Reviewers hate it

>reviewers hate it
>SJWs hate it
>Sup Forums likes it

I have no fucking idea how to form my opinion.


Other urls found in this thread:

It's shit.

By watching the show.

It's good.

Try doing it on your own instead of letting an anonymous image board do it for you.

how bout giving it an episode or two


And here it comes.
People nowadays lost their ability to form their own opinions. Like a mindless livestock they're being guided from a barn to a pasture and back again.
Watch the damn show and form your opinion based on your own impressions and feeleing, not of others.

Sometimes the only critic you should listen to is yourself.

Give it a chance, and judge for yourself.

is this a.................................

well on the one hand sjws hate it so that means its good. on the other hand Sup Forums likes it that means its bad

Lol the first two episodes are the worst.

Its not good but its not unwatchable its just boring and mediocre. 4.5/10


Its really not good

People are saying they like it cause of some boogieman about every reviewer saying it sucked cause he wasn't asian and they want to stick it to them

I'm liking it so far, it's just GLACIALLY SLOW.

And they kind of fucked themselves by making Danny so creepy in the first episode.

Why don't you try actually watching it yourself? That way you can make your own conclusions.

by watching it and deciding for yourself how you feel about it you faggot

I heard Danny acts really weird in the first episode too. How bad is it?

>Sup Forums likes it
Based paedos.

this shit is the Kino

It makes other cape series such as Arrow seem like a soggy sack of shit

Normies just probably aren't informed of the lore so they aren't interested in hearing Danny talk about K'un Lun or any of the more interesting comics-based side of it, they are probably crying "where is the explosion? where is the quips? Where's Iron Man?" but this is street level stuff and honestly the slower reveal of Danny's origin material makes it more interesting

It has exceeded the extremely low expectations I had for it so far.

He acts like an autistic child thrown into a porn convention. What age is he supposed to be and why is so goddamn tarded? I've seen more sense in headless chickens.

I don't get it. it's not a perfect show but it's still pretty decent. even by a critical perspective, it's not anywhere near the levels of an arrow or BvS kind of bad yet its treated like it is. The majority of people seem to like it and wonder the same thing to why it's being shit on by critics which is different from other cases in which most agree they are bad. I wish I could understand.

nigga shut up arrow sucks and so does this

I keep seeing negative reviews saying it was aimless/pointless but I don't really understand what they mean by that. It had a set plot that it followed through on so all I can think is they wanted some alternate message like in JJ or LC.

So why are you in the thread

did you come here to ruffle my Jimbos

>everybody in my fb feed talks shit about secondary characters in first two episodes but start talking about how they are liking it from 4th episode onwards

Is gonna do just fine. sjws reviewers are gonna get mad tho.

No new big bad established

JJ was shit but I enjoyed purplemans antics

>so all I can think is they wanted some alternate message like in JJ or LC.

Because if you want a show about a white guy beating up people with martial arts to take down a corporate conspiracy you can go watch DD. It even had vague Asian mysticism.

These shows need to justify their individual existences.

I hope someone reports this post, cause good lord you are a shit.

>These shows need to justify their individual existences.

the fuck does that even mean?

Danny went from a loving parents to dead parents and being beaten by people speaking a strange language almost instantly. These beatings and fighting are almost all he did for 15 years to the point where he even said that only while fighting and getting hit did he have a clear head. He then saintified his life in new york while resenting the horrible shit that happened to him, somehow thinking he would have purpose if he went to it.

You slowly see Danny go from this cheery kid happy to be home expecting to be greeted with open arms by the Meachums to this resentful and angry person when his ideal was shattered. He also seems to have untreated PTSD.

Something something white savior something something priveledge something something problematic.

>Sup Forums likes it
is shit

>I have no fucking idea how to form my opinion.
Watch it

It isn't good. That whole straining the limits of the 'Super-hero bubble' thing. Like, they could have just come in with guns blazing, but they waste so much time wandering around in circles because they have to "set it up".
And something about the production design feels cheap.

It means he's a fucking faggot with nothing to say.

pretty damn good show,

You know that was intentional, right?

>not realising reviewers are SJWs

wew lad

>capeshit television
Not even once.

Watched the first 3 episodes. It's very boring. Even worse than Jessica Jones.

The difference is that this one frontloads the boring episodes instead of fizzling out halfway through. Netflix Marvel remains incapable of making seasons that are good all the way through.

JJ at least had a charismatic villain.

