Screencap this thread

>jack defeats Aku in the land that was his by right and that Aku toom over when he was a child
>finds a crown on the ground and puts it on, as a way to remember his parents and his land.
>Without Aku's magic, Jack suddendly ages 50 years
>Old jack looks for the portal that as Guarded by the Guardian
>"I see, so you are fimally ready, Samurai Jack"
>defeats the guardian
>goes back to the past
>Defeats Aku in the past
>Jack is now the saviour of his land, and old Jack gives the crown to his father, who rules the lands omce again
>goes back to aimlessly wanderimg the world
>his tale becomes a legend to be told for generations
>"Son, i'll tell you the story of the greatest warrior to ever live. A powerful Samurai Warrior who saved past, present and future from the evil clutches of Aku
>"what was his name, dad?"
>"they called him Jack"
>Created by Genndy Tartakovsky

Screencap this.

I understand Genndy Tartakovsky is into "clichés", but I don't think the end will be so simple.

>finds crown, puts it on just to match the portal's vision from that earlier episode, then takes it off and gives it to his dad

user that's retarded. Genndy also said it will be the ending you didn't know you wanted, meaning it won't be anything obvious like Jack just defeating Aku and going back to the past.

Ain't gonna happen

What would be an ending we aren't expecting? What was the ending we WERE expecting?

>What was the ending we WERE expecting?

That Jack just beats Aku and goes back to the past. I said that already.

>Not ending in him becoming the king in the future by defeating Aku and thus being immortal to rule for the eternity

include me in the inevitable screencap

>What would be an ending we aren't expecting?

I saw this idea on Sup Forums a few days ago. He makes it back (back to the past, Samurai Jack) and immediately begins to age. He quickly defeats Aku and dies on the spot.

>Aren't expecting
Aku kills Jack
>Are expecting
Jack kills Aku

>What would be an ending we aren't expecting?

Jack and Aku don't end up killing each other.

Now that Jack's immortal while the sword itself was never confirmed of destroying Aku but sealing him instead, they'll now spend the rest of eternity endlessly fighting each other.

There will be periods of time where Aku reigns over the universe by flinging Jack another several thousand years into the future, and they'll be periods of time where Jack's justice brings goodness to the universe by sealing Aku within his sword for several thousand years until he has enough strength to escape.

They become the literal physical manifestation of the constant fight and struggle between good and evil for time & the universe. A never-ending cycle.

I would be okay with this ending.

this's... depressing.

That's pretty cliché, user.

>downer city ending
Thanks but no.

>defeats the guardian
>Defeats Aku in the past
At fucking 70 years of age?
>goes back to aimlessly wanderimg the world
He's...the sole emperor to be of all of Japan, his parents when he vanished were too old to sire another child.
He can't just fuck off.
>his tale becomes a legend to be told for generations
What tale? It never happened from everyone else's perspective. He'd have to write out a whole thing before he leaves, and even then it's entirely left to others to believe any of it's true instead of Aku just zapping a young warrior into an old man.
>They called him Jack
Again, that never happened now. No one other than Jack would know that. Why would he tell his own father and family his name is Jack? A name he got from 3 nameless punks in the street.

Aren't expecting.
>Jack meets a cute boy which he marries
>they got a child who is a queer lesbian
>the child get back to thr past and defeat Aku
This is what Americans like nowadays right? The LGBTQ++ agenda in every show?

The time travel mechanics kind of throw a wrench in this.

There are multiple episodes where Jack has a choice between going back or saving someone, and he always chooses saving someone. But if he went back, he would also save them, as the problems are always Aku-induced. So why bother? Why not just go back?

There are roughly two possibilities for the going back:

1) Going back rewrites everything that happened in the future. All of Jack's adventures were for naught, the friends he made were now never born, sad but he still saved the past and the new future will be better.

2) Going back just causes an alternate timeline. The old, Aku-ravaged timeline still exists. This itself can be split into two sub possibilites. One where the Aku timeline includes Aku's death, leaving a dystopia that will slowly reform into something better (or a power vacuum). Two, the Aku timeline still has Aku. Jack saves the Jack timeline but, in the process, dooms the Aku timeline forever.

Why do tards feel the need to shoehorn their sociopolitical gripes into everything?

