/sug/ Steven Universe General

Meep meep Edition

Last Thread: [NEW RELEASES]
>New episodes at 7pm EDT
???: "Lion 4: Alternate Ending"
>Room for Ruby
Mega: mega.nz/#!DpAUkaAb!s_v1KG4O29Phex4mrF1RiFuTk8c_YnybRTRyxj5lrRI
Direct: dl.sug.rocks/mega/04x19.mp4
Dailymotion: dailymotion.com/video/x5eh9mg
Marebucks: marebucks.com/sun/121
>Issue 1 of new Steven Universe ongoing comic

>New game "Save the Light" coming soon to consoles
>Upcoming art book 'Art and Origins' available for pre-order
>Upcoming graphic novel 'Anti-Gravity' available for pre-order

>Episode downloads
1080p: mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt: sug.rocks/dl.html
Comics, soundtracks, older 720p/1080p episodes: mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
Streaming: marebucks.com/sun/
>Official airing schedule in EST (click to the right of the logo)

[LEAKS] (make sure to use spoiler tags)
>2 minute previews and screenshots from CN server
>Leakbot and other cool /sug/ stuff


>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads

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Jasper worst gem

best gem

There's a new comic coming out next week, right?

Gems should watch movies


I really like that 3 tongued corrupted gem

Has Pearl been shown sleeping after Chille Tid?

Back to the oven, pearlboy.

Better to burn in the oven than staying in the barn


Lapis was pretty good in the recent ep though, so she might move up.

This thred is ded

There's nothing to talk about.

Only if you believe it to be that way.


Why are people complaining about the Inconsistency of sizes so often now if this happens since season 1? Also that Steven should use a chair to use the kitchen counter is ok if his canon size is the one of Gem Glow.

*makes thongophone noises with tongue*

Jasper is best best gem

Tumblr needs something to bitch about now that they hate the show.

>Why are people complaining about the Inconsistency of sizes so often now if this happens since season 1?

>Proper use of height proportions hasn't dwindled! It was always shit!

Woah, you sure calmed down my nerves.

Ok, /sug/, I need your advice. I'm going to run a tabletop rpg campaign where the setting is a crossover of Tiberium Wars and Steven Universe (Homeworld replaces the Scrin). How effective are various human weapons against the gems? I'm assuming kinetic, HE, particle beams and sonic are reasonably effective, what about lasers, flamethrowers and EMP?

We calculated it takes 5-6 shots of .50 BMG direct hits to crack a gem , same amount of cracking as amethyst fall that is.

I don't like lapidot in show, but man is the fanart cute. It makes me believe that it could work.

Don't know about that
Don't know about that
Don't know about that
Don't know about that

Also for the three you suggested
Don't know
Don't know
and Don't know.

You can't accurately judge a gem's durability as it's not consistent.

Ignore this edgelord though, he probably believes he can kill a gem.

Gems are heat resistant, so I doubt flamethrowers are any good.

No we just estimated how much force amethyst took on her fall. And number was same amount of force if 5+ 50 cal meaning they quite resilient

Lapidirtfags should kill themselves

>It makes me believe that it could work.
Sadly the fall to reality hits hard.

>implying I could shoot good
>implying I can shoot a fist size object consecutively in quick succession
>implying it would kill them.

Too bad that's not consistent considering Amethyst has taken way more force and not been poofed.
Ex: Amethyst and Jasper's first fight

Lapis has also not been consistent either.
>Gets poofed by a punch and cracked by getting stepped on


You cannot accurately measure a gem's durability edgelord, you try to argue with me and you only make it worse for yourself.

See this guy gets it.

In any case, I would've liked to have seen at least some of their growing friendship before Beta. If you'e going to lump them in a barn at least try to do something with it.

meaning this recent trend is not at all original. They're just drumming up complaints that have been around since the beginning. These people probably binged through the first few episodes and are only now seeing the flaws of the show.

I hope this tides over and people who still get angry just drop the show and never come back.

We did that when it aired. It's just a fictional statistic for anons dungeon and dragon thing...

Guess I should have specified, I'm asking less about destroying/shattering the gem itself and more about poofing the projection body.

OHHHH okay. I have no idea, you can assume their hard light is humanoid or equivalent to their gem.

I want Lapis to take advantage of Peridot more often, to the point that it's manipulative/unhealthy. I'm not too fond of the idea that Peridot can actually heal Lapis rather than temporarily placate her inner turmoil.

Lapis wants to hug and cuddle with Steven.

Well that's great and all, but you compare that to what Amethyst suffered later in that season and beyond you can tell that's not her maximum tolerance.

Sorry but when i say a durability it also applied to their poofing status as well.
Lapis was the only one to be poofed by a punch to her gem but again, durability isn't accurate no matter if it's for poofing the gem as a whole or shattering their weak spot.

The art was always sloppy but you can't deny it has been gradually getting worse.

I can see Lapis manipulating Peridot.
But would she do the same to Steven?
Seems to cruel even for her.

That would've been a really interesting route to take. Just for an episode even. It could've fleshed out and validated their relationship. But this is SU, who needs compelling storylines amirite?

> I'm not too fond of the idea that Peridot can actually heal Lapis rather than temporarily placate her inner turmoil.
Judging by the last episode, this seems to be the case.

How much tolerance a dragon have? Same as gem.

Not anymore lad, not anymore.

What raifu would pearl like?

>We literally have to wait till Sunday to be banned again because the one mod who wants to ban us hasn't returned yet.

I'd much rather come back when everything isn't a shitposting hell.

How about you just leave the thread early and pretend it's already been /trash/ed? Nobody will miss you.

Are all of you guys being retarded on purpose or do you really not understand how it works, now that it's been done THREE TIMES already?
I guess most of your weren't here for the first one, but last time wasn't even 3 months ago

Our grace period is up, it's been a week.

Unless the time needed for us to be banned is a requirement you better actually explain yourselves instead of acting like everyone is an idiot.

A fucking mod will post when the general is banned, shut the fuck up until then

But no one wants to be here anymore.
Which is why i'm double checking if we're waiting on the one mod who is gonna do shit about it again.

Who P.S: Only did it twice now counting after Gem Harvest.

Another shot of them, Connie is definitely the late one of this wave.

Alright, here's a quick guide for how it works

If there are no new episodes announced in the period of 2 weeks (14 days) after the last airing, general threads are banned from Sup Forums until the day of the next new airing
This has been true for all three times before. if by Friday 24 there will be no new episode announcement/airing, then the general will be booted off Sup Forums while discussion of the show will be allowed only in non-general threads on the board.
This is pretty easy to follow, don't know how people get it wrong

can you buy them now?

>But no one wants to be here anymore.
Then leave? Why are you so desperate to be told to leave?

Anybody up for some writefaggotry? Going into work late, and I always get my best ideas in the morning

>2 weeks
Now here i thought it was 1 considering we always had the 1 week grace period, where did that little change for 2 weeks come in?

>The general for the show is banned
>But the discussion threads which act like not generals are allowed
Still gets me chuckling everytime.

Sweet. My preorders are due to ship at the end of March, i ordered everyone except Connie because who the fuck wants Connie

Something lewd with Jasper and Sapphire?

Spanking, perhaps?

>that little change
again, if you were not here to see the last 3 times this happened, you shouldn't talk out of your ass as if you know shit

>Blue will do
Lol, sure. Got something else too.

It's always has been 1 week after the last episode, except the last hiatus because the mod forgot or didn't gave a fuck.
And don't talk like it's something written in stone (or written at all), /sug/ is allowed on Sup Forums when the mods want.

Peridot playing with Steven and Lapis getting jealous

I mean, it is just a tad bit arbitrary, I can hardly blame someone for not remembering if they're not in the threads when they go

The only time i've seen us NOT get banned after the "1 week" grace period is after Gem Harvest.

You can go back to the archives to look at the date of the post compared to the last airing date of that period, it's always been 14 days
I can, especially those that are talking out of their ass about it

I'm glad to see other anons thirsting for /trash/, you're not the only one.

It's just Sup Forumssug/ seems more passive about going back nowadays and i'm curious if we're being blue balled by the mod again.

They've been spotted in comic book shops in California, Idaho, and Oregon, so if you live on/near the West Coast/Northwestern United States, it'd be worth a try to see if you can find them. If any of y'all are interested, the three stores that seem to have them so far are JVK Diecast in Burbank, CA, Lookout Toys in Nampa, ID, and Radar Toys in Springfield, OR.

It's still early in the morning for most of the U.S., so no idea if more stores across the country will be getting their shipments today.

Next wave guessing :
Onion (he's in merch for some reason)
Who else?

This was made on October 15, after Too Far.

Guess when Too Far was released

So no new episode this month?


Ruby and Sapphire, maybe? The lack of merch for them is surprising t b h

Not Jasper

I'd rather Sapphire not get anymore terrible merchandise.

All the gems needed was just a plushie line and everyone would have been fine, not cheaply made car keys.

>Rose Quartz shapeshifted a male reproductive system and mated with a lion

Now check the archive:

Last hiatus: 10 days
Previous: 7 days
Before that: 1 day

The day of ban always has been: Whenever the mods want.

Do they do variants? I'd buy a purple puma pop

It's almost like the mod doesn't actually have concrete rules and just makes stuff up on the fly, refusing to make a sticky to explain things because that would mean they'd have to actually abide by something.

Peridot torturing a gem. Or just gem torture in general.

Fuck Steven Poopyverse there's a new Samurai Jack airing tonight
get HYPE

This. I mean, it's their job and they get paid for it, right?

pretty there's no money for mods

Fuck yeah


EMP isn't likely.

Sonic probably won't work either. Just stick with good old fashioned flechet guns.

...We still haven't been banished to the trash yet?

Lazers would do jack as they are pretty heat resistant.

No money but they've been really blatant about it really. It seems like the man upstairs doesn't care about Sup Forums at all though, mods have tried similar things on other boards and have gotten kicked pretty quickly. Like that "You can't post lolicon here but I also consider characters like Misato and Revy to be lolicon" mod from Sup Forums that got the boot after a few weeks.

You'd be better off with a good set of armor and a sword seeing as most gems don't like being impaled.

Send screenshot for me to remake in this style and Ill probably do it if I feel like it.

See that's why Army personal rarely go for headshots. No one can do shot with three holes in their chest. Once a gem is poofed you might as well keep them imprisoned in a block of glass or something. It's easy after that.


Whatever dude, just pick a relatively tanky monster and tweak it a little for different gems.

This please.

Would be better without Peridot

Ill do this since it has no memes in it

White Diamond killing the human zoo.