Do you agree that there should be a fat Disney princess...

Do you agree that there should be a fat Disney princess? What if it was actually well done and added depth to the character?

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If it's a well written character then sure, whatever.

If they don't only do it because of pandering, I'd be A-OK with one. Disney is usually good at giving princess protagonists good character development (if they are the main point of the film), so hopefully they wouldn't fuck it up.

As long as it's well-done, I don't think I'd mind.

Whether or not its done well, it will add depth to the character.

I don't think it would fly as it would promote what is typically perceived as an unhealthy character trait- imagine a princess that smoked or liked wine a little too much.

Though I think we can use a controversially thicc/chubby protag.

Muh dick would appreciate one, but I don't think there "should" be one unless they want to do it.

Memes aside, obesity shouldn't be portrayed positively.

No, it would be pandering as fuck, and as we've seen through time is that it will never be enough for people.

Close enough

Yes, my dick demands it.

im not sure i understand your first sentiment


we shouldnt promot fatness. its unhealthy. we shouldnt ridicule fat people, but dont encourage it

This is a heavy subject. People are protective over the young girls demographic. I don't think disney would do well to have it be a plot point, positive or negative. They could just have a fat princess with no comment on it.

Would it be based on a fairy tale or an original story?

Being fat isn't a positive thing, it's objectively bad for your health, and thus it shouldn't be glorified or portrayed as an admirable, positive quality. Like smoking.

It was a joke based on the fact that extra weight on a character physically makes them deeper.

Muh dick appreciates your gif

I don't see the point of having a full landwhale princess. But a chubby princess would be fine and possible. I'd rather have more fit princesses though. Moana was a good start since she clearly had muscles but I want more.

Because of feminism. And body positivity.

Definitely not for different reasons.

Moana is already pretty heavy. You're asking for an obese princess, in which case, I don't know why you want a major studio to encourage an unhealthy lifestyle.

More like adds width to the character, amiright?

why would a princess be fat?

If the point of the film isn't fat acceptence or some other tumblr bs and she's just designed chubby I'd be down with that.

Seems like a pretty plausible condition for someone in a position of aristocracy.

Easier access to calories, less need to burn them.

also because it's my fetish

Nobody likes fatsos

I'm happy for realistic proportions, think something like Nani from Lilo and Stitch, and even chubby is fine... There are lots of male characters who are chubby and nobody cares. But I doubt we will get an obese one, just because of the controversy about whether that's preventable or should be accepted, etc.

>imagine a princess that liked wine a little too much

This would be great. I really loved fever delirious Elsa in the Frozen short. We still get drunk men in cartoons fairly frequently, I'd really love to see more females get sloshed once in a while.

If it added to her character, gave her depth, then yes. Otherwise, no.

A character should start off as a blank slate. The most average looking nothing in existence. You then add things that make that character relevant to the story. You make them adventurous, you make them funny, you make them muscular or weak, all based on what their role in the story is going to be, and who they are in this world. It's the same answer I give when someone asks what sexuality to give a character. Are they going to be involved with anyone in the story, or were involved with someone and this matters to their character? If not, then don't bother addressing it at all. Treat it like superheroes shitting. We know they do it, but we don't have to be told that they do it. It's inconsequential.

You're asking why someone who lives in luxury and has no responsibilities would be fat?

Disney Hansel and Gretel. Make it happen.


I could be wrong, but I believe people back in ye olden times preferred the opprotunity to become heavier set, so if they got sick or something they could just burn off their weight while they're bed ridden instead of withering away and dying immediately.

But that could either be historically inaccurate, or just peasants being retarded, I can't even remember the source I dug that up from.

Imagine if they used music from the opera like the way Sleeping Beauty used music from its ballet.

Some African countries still do that. Because being fat shows you've got money and access to food.

>sexy witch
>bonus points if villain song has yuri undertones
>qt fat princess
>would get shilled by mainstream media for having a girl trying to save her brother


My nigga. I wish cartoon girls got drunk more often.

I would pay cash money for a sequence where a princess accidentally gets wasted on spiked punch and has a crazy song number.

Yes please

Imagine the candy house in lush oldschool Disney style

I just want it for fap material 2bqh

Source on pic?

Broadly built- sure. But gluttony should by no means be glorified.

Has disney even done a fat male protagonist yet? Only sidekicks and antagonists far as I can recall.

Why hasent Disney done a kingdom hearts movie yet is the bigger question.