>Jack defeats Aku
>Someone calls for him using his real name name
>He wakes up after being in a coma caused by an accident that was set up by the mayor, Aku, when Jack discovered his corruption schemes, he wakes up after the mayor is arrested
>It was all in his head

or maybe his fighting style and belief system puts the priority of life any life first which is why he always saves someone which is why he groans when he kills the daughter


Jack goes back to the past where he defeats Aku and imprisons him in the ground again. A thousand or so years after Jack dies Aku re-awakens and lays devastation upon the Earth. Cue timeloop ending,

Jack realises that all the people he's met will essentially be erased from existance if he goes back and kills Aku.

In a stunning moment of character development, Jack realises that despite the fact he can't possibly undo his mistake, he can still salvage what's left of his world now. Jack accepts this, kills Aku, and either remains in the future as an immortal king, or instantly ages and dies the second Aku is slain. Either way, we get the "This is his legacy/legend" ending.

I guarantee this is how it'll end. Screencap

It was all a dream.

Go back to stupid town you dumb doodle

>the all in his head shit
Not sure if you're trolling but if you aren't go back to creepypasta wiki twelvie

Aku said he destroyed all the time portals. Which would include the guardian's.

Jack beating Aku and then going to the past to beat Aku AGAIn would be anticlimactic.

They've already set up time travel having strange effects, and all the imagery of Jack talking to himself. It's all amounting to Jack AND Aku going back to the past.

The Akus merge into some even greater evil, and old Jack must work with his younger self (with or without anime fusion powers) to put a stop to it.

>japanese heritage
>jack wears a crown

What if the ending is Jack telling his story to a bunch of kids, as an old king?

"and they called me... Jack."

he was clearly joking mouth-breather

you and i both know he's gonna die.

>Genndy also said it will be the ending you didn't know you wanted,

As long as he can go back to the past.. not even to defeat Aku. Just to get back.

I'll be seriously sad if he doesnt make it back.

Sort of seems like the obvious way to end it but I'd still be happy with it.

Imagine if they pulled a Zelda timeline with the finale

>timeline where Jack fails to defeat Aku
>timeline where Jack defeats Aku but stays in the future
>timeline where Jack defeats Aku, goes back to the past and defeats him again
>timeline where Jack defeats Aku, goes back to the past but fails to defeat him again
>Aku doesn't get completely destoyed and returns decades later to be fought by Jack's descendants ala Dracula vs Belmonts
>either that or someone else reclaims the long lost sword (since Aku can't destroy it) and defeats Aku himself/herself

but not in the PAST
so jack probably gets back to the past and then finds the guardians portal in the past and uses it

>>either that or someone else reclaims the long lost sword (since Aku can't destroy it) and defeats Aku himself/herself

The baby from the last SJ episode before the revival, now all grown up. Remember, he has the spirit of the samurai now.

People mention the baby but never that little girl Jack saved from the haunted house

That was just some little girl though... the baby has potential.

1. is a boy, which seems like he could grow up to be big and strong like the kid from the Japanese story Jack told him about (Hotaru or something?). Plus he'll be middle aged by now and probably has experience
2. Has seen some shit has a 1 year old and achieved the spirit of the samurai
3. He might feel like he owes Jack for saving his life, so he'll do what he can to repay him back

I'll be surprised if they dont do something with this character. You'd think he'd be important seeing as how it was the last episode of the original show.

>either that or someone else reclaims the long lost sword (since Aku can't destroy it) and defeats Aku himself/herself

It's going to be the last sister standing once Jack kills them off one by one.

Here's my take on what will happen in the end.

Jack will defeat Aku and go back to the past as a villain, ending up as pic related.

Jack had always fought with his sword when he could, and would spare people, but in 50 years, he has taken up to claiming the weapons of his fallen foes.

Im guessing that armur he worse in the first two episodes, and the bike, belonged to some villains he had taken down.

And now he seems to have no problem taking down people, as we saw in the second ep.

I swear to god if he ends up being "son of samurai jack getting the last killed". I will kill a user.

>And now he seems to have no problem taking down people, as we saw in the second ep.

Did you expect him to break down crying and let the sisters slit his throat? Jack will deal with it in his own time but that by no means should be taken to mean he has no problem with taking a human life.


Aku gets permanently turned into Ikra and ends up marrying Samurai Jack.

But what if Aku can't defeat the Guardian and thus was unable to destroy the portal?

And Jack just thinks it has been destroyed?

