2000AD Storytime - Kingmaker

Greetings Earthlets! From Ian Edginton and Leigh Gallagher, it's the ultimate battle between fantasy and sci-fi, fought within the thrill-powered pages of the Galaxy's Greatest Comic, 2000AD! This is... KINGMAKER!

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good shit op, been the best thing in the prog for a few weeks now

Neat! Storywise this is 100% my jam from the first installment


It really is a Day One Winner.


Should we invite /tg/?


Setting up the Sauron expy like this is just so fucking great.

Sure, why not?

>dat sweet-ass sword


Not gonna lie: this was the bit about the premise that completely sold it for me. Edginton described Crixus in the thrillcast as the kind of guy that in any other story would've been killed by the hero ten minutes in. Just a full-on cannon fodder orc turned savior of the universe. But how? Read on...

Hey judge a question, is there any other stories with Emerald isle? Also where do i start if i want to read about the scottish judges.

It's very fashion souls.


There's "When Irish Pies Are Smiling", which was a Judge Joyce solo story in a special IIRC, and the much more recent "Blood of the Emeralds", a Carroll/MacNeil story that set up the Every Empire Falls epic.
As for scottish judges, Cal-Hab Justice in the Megazine is all you need.

Not JA but there's Cal-Hab Justice, a strip about the Judges in Scotland. IMO it's pretty fucking shit but YMMV.

Much later the Young Middenface stuff is sort of a future highland clearances story. Some of that is alright, some less so.



And then... shit got REAL.

Time to meet the bad guys!

yey, best boy.

Now i have to wait 3+years for the trade

i remember really liking cal-hab justice on my read through, what didnt you like outa intrest


i see this dude, and all i can think of is the skank from die antwood

My two cents on it is that it's pretty fun and goofy for the first half, then tries way too hard to be a kind of broody dark Miracleman-esque romp and falls flat on its face.
Judge Buchan is cute as all Hell, tho'.

Here's the other thing I love about this series: a bad guy that's a total loser within his own kind.

Spoilered just in case.


Right one looks like an Eldar starship if I've ever seen one.

I just found it really messy honestly. I liked the first story and thought it had some of the most "real people" Judge characters we've ever gotten, kilts and swords aside, but everything after that was tiresome as fuck. It's not the full parody of Murphyville but I don't think it really knows what it wanted to be.


This also sets up a potential really wide scope for this story if it's wanted.

No solar sails no dice.

Look at that smug bastard.

Sounds about right.

>Old as balls.


thats fair nigga
> it had some of the most "real people" Judge characters we've ever gotten
exact reason i liked it right there.


I liked that neither of the Judges who survive in the first story is hypercompetent but also that it wasn't too bloody and it ends with a negotiation and a bit of clear-headedness. And then it's lol let's turn our MC into a real asshole and hey, remember Sabbat?

>Unhand me! I dislike being molested!
I swear, that line is one "onee-san" away from hentai dialogue.

>My feet hurt
>Everything is alive
>There are too many birds here
>I want to go home

wait, sabbat was in it?

i remember blondie going all psycho towards the end, but no sabbat. You sure you're not thinking of Armitage.


I mean the "psychic necromancer goes insane" finish over the character specifically, yeah.


oh my bad


Fuckin' Elv--I mean Dryads!

R.I.P daft punk


hey ja, could ya post the torrent link if you have it at the end of the story time.


Already here.

No torrent, but I do have a mediafire link, courtesy of a very cool user who rips and uploads most good 2000AD stuff on the win-o-threads:

Crixus' heart, she is broken...

safe, thanks man

Orks have... a hard life.





>Is there a problem? Do you guys need, like, a moment?


i liked the alien general nigga, did he even get a name?

Jeff Jarrett would be SO proud.









Mooom! CAPTCHA ate my pic!








Shit, this is really fun.
Good premise and solid execution.






Well... ain't that something?
So ends Book One of Kingmaker. What further adventures await our unlikely band of heroes? What alien devilry will the extraterrestrial overlords unleash upon them? Will we get a giant mecha vs massive ghost Sauron fight? Only time will tell! Splundig vur Thrigg, Squaxx dek Thargo!

thanks JA, been good stuff

gotta say it does bug me that current 2000ad never lets a story go past 12 or so parts anymore.

It has been a while since we had a big fat 20+ eps epic not starring Dredd, hasn't it?

Good stuff.

im tempted to say the arc with Thorn and Oswin, but i think that was comprised of several short stories anyway