This ain't got shit.

literally no bad reviews from people on twitter. everyone seems to like it despite it being the biggest place for sjws after tumblr. maybe critics just dont understand the lore and so they don't like it. too mystical for them.
>inb4 hurr durr tumblr

There are tons of bad reviews all over the place. Get out your bubble.

I like it. Colleen is an actually competent side character, Joy is hot, Ward fucking up CONSTANTLY is hilarious, Harold is eccentric and funny and actually takes all the ninja shit at face value

>>They're like the illuminati but real

Colleen's ass is a gift to the world and more than justified watching all 13 episodes. Show starts off slow, gets better later on and that tight ass of hers kept me entranced the whole way through.

Honestly thought I was in for the worse schlock I'd ever laid eyes on, so color me pleasantly surprised.

except majority of people like it. the only bubble is the small margin of people who matter that dont like it.

>except majority of people like it
Sure they do buddy.

I wouldn't say he's wrong. Even a glance at Tumblr will produce mostly positive reactions.

>>reviewers hate it
>>SJWs hate it
What did you think was going to happen when the protagonist is a rich white man?

the biggest flaw with this show is Rosario Dawson may be hot but she's a fucking wooden actress with consistently horrible lines, she's annoying as fuck, why couldn't they of used Misty or like any other female whatsoever

The only Netflix marvel show I've been able to sit through. They know superhero shit is dumb so they crank up the "boring" stuff to cut back on it.
I won't lie though lots of the fighting is Disney channel level

Fight choreography is by far this shows biggest flaw. If it had been excellent, as it should have been, no way this show would have been such an easy target. Still a mediocre entry but they'd have at least lauded the fight scenes as more than justifying a binge. As it stands, I'm simply pleasantly surprised seeing as my expectations where in the gutters.

I'm on episode 9 and even though the fights aren't necessarily epic or with as good cinematography but they are more compelling than every fight since season 1 DD including the Punisher prison scene which was kinda a drag

But this was advertised as the martial arts show of the Marvel Netflix Verse. Jessica and Luke can get away with simply throwing enemies around cause they have powers and aren't really serious martial artists. Danny Rand and most of those he fights with or against do not have that excuse. The fight scenes should have been better. Hell, it's the one thing they needed to pull of superbly and it would've forgiven a lot of sins.

>ITT lowered standards

The shitstorm butchered expectations so thoroughly that I came out of it thinking it wasn't so bad. Mediocre for sure but not some irredeemable piece of garbage unfit for viewing audiences.

You need to realize that most praise on Sup Forums for movies or shows is done purely to trick someone into watching shit.

His charisma is absolutely non-existent.

but it doesn't feature barefoot underage girls. how can they like it?

This is actually the most wrong post I've seen in a long time.

I'm at episode 9 of this shithole thing, and without a doubt every scene with Colleen incrementally gives me the desire to turn this off and never watch another second of it. Her character description in the beginning could easily be labelled just simply "Cunt", who then goes to do MMA cage fighting in one of the worst fight scenes I have ever seen, on par with shitty CBS shows. She then goes from "Cunt" threatening to throw Danny out at three times in ten minutes to loving him once he becomes a billionaire, and her midget ass fight scenes continue to be just as terrible.

Joy is the opposite of hot. She has no ass, no tits, one of the boniest women I've seen and her character is awful. She feels guilty about drugging Danny? And then helps him? But avoids actually speaking to him until she's forced to? And I'm supposed to appreciate this character?

Ward however was an entirely enjoyable character mid way through, and I'm pretty sure is one of the only reasons I actually stuck it out until he went super incomprehensibly retarded.

The main complaint is that it's a boring show which has noyhing to say.
Arrow is stupid and BvS is... where to start?

To reiterate how shit this fucking series is, here's a scene from when they go to "China". They're investigating a chinese warehouse where nobody carries guns. Claire is here too because ???.

They are scoping it out with binoculars.

I hate how a shitshow that is Arrow (or CWshit in general) gets good reviews.
It was never fucking good.
Not that Netflix shit outside of DDs1 is any better.

Here is the building their scoping out in "New Jersey at the dock where the Sopranos was shot sometimes", otherwise known as "China".

The car has not moved. The building wasn't a secret location, that was indeed the building. They required binoculars for this.

That should be an absolute testament to how absolute garbage this series is. If you like NCIS primetime drama shit, then sure, you might like this. But if you actually wanted something good, then this is not this.

