Other urls found in this thread:


Not for long, foolish samurai.

not yet

>Xfinity has everything from AS on demand
>Except Jack

Fuck you Comcast.

Do i am the only one expecting to see a boob or at least a naked ass in this show ?



No. I expect some naked Jack and at least a full view of his ass instead of a side shot.

will it be streamed?

>PAGE 10

I don't think anyone's used pages since 2008.

eurofag here, any way i can watch this without waiting for download?

So your saying we have to go back to the past?!

From what I've understood, nobody's planning to set up a stream. But if you're an eurofag, isn't it gonna be a little late for you when it airs?
I'm just gonna sleep through the night and look up a download in the morning.

I still use them alongside with the catalog. Sometimes there are interesting discussions in threads that wouldn't grab my attention in the catalog.

i mean i could just do that but i really don't want to get spoiled

>nostalgia pandering: the series
Let's have 8 threads running at once.
The catalogue exists for a reason kids
*fades into the night


If Jack ends up killing Ashi's sisters, how will Ashi ever forgive Jack? Hypothetically speaking, and if it really is Ashi who is the last survivor of her sisters.

and who the actual fuck are you?

>wahhh why are lots of people making threads about this universally beloved cartoon series that's finally getting closure with a fifth season after a thirteen year hiatus?

You're supposed to see lots of similar threads when something important happens with a show. Were you also surprised when there were a million breaking bad threads on Sup Forums when the series finale aired?

Stupid fucking namefag

Why can't we just be happy we're finally getting an ending to this?

Don't come on Sup Forums right away in the morning then. If everything happens like before, there will be tons of spoilers on the first page of this board. Look up the episode before you check out Sup Forums, it's usually pretty simple to find TV show episodes on various sites.

I know a guy named Spazz who streams it. Just search up "Spazz Ustream" when the episode is about to air.

And just who in the jolly sh*t do you think you are, you horse's ass?

A lot of people are happy we are finally getting a resolution to the story. There will always be a small bundle of faggots upset how happy a fandom can archive and will try to destroy it.

How do you watch it live if you're not an Amerifat?

you don't

Namefag for specific topics or not at all faggot

It will go the generic route and have Ashi either forget about it or "She was evil anyway"
Both horrible

We've already seen some cleavage in the first episode, just not full-frontal titties showing the areolas and all.

Cleavage is nothing new.

Lurk more. I said above.

>You will never be an Amerifat and watch Samurai Jack live on your 50 inch HD TV.

Why even live anons ?

>50 inch
Way to aim low.

Live for the rest of the 9 episodes. Then you can go die [spoiler[ like Jack will. [/spoier]

Doesnt he stream only SU tough?

No, he streamed the Season 5 premiere when it aired.

You mean after Adult Swim streamed it ?

On TV.

Is there a region free live stream again?

b/c she actually is Ilana and this is the new season of SBT


Adult Swim is going to stream this again, r-right?

Doesn't seem like it.

Nigger what are you talking about? I just


watched it On Demand

What time?


>Wild West shtick

Did Gennedy fail History in grade school?

one hour sooner than last time?

So, how do people view it on the website this time? Do you F5 the videos for a simulcast or will they have something else set up?

Here's a countdown.


>there was a time during Aku`s rule where the south actually did rise again

Did you fail Aku History 101?

buy cable poor fag

Beaucoup cuckoo countdown, it's not even 7pm EST.

Never mind, Britbong and for whatever reason it's showing the countdown for 11pm over here.

Will there be any streams when it airs tonight? We don't have adult swim in my country.

>asking a poorfag to buy something
Nice logic there meight

hi im eastern european so dont have ur american channels

where can i watch episode 2 LIVE?
if i cant watch it live how many hrs after its shown will it get uploaded online?


Same question here. I hate this bullshit of having to wait so long.

*wild ottoman appears*

Anyone got stream links?


All I get is some Barneyshit.

Where's your pic from?

Becky Prim.

I searched that and found many results. Can't you guys just post a link? It would help a lot.

That Barneyshit is your one ticket to a stream.


Some day you will learn that literally everything good on Sup Forums comes from bronies.

Barneyfags did literally nothing wrong

Let's not derail the thread with cringe pics, shall we?

This to be quite honest with you my family.


>ywn be this passionate about something

>all this butthurt
>not an argument: the posts
Really activated my almonds there kids

>still namefagging

pretty sure he just wants some easy (you)s

That's fine, because I just want to post funny reaction images.

don't tell me what to do kid


Does anyone else think the shadow samurai Jack sees is a disguise taken up by Aku to murder people in Jack's guise?

user do you want me to post the video where they asked the cast about Princess Molestia?
Because I'll do it if you keep that up.

>tfw i know what that is

What was their answer?

Newfag here, is this the one ?


>Swim isn't going to stream it
On one hand, I have CN
On the other hand, that's a bummer for everyone else

No, Samurai Jack will never have any nudity.
This is an american cartoon.
They will show someone's gut's being pulled from their mouth before they show a woman's titty.

Yup, just seeing the thumbnail triggers me.

Reminder that Sup Forums did this. $chan did all this


Is it the one with the SU fags in the chat?

It's true we'll literally rip a man in half a punch his wife's face in as their eight year old watched but refuse to show a tit

Yes. But I don't think /sug/'s gonna raid the stream.

Hearing Genndy so happy makes me happy.

I hope the final series gets enough acclaim for him to get more stuff done. I would love to see more SBT.

If it means using a ponyfag stream, I'm waiting for a download.

Genndy said he wasn't going full Ninja Scrolls. Take that as you will.

how much time is there left?


Yeah but NInja Scrolls had rape and shit in it so "full Ninja Scrolls" is quite a ways to go

>Mimics the motorcycle noise
>Two guys at the same time
That's what I'm talking about

>tfw this will be my first time actually watching adult swim

I'm getting mixed messages from different locations. Where does it state the second episode won't be streaming on the AS stream?