>Batman Arkham series (best comic book' games so far), Injustice, MK vs DC Universe
>Best Animated shows (dcau) and movies (DCU-AOM)
>Best TV Shows (CW, and so on)
>Better Comics, responds to fans expactations

>Shitty comics (with sjw crap), games (where are the games like Marvel Ultimate Alliance?), animated movies and shows
>Movies with shitty jokes, but get critical acclaim

back in the day I would say otherwise


Why are you counting DCAU for DC but not counting Ultimate Alliance when Ultimate Alliance came out more recently?

>Batman Arkham series (best comic book games so far)

>Batman's Sunsoft games
>Asterix and Obelix games
>TMNT Turtles in Time
>Ultimate Spider-Man

Fuck off. Please.


the saddest thing is there might be some people out there who actually believe this

I'm still a Marvelfag, even if they're not as good now. I grew up with them. DC only know how to wank off one character.

Eat shit m8.


are you serious? they're unplayable today

and ultimate spider-man wasn't any better than SM2 the game for consoles or even 3. Only good thing about it, is venom as playable character.

More like

>I prefer this company
>I prefer this character
>I prefer this artist
>I prefer this writer

>Sunsoft Batman
>Unplayable compared to Arkham Knight, Injustice, and DC vs MK

This is your last (You), spend it wisely.

>wah wah wah SJWs
You people are like a broken record, I swear.

imo, shattered dimensions is the best spidey game so far.

press Y to win: the game
kek, play a real fighting game kiddo

just because a game doesnt have a auto counter button doesnt mean its unplayable

The line on artist and writer is muddy in comics. Especially at Marvel and DC where writer can range from "I did everything but the final art" to "I gave a vague suggestion," artist ranges from "I did everything" to "I did inks for this panel," and an editor can be as much as the ghost creator or as little as the spellchecker.

And don't get me started on shit like 90's Superman and Spidey, where a committee wrote the stories and individuals handled dialogue or execution.

Feel free to swap those two around then as you please.

I just think company fandom is the plebbiest shit you can engage in. Character fandom is pretty pleb still, but it's something most of Sup Forums is guilty of from time to time.

Caring about artists and writers means caring about the craft of comics itself and not just logos and branding.

more like
>Liking DC
>Liking Sony
>Liking Fox
>Liking based Marvel

>it's another company wars thread

Shattered Dimensions > Ultimate > Neversoft Spider-Man > Edge of Time > Lethal Foes (JP SNES game) > Spider-Man 2 (swinging's the only good thing and Ultimate did it better) > TASM 1 and 2 > Web of Shadows > Moviegame 1 > Garbage >The rest

The handheld games aren't included because that shit takes forever to sort out.

>not just enjoying things like the adult your license says you are

You're dead wrong on the movies front. The live-action has been Uwe Boll tier missing-the-fucking-point. The animated ones are either OK or complete shit.

But, as someone who's been focused on Marvel for 15 years, I gotta say that the comics output at DC is much, much better. The mainstay big name books are more consistently entertaining, and their diversity push books a: are actually genuinely good reads, and b: don't keep getting cancelled every 3 months.

Over the past 4 years, every book that wasn't ALL-AGES trash, Avengers, Ms. Marvel or Spider-Man has been cancelled at Marvel. And all the good has been thrown out with the bad. I realized this week that my pull list for Marvel has dwindled down to one book, while my DC list has grown from dead-nothing, to 4 in the last year. It wasn't even an active decision, it's just turning out like this.

>just because a game doesnt have a auto counter button

Ultimate Spider-man had a pretty similar mechanic to the auto counter thing

>The live-action has been Uwe Boll tier missing-the-fucking-point.

I agree, I don't know why they turned Avengers into a comedy, Dr. Strange into a comedy, Ant-man into a comedy, eve GotG wasn't that comedic in the comic books.