Luke Cage at least had an enjoyable character, Daredevil was great, Jessica Jones will continue to not be watched, and Iron Fist was filmed on a budget of a scyfy television series.

Iron Fist seems to have triggered the retards so it's actually good.

What's his implication? Asians automatically have superior martial arts?

>Luke Cage at least had an enjoyable character
You mean, Stokes?
He's the only character on that show I didn't want to get a painful death.

Stokes is good, I liked Luke Cage because his character is charismatic most of the time.

Also, hearing Sweet Christmas makes me laugh.

Is it true that the dumb cunt lawyer from Jessica Jones is on this show too?
Because that's one more reason for me not to touch Iron Fist even with a ten-foot pole.

Ward is a autistic shit head, no wonder you identify with him

This shit was awful and its an awful exposure for iron fist, truly botched the best hero they got for nextflix. If you like this garbage I guarentee you have never read any of his comics

Yes. Pretty racist, isn't it?

Yeah. But the scene with her and Danny is hilarious.

On that note, there is literally a scene where someone Claire and Asian bitch with nice ass take someone to the hospital.

The hand abducts this person.

Claire exclaims sweet christmas as she runs out into the garage and nails an ambulance driver in the fucking face with a fire extinguisher.

They then look into the back and find its empty, but automatically assume it was a decoy.

Instead of just assuming the logical thing that she fucking nailed some fucking poor ambulance driver who was parking by screaming sweet christmas.

>Expect decent fight scenes
>Everything is shaky with a million cuts and different angle
How do you botch a show thats easy to make? How? All you needed was decent camera work and decent choreography
what the fuck

Can we blame this on Scott Buck too?
I mean, he approved this shit.

Before you ask, yes this is the guy who played Melvin Potter on Daredevil.

I wish I was Asian

I'd be good at math and have innate kung-fu skills. The only downside would be my lack of dick and lack of game with women, but I already lack game anyway.

Don't worry, there will always be women who would "sucky sucky for a dorrar"

are you a girl? because a lack of dick would be a good thing

What about watching it you insufferable retard?

It's like Vanilla Ice teaching Tupac how to rap.

>SJWs hate it
I love it

Only if he were some rando cunt that 'learned' his shit from watching kung-fu flicks a week ago. Danny trained like crazy for 15 years and is an objectively better martial artist than Colleen.

then why does he job against henchman that Daredevil takes down by the dozens.

Delete this, sexist shitlord

My sides, my fucking sides.
My brother and I were watching it together and came to the same conclusion. Some innocent paramedic glances out his window just in time to see a crazed woman slam a fire extinguisher into his face.
I almost pissed myself laughing.

Scott Buck's run on Dexter is like an onion made of pure shit. Every layer you peel away just leads to more and more garbage.

>that time a few pages of a 24 script fell into the Dexter pile

I'm looking at live responses from twitter, responses seem to be mostly positive

I'd say for every 6-7 positive tweets there is 3-4 negative ones.

I know it's not the best way to judge the show, but that tells me that critics are way off. I mean, the fucking flash season 1 got 97% on rotten tomatoes for fucks sake, and that's a cringe fest.

>Mook Training Academy has really stepped up their game in recent years.
I'd say cause he hasn't really tapped into his shi to do a lot of the really cool stuff, yet. Let's remember that DD has superpowers too and has been training with them the whole time. Danny's just been a really talented martial artist up until he became the Iron Fist and ran away before having learned any of the other awesome stuff he could do.


Iron Fist was never particularly interesting by himself. If anything, this just means they imitated the source material well instead of improving on it like the rest of the MCU And I say that with zero intended irony. About the only good story arc they didn't adapt that they should have was Demon in a bottle.

I don't know why. If there was mystic east "cultural appropriation" going on the show might actually be entertaining. You have a character that was raised in an isolated monastery by heavenly monks to beat the fuck out of people and once he gets some new clothes there's nothing really special about his character. No fish out of water moments, no interesting cultural clashes. Just an incredibly boring character that gets cock blocked from ever doing anything interesting. Is he going to remember his teachings to bust out of the mental hospital? No. Is he going to teach the kids at the dojo how to do sick kung fu? No. Is he going to make the members of the board confused with incomprehensible koan wisdom? No. Is he ever going to do anything interesting at all?

It is fucking bad dude.

>Let's remember that DD has superpowers too

All he basically has is super sense of smell and hearing.

Movie-blob didn't like it guez


>Forget it!
>Saying this AFTER production was wrapping up