>But gluttony should by no means be glorified.

no test

This is a terrible idea. Don't do it.

I don't give a fuck if you like food more than sex and looking in the mirror. That's cool, you're not a narcissist - until you want fat people on TV so you don't have to pay the price of stuffing your face which is everybody thinking you look like shit.

Yes you have to pick between food and vanity. Yes cartoons and comics are forms of art, and there is nothing artistic about having a fat fucking ass.

Depends whether or not you consider him a sidekick.

samefag. Go back to Sup Forums.

Not samefag, but the user before me is right.

Eat a carrot if you want attention.

You don't?
He had a big role, but it's obvious mowgli was the protagonist.

How come snow white isn't sleeping Beauty

Don't you know that acknowledging the existence of anything but straight, white, healthy people is pandering?

Black character? Pandering.
Anorexic character? Pandering.
Gay character? Pandering.
Tranny character? Pandering.
Disabled character? Pandering.

Fat character? Most positively pandering.

Unless it's played for laughs of course. lol its a fat character. laugh at the fatty fat fat

And he's an animal anyway
His body shape and level of gluttony were perfectly reasonable for a bear

What about these two? I wouldn't call either of them skinny.

Why do you Sup Forumstards always spaz out and shit up every other board over your psychotic moralizing

Nobody cares but you.

The Fantastic Adventures of Unico.

Wow it's all so clear now thank you for this enlightening perspective

Women are terrible at being fat, so no.

The only people that deserve to live are straight white Christian males like based Donald.

>it's Sup Forums because they disagree with me

You care, clearly. You care so much about people enabling your shitty behavior that you have to argue with everyone who isn't a saccharine, spineless ass kisser.

She's a child and he's a proclaimed abomination
There's a big line between skinny and fat called ''normal human body'' by the way

This is why real people get called Sup Forums for having real non-ironic retard opinions.

i can do this all day, tbqhf.

>walks like a Sup Forumstard
>talks like a Sup Forumstard

It's a Sup Forumstard.

Well Elastigirl was technically a protag.

>replying to a blatant false-flag

>I lost 20 lbs just from winning internet arguments

you're gonna pretend he's not a secondary character either?

Wouldn't have to do this all day if you spent 3 seconds of thought before posting

also I'm pretty sure he's not fat

Argue your way out of this one.

Carl is the main character of that movie, not the kid.

Regardless, there are a lot of well written Disney fat asses. I see no reason why one couldn't be a main character.

How is the embodiment of one single human emotion "well written" though.

I liked Inside Out but come on.


wouldnt be the first time tbqh

No, because being fat is unhealthy.
If anything they should do an average princess.
Princess Average of the Average Kingdom. Where everyone is at a standard level of satisfaction at all times.

I second this

Disney has that market cornered.

Because general story writing doesn't allow for it

being fat is the kind of feature that's left to side and background characters that can stand to be one-tone caricatures

Out of what you've posted so far- the only actual fat characters were sadness and russell

Lets look at those characters; one is a stereotype of neglected-child-who-eats-his-feelings-away and the other is the literal embodiment of sloth and giving up

And russell's still got the benefit of being a child, which puts him on a different branch

Fat kids can still grow up to become normal people

>Fat kids can still grow up to become normal people
Eh, since he's actually out there doing scout shit and running around, it looks like Russel may actually have a fat-assed metabolism.

Didn't mean him specifically, just that a fat kid and a fat adult character don't carry the same amount of weight lol stereotype-wise

Such as a fat kid can still reasonably be shown running around and being energetic, and you wouldn't bother to question it (too much)

Giving a grown-up character too much skin to carry around just limits what you can do with that character -which isn't bad by definition- but it's definitely something you'd rather leave for someone other than the protagonist

What if she was just naturally built big? There are girls like that.

As long as she has an entertaining personality I'm fine with it.
Also, when you say "fat" I assume you mean someone who is medically classified as overweight rather than obese or morbidly obese.

It would be rather difficult for someone to go on fun princess-y adventures when they're physically crippled by their eating habits.

Royalty had plenty of responsibilities, and the women did not just lounge around looking pretty. Read a book?

lol dumb Sup Forumstard

Many queens were portly, not sure about princesses though. Wouldn't think it'd be completely surprising. Especially since Princesses had less duties than Queens.

Maui was kinda fat. But it was like that weird muscle fat.

He's strongman fat
But then again his whole body is pretty abstract