Jack goes back to the past, but then Aku just sends him back to the future again and the final episode is just a replay of the first episode only with two Jacks

>yfw Samurai Jack only has 8 episodes left
>but then Genndy unveils his new show
Samurai Jacks

The season ends with Jack having an identity crisis when he realizes that fighting Aku isn't really his thing and that his true calling is to serve drinks on a cruise ship

Then Genndy announces his next show: Samurai Brent

He'll make the future worth living in instead of trying to undo it, ruling as a leader loved by all.
It'll be a bit sad that he wont get to see his parents, city, friends or country ever again but he'll find that he's more at home now than he thought, no longer the samurai he began his journey as.
The future experiences a brightness and prosperity that hasn't been seen since times long forgotten with the end showing civilization both native and alien rebuilding and working together.
jacks ancestors smile upon him.

>Samurai Ashi

he flings original jack into the future like normal and future jack immediately jumps out of a new portal, much to the confusion of Aku.
jack jumps towards aku who looks terrified and just before he lands the blow...
Wacha! credits.

Aku gets so bored of being evil he ends up not giving a shit, so he helps Jack get back to the past where they both have to convince old Aku to not be evil, that way future Aku gets to continue living on and whatever.

How's about that for an unexpected ending?

underrated filename

middle aged? he'll be 50.

After Aku witnesses the the paternal bond that Jack shares with Ashi, his heart grows three sizes and he decides to give up being evil

Thus family > all

A happy ending where Aku actually doesn't die.

Good guy Aku, cleansed by the sword?

>only 8 episodes

Oh good, this means I'll get to watch the last two on an actual tv

>jack defeats Aku in an epic final battle
>he realizes that there are no more time portals left, because Aku gloated about destroying them all
>in a moment of desperation and brilliance, he uses the sword to thrust Akus essence into himself instead of sealing him in the ground, giving him Aku's powers
>he teleports himself into the past
>he overshoots and goes way into the far distant past, and also into space
>the power of aku overcomes him and he explodes into massive black tentacles of darkness
>the gods Odin/Ra/Vishnu show up and start tearing him apart
>a small section of samurai jack is cut off and floats to Earth, becoming Aku

Legend of Zelda?

Aku is Jack

Naw, that's not how it would happen.

First, it would be a misty night, and jack would be climbing a huge castle, but not before he defeated its 8 foot six armed mutant guard! Then he would be climbing all battle damaged, with his hair all messed up, and his sword in his teeth! And as jack reaches the top of the castle, Aku would creepily creep out of the castle, but Jack can smell his foul stench

So they turn into the ancients and DotA2 happens, right?

>Jack defeats Aku
>Only realize Jack needs Aku to justify his life
>Jack goes back in time
>Becomes the new Aku to give his life actual meaning

For breakfast I ate a muffin and drank English Breakfast tea.

Screencap this.

There's a big fight, hope it's impressive, Jack kind of BTFOs Aku everytime they meet, so my theory is this
>Jack encounters Aku for a final fight, but Aku, knowing that he can't win sends Jack BACK in time, to the point right after Aku sent Jack FORWARD
>Jack immediately begins to age and the stakes are high again
or something

Wew for some reason didn't read that in the OP Jack is sent back too
I dunno about the ending really, I just want a cool fight and no loose ends

>tfw greg can't hold up to mako

>Jack kind of BTFOs Aku everytime they meet
Actually it's established (in Jack and the Zombies) that Aku would kick the shit out of Jack if Jack doesn't have his sword.

Yeah but when he has it Aku gets wrecked
And they already played the sword loss trope once

>Jack faces Aku
>Just sends him further into the future

Time portals are usually things that exist outside of time itself; destroying them tends to destroy them past, present, and future; only leaving their effects on time because they existed outside of time in the first place as if a hand from outside the universe grabbed you and moved you in response to using a portal that still exists

>You killed my daughters, Samurai.

>LIke totally

the end will tie into a video game...

End of evangelion it'll be then?

nobody kills nobody

>The end ties into a semi interactive multi-media game/comic
>It's another act of Homestuck

And then, they fight!

Those eye brows...

can't see jack falling for the time portal trick over and over.

Instead jack seals aku in the sword and then decides to become the swords guardian since he has purpose and can't allow himself to die he continues to travel the world.

>Jack never finds the sword again
>Jack gets his shit together and accepts the power of his ancestors and gains the ability to hurt Aku without it, but can't finish him off
>both Jack and Aku are stuck in a state where nothing can kill either of them
>the future is free of Aku, but nobody really knows what happened to either of them
>they become mythical figures of sorts, with folktales about how humanity's evil impulses are caused by the lingering influence of Aku and people at bars still spreading rumors of seeing the wandering samurai

Why doesnt Aku just nuke the guardian?

The entire series was just Genndy's kid playing around. Right as Jack is about to land the killing blow

>Okay mom

Then the rest of the episode cuts to real life