not.

Confirmed for knowing nothing about Gaiman.

All the endless are assholes, except dead and destruction.

He doesn't treat her like shit. he treats her like a little sister.

That's how you treat little sisters.

I was always under the impression that Desire blamed Dream for breaking up their family in some way, driving Destruction away and maybe being somehow to blame for the death of the first Despair.

Pretty Sure Desire hated him before that.
Endless incest?

That does seem part of it.

Anger is passion, and passion is Desire, arguably more than Destruction. I'd say that Desire is more likely to be behind grudges than Despair, even.

So if anyone in the family is going to be throwing around blame and getting really pissed off about one family member harming another or breaking up the family as a whole, it's likely to be her.

So part of it is just her nature, being who she is.

>Why did Desire hate Dream so much?

Because Dream couldn't take a joke when she had Oa cuck him back during the early beginning of the universe.

They resolve that in some mangaverse of death and in some interview somebody said is canon.

As a little sister can confirm


i don't remember dream treating delirium like shit... AT ALL.

hmm... sounds ambiguous

Woah woah wut. Destruction's not a disgrace, Dream just had a huge chip on his shoulder because Destruction correctly observed that he wasn't needed anymore for his "role" to function, and all the shit that happened to him and his allies was his own damn fault. "Seeking Destruction" and all that.

Id vs super-ego

i think this might be a good response

>I thought the decision to die was entirely Dream's, and Dream's alon

Dream ultimately manipulated Desire itself as an instrument of his own suicide...not too hard to do, Desire's not really an intellectual.

Still, from Desire's point of view and role, it played that part and chose to do what it did, so the original assertion is correct. It could have chose not to be a part of that.

What happened to make Delight turn into Delerium? Also, who killed the first Despair? I didn't read all the books up to Sandman being killed and reborn but I stopped after than and don't remember this being addressed. Have they done any issues on it?

If you try to do anything sexual in a lucid dream you usually wake up. It's very hard to do for some reason.

It wanted the Dream D

It's not revealed. Neil Gaiman is the type of writers who don't mind leaving inconsequential gaps behind for fans to fill in.

He treated her like shit in the beginning of that road trip arc, shooing her away when she was looking for help to find War again. Then, he regretted it and drove with her.

Death is too chillax to care about anything.