
Sari is best Autobot, why haven't we seen more of her?

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Because she's the worst Autobot.

No, she's not. You are a vapid cunt who probably watches those retarded ecchi animes and thinks they're good, like that idiotic butt-themed water sports nonsense.

Because TF Animated is dead.

Because Sup Forums hates her voice actor


She's part of a nasty contractual disagreement between Hasbro and CN.


Well, in fact she is a maximal, she have organic components and DNA

It seems that most Transformers' human characters aren't brought over to other series, except for those based on G1.

What's her vehicle mode, though?

>tfw no more Lugnut

it still hurts

I don't know, but I'd certainly ride her.

"human" is her altmode.

her armored look is robot mode.

she's a beastformer

She doesn't technically have one. Though she does have a jet pack that turns into a scooter.

Sari kinda turned into a video game player character once she got the upgrade.

posting Saris in a Sari thread

sari notsari



>she's a beastformer

No, this is a beastformer.

>only shows up in the current comics as a background character



her altmode is human, she's not the first primateformer and she's not the last
maximal is a faction, not a alt-mode category






Arcee best Autobot.


Why didn't sari use the key on all the autobots for upgrades.


By the time the Autobots decided to say "fuck the police" and illegally upgrade themselves, Sari had already dumped the key's energy into herself.

You can't even really say the human G1 characters survived besides Spike and Carly (and the later incarnations of them were more in name than anything character-wise).

>TFW your favorite TF Human has had 2 appearances in 30+ years

...Wait, back up. What'd user mean by this?

He's making shit up, as Sari's been used in fiction since TFA's cancellation.

Was Sari even a semi-likable, interesting, or at lest tolorable human character, or was she merely lolicon bait?

I can't recall

Whereas Bee was the child appeal robot, she was the child children would appeal to. She had a bit of a cool robot design but all in all a lot of people considered her to be a bit too OP and perhaps mary sue-ish.

Sari was one of the better incarnations of a child character I've seen in awhile. A little precocious at times, but overall she acted like the 8-10 year old kid she was. Energetic, curious, got into trouble a few times (usually with Bee), and had the occasional overreaction (or totally justified reaction) if she was upset or angry.

The Deux Ex Machina was a little annoying, but there was a reason for it in the end, and she DID have an arching storyline/character development.

He was also in that one strip back when IDW ran fan-made works, Mosaic.

TFA is technically co-owned by CN and Hasbro, and they had kind of a nasty split - CN didn't and still doesn't treat action cartoons that exist to shill other companies' merchandise very well - RiD 2015, Sonic Boom and the DC Nation stuff only airing once, at the crack of dawn, on Saturdays is proof of that. So when Hasbro was starting up the Hub, they basically went "Screw you, we'll start our own network, with blackjack and ponies!"

This is why TFA season 1 and 2 came out on DVD relatively quickly, and season 3 didn't get a DVD release for YEARS. I don't think Sari is like, co-owned by CN or anything, Bulkhead clearly isn't, but they plainly didn't care to reference her. From what I understand, DJW and Marty Isenberg were trying to serve two masters with season 3 - CN, who wanted Sari to be aged and powered up so she could be more involved with the action, and Hasbro who told them "Stop using Sari so much, focus on the characters who have toys."

TFA was an Hasbro/CN co production, but it turned sour with the money sharing, because they both wanted morethan 50% of the benefits.
The show was cancelled and neither side will touch it again. Sari is part of that IP, so she's never coming back except in Wyatt's blog fanarts.

>He's making shit up, as Sari's been used in fiction since TFA's cancellation.
TFCC shit doesn't count, that is literal fanfiction with the Hasbro seal of approval, and they don't even have that anymore.

Yeah, I know about that. I don't really consider it a REAL appearance though, since it was done by a fan and he wasn't involved in any actual canon storyline.