That's why Captain America, Iron Man and the other Avengers will never be as popular as Superman and Batman, the movies miss the point of the characters by turning everybody into deadpool


Nolan Trilogy>Foxverse>MCU>DCEU

>Games - sure
>Comics - dc is/was always better nothing new ( X-men came close)
>Tv - Flash season 1, arrow 1-2 , Gotham, Lucifer, Izombie (CW shows are shit)
> Animated show - goes without saying
> Movies - i like both MoS and BvS but its clear that WB doesnt know what they are doing

>Games - Spider-man Shattered diamentions and wolverine origin games were good
>Comics - onle x-men and some writers stories
>TV - Daredevil season 1 and maybe luke cage others shittier than CW garbage
>Animated shows - X-men and Spider-man 1990's were good
>Movies Iron man 1 and winter soldier only good ones others consiquence free copy paste of Iron man with shit fight scenes and quips

>by turning everybody into deadpool
>le quip meme

>copy paste of Iron man
Please explain to me how GotG, Ant-Man, or Dr Strange are copy pastes of Iron Man

>MK vs DC Universe

you could counter but you still needed to do an input for the attacks themselves while arkham just autottacks everyone

>MK vs DC Universe
>a game so bad they had to reboot MK because of it

The Arkham series died with City, they just got shittier and shittier.

It was Armageddon the one who made NRS reboot MK, by then Mortal Kombat lore was in ruins and nothing made sense

Wait do people give a shit about Mortal Kombat's lore?

I mean, it ain't exactly the greatest thing but it's something I guess

>est TV Shows (CW, and so on)
The Flash has been down the drain since the end of Season 2, arrow has been shit for years now and that Damage control rip off show was the unfuniest thing ive seen since How i met your mother
only Gotham is good because surprise surprise, people are only interested in Batman


The worst from Netflix is better than the best from CW. Legion, also a Marvel property, is better than both. DC might have better comics, animation, and video games, but they haven't had good live action anything since Nolan.

iZombie is better than any Marvel TV show though. Vertigo is DC.

Sounds like you need to get gud, faggot.

Can you imagine being such an autistic retard that you can't into tone and think that anything that has a few comedic moments is a comedy.

The Avengers movies are nothing like the Avengers comic books, the plots are paper thin in the movies, not even attempts at political or social commentary, nothing.

All I can take from those movies is comedy, one liners and fight scenes

There is more to it than just pressing buttons, there are enemies that required specific ways to take them down.

And there is way more to the game than just fighting, there is stealth, puzzles and other stuff while Ultimate Spider-man is basically just fighting and moving around.

Also the game mechanics are really dated and too simple for a spider-man game, your move set its kind of lame to be honest, specially the spider-webs

I wish it were more open but it was overall really fun. It was also my first introduction to 2099 too.

His levels were the worst though

>one liners
I specially hated the dialogue in Civil War, most of the interactions seemed to be characters trying to say something that a kid would think is a cool line.

''Tony, you can't do this for the sake of the world!''

''Sorry Cap, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do''

''Congratulations, Captain America, you just started Captain America 3: Civil War

Either that or just a movie speech, nothing felt natural, it felt too much like a dumb Hollywood movie.

Specially after Logan, watching Avengers is like watching the Power Rangers

I actually like the 90s marvel animation shows better. Other than that, current day Marvel is a fucking joke.

>imo, shattered dimensions is the best spidey game so far.

And even that game was kind of broken, I love noir spider-man but the stealth mechanics felt like a Play Station 1 game with a coat of better graphics.

Its a good game but it felt poorly made, I think that characters didn't move their lips during cut scenes or some shit too.

Which one was the one that was just regular Spider-man and Spider-man 2099? I think that one was better in the sense that it didn't felt like a dated video game, it felt more like the Arkhan games for Spider-man


>MK vs DC Universe
Most people want to forget that game happened

At least Injustice is balanced, can you say the same for your game?