It bugs me a little that so many franchises are starting to diversify their casts, while Hasbro's had a (highly likely) hispanic/latino guy sitting there waiting to be dusted off and modernized. Hell, they actually ASKED for a second Tracks-and-Raoul episode to be written for G1, because the showrunners liked the results of 'Make Tracks' so much. If they want to mix up the standard Human/Autobot casting a little...TA-DA!

(Except bringing Tracks into anything now would just have uneducated fans claiming he's a 'KnockOut KnockOff', and that would just piss me off to no end)

She was a genuinely likable, interesting, compelling "human" character who managed to balance being spunky and precocious, but still sweet and endearing, AND be top tier lolicon bait.

Seriously, the episode directors were Japanese and it shows.

Marissa Faireborn and Garrison Blackrock were also ported forward, if we only include stuff that's been serialized for a certain amount of time.

Overall, it's probably because the humans aren't as mandatory to include in each new series, unlike the numerous prominent Cybertronians who are the focus of the toylines.

So many writers probably make their own humans to better suit the story they tell, and to make their own, unique mark on the franchise.

Though of course Sari isn't fully human, I think she's mostly considered to be one for the purposes of inclusion in other series. Especially since her character is most impactful within the context of her series...

It'd be hard to justify putting something so freaky as a background character without much setup or explanation... especially in IDW TF, which is perhaps the most likely to include her.

They still wouldn't be able to use her if Hasbro didn't own her fully, user.

Also, the Allspark Almanacs aren't a TFCC thing.

>(Except bringing Tracks into anything now would just have uneducated fans claiming he's a 'KnockOut KnockOff', and that would just piss me off to no end)
Hell, I'd lean into that just to make the KnockDown tears fall like rain - have Tracks capture Knock Out while busting a drag racing ring with Raoul, only for K.O. to decide to defect because it turns out he just has a fetish for blue-bodied, red-faced bots, but Tracks keeps cold shutting him down.

And btw, you have exquisite taste, Auto-Bop is mmmmaybe my favorite episode. It alternates between that and Triple Takeover. I really wish they'd done more episodes with the New York based cast too, it was a refreshing change of pace.

It's harder in the comics, to be sure. Mainly since most of the books aren't based on Earth atm. Sari MIGHT work eventually, with all these Cybertronian colonies evolving on other worlds, a character like her might not be too farfetched any more.

But I don't see why the humans of TF:Prime couldn't have had a short cameo episode in Robots in Disguise. An older Raf, at the very least.

They could have shoehorned Chip Chase or Astoria into Age of Extinction. Chip could have been working with that guy who wanted to use TF tech for his own inventions, or Astoria could have been collecting the tech through HER company to keep away from other people who would want to use it for the wrong reasons (and maybe hiding an Autobot or two somewhere). With how much they changed Spike and Carly, making them and Raoul fit into the series wouldn't be too hard. Might even have improved the movies if they took out other shit.

That reminds me: there was an episode of Prime with Arcee, Jack, Miko and KnockOut looking for a Cybertronian MacGuffin, PLUS a storyline in MTMTE where we saw Swerve's mental reconstruction of New York. No Astoria/Raoul/Bop Crew throwbacks in either (the lost chance in MTMTE hit me harder, it's ALL about the retro throwbacks)

Pretty sure KnockOut has an 'anything metal and remotely masculine' fetish, if TF Prime proves anything, lol/

(If they met -- and BreakDown survived and probably wouldn't squish most humans on site -- I think he and Raoul would get along. Watch their vain-as-fuck partners try to outVogue each other and talk about bluecollar shit.)

They definitely should have done more with Team New York. If they hadn't pulled the timeskip in season 3, maybe?

I love Auto-Bop to bits, but Make Tracks beats it as my favorite G1 episode because it had an actual plot that made sense all the way through (by G1 standards anyways). What the fuck was the plan in Auto Bop anyway?! What were Starscream and Soundwave building?!

>What the fuck was the plan in Auto Bop anyway?! What were Starscream and Soundwave building?!
Doesn't matter, I'm just in love with the idea of Soundwave and Starscream opening a nightclub together, and pitting them against their Autobot counterparts, Blaster and the effeminate, arrogant flyer. I like Make Ttacks too, but most like most G1 episodes it has a lot of characters thrown in just because, like Hoist and Huffer showing up just to be stuck in traffic and violate the laws of physics more than usual. Auto-Bop is one of the few episodes that focuses on a handful of characters.

>someone else remembers Chip Chase
Thank you, user.

>Throwing characters in episodes for the sake of selling toys to kids

ftfy, user.

I was mainly able to ignore that since most of that episode was focused on Raoul and Tracks, and had a nearly-hole-free-plot. Auto-Bop would have been perfect if they'd have just said WHY they hypnotized all those people into constructing a random building in the middle of New York (and didn't fuck Raoul's colors up royally, but I digress). I know the 'Cons couldn't build it themselves without being noticed...but was it a new secret base? A weapons cache? Megatron and Starscream's secret romantic getaway spot/BDSM space? One little sentence of exposition would have been enough!

Chip Chase was a neat character when they actually used him, and I wanted more shenanigans with him and Prowl (and maybe Jazz comes for the ride). I was annoyed when I found out they designed an older version of him that was never used.

Hell, while I'm complaining about G1, why did I never get any of the humans interacting with each other besides with Spike?!

>Where's Raoul and Tracks picking Chip up at Yale and getting dirty looks?
>Where's Astoria dragging Carly out for a 'Girls' Day'?
>What about Raoul and Carly oogling amazing new car engine designs or building something together?
>Why is there no Spike asking Rocksteady and Poplock to show him breakdancing in a failed attempt to be cool?
>Where's my Breakfast Club-style team up where they're all forced to work together to save their robot friends and realize the others are actually cool people?

I know the show's are all about selling the robots, but I really wish G1 humans got a little more development like Jack, Miko and Raf did.

>tfw she was supposed to be in a crossover ep in ben 10 omniverse




Animated really wasn't that good.

Shut up Boco.

Yes sir...

I realise this is a troll but there are a lot of people who think this way about various parts of the Transformers franchise and let me lay something out for everybody: this is how nearly EVERY BIT OF TRANSFORMERS FICTION WORKS. The exact same process of licensing and approving that brought us the Funpub content also brought us the original cartoon and comics.

Well, in my head the best way to get Sari is to have her be a Tarantulas experiment, given that he's pretty much invented the technology to create Maximal/Precadon-esque transformers...

But it would still require some sort of set-up, I feel. Personally, I'd love for there to be some sort of in-universe blog at mechtopia manned by the IDW version of humans giving their perspectives on all the craziness... and also recount the adventures they have. Could probably also fit in some civilian transformer perspectives too (Rook and Andromeda?).

Too bad they don't accept pitches! ... and that I lack the writing skills to do such a thing.

Maybe not Sari, but they might end up doing that. We have Garrison now and if Tatantulas needs a personal human sized spy, his bots also pass scans much easier. So any test that would catch Garrison would probably fail on them.

Animated is really underrated. The way it shows the dark side of the Autobots and how the war wasn't black and white is fantastic.

it also had some of the best toys of any TF series


>Her shirt is part of her body.

How did they never figure this out before?

Because the only person that should be undressing her was the person that already knew.
Besides, she has other clothes, so she must have the ability to change her outer "layer", Either that or the key energy worked on clothes as well. I mean, it's practically what causes her unique method of transformation.

forgot pic

wait oh shit
do you think prowl's good at being a ninja because his protruding eyes let him have a wider field of view

It might just be a visor.

CBR has the Preview for Optimus Prime #5

Jazz stalks the Mexican girl, more Sharkticons, Cosmos is fine (he can take), Pyra Magna is still pissy, Spike still needs to die, Arcee won't leave Sideswipe.