>All I can take from those movies is comedy, one liners, and fight scenes

And that's because your autism prevents you from understanding emotional content or tone.

If you're saying that a MK derivative game has better gameplay than MvC2 then I have no words. Your company loyalty has blinded you beyond saving.

No I'm saying that Injustice is a better balanced fighting game then MvC2

no my game is fun and still remembered fondly
i dont think anybody remembered after it released

Nearly every fighting game's more balanced than MvC2 though.

>Animated shows - X-men and Spider-man 1990's were good

You poor bastard. You haven't seen EMH and Spectacular Spider-Man. Fix that as soon as you can.

>marvel comics are sjw whit baaaaaww
Who gives a shit? Comics are for worthless little children.

>Batman Arkham series (best comic book' games so far), Injustice, MK vs DC Universe
I don't care about this Marvel vs DC bickery, but Rocksteady poisoned the cape AND western action game well with that Mash X to Slide and Batman garbage. Each and every single one of you braindead retards who supported it should go fuck yourselves. And while Netherrealm fighting games are really bad, at least they didn't ruin anything and gave birth to Injustice's wild ride.

While I won't disagree that the combat is fun as hell, it's not particularly challenging. It's designed to be effortless while seeming complex. Yes, certain enemies need certain things, and you can take it to the next level if you want. But it's pretty easy if your only goal is beating the game.

I hate Bat-wank as much as everyone else, but DC at least tries to fix things, while Marvel has become sloppy in that regard, wanking themselves way too much. Marvel's known as the comic company that gives their characters heart and feeling, but reading a lot of their stuff now and wtinessing how they've changed their characters so that the original heart and feeling is nonexistent (e.g. Carol Danvers) is not only against that code, not only makes the actual fans butthurt, but puts a lack of faith in a character that deserves it.

Why make Spider-Man a rich, Stark-clone when his whole appeal is he's just this guy with responsibilities in life? Because they want me to focus on all there other forced characters like Silk or Miles Morales?

People read Spider-Man because they want Peter Parker to struggle as Spider-Man, and if you hire someone who can't do that, the people once loyal to you are rejecting your forcing, yet you refuse to change, what I am supposed to gather from that?

I think the problem with Marvel is almost the exact same as DC's cinematic universe: the know these characters exist, but they want them THEIR way all because they are ALLOWED TO. It's not about delivering to masses who want the product for what it is, but rather how to get people in as soon as possible, changing characters because you have that power, and then getting away with it. The only difference is Marvel denies it, while the DCEU is at least doing damage control.

That makes the DCEU more respectable than Marvel comics in terms of acknowledging the audiences' response...the DCEU for goodness sake!

In the end, I believe DC to be the more respectable company...at the moment.

They deliver the product people want, they listen and acknowledge they need to improve, and the writers seem to more interested in telling good stories rather than forcing major change.

I think, deep down, that even Marvelfags know that their comics are not as good as they should be.

>Batman's Sunsoft games

OK, they are good but better than Bamham?.

Only because Disney is not making it and Marvel realized that letting Disney Game people handle their games was just going to bring them shit.

>He said while posting le meme Deathstroke ripoff

Not even Priest could make that shit character good, but his Deathstroke run is superb.

Marvelfag here. You're absolutely right and I hate what they're doing, but that doesn't mean the stories I grew up with are shit, nor are the characters. I have a lot more memorable Marvel stories than DC.

I personally like what they did to Carol, since before she was just a background blonde chick in the Avengers.

Their comics have gone to shit, and DC is better right now, but I'll still like Marvel more.

Big proud Bamham fan here.

>poisoned the cape AND western action game well with that Mash X to Slide and Batman garbage. Each and every single one of you braindead retards who supported it should go fuck yourselves

Bamham didn't ruined a shit, the only games i know that copy Bamham combat are WB games (Mordor, Mad Max) and Sleeping Dogs. It's not Rocksteady's fault that japanese studios stopped making action games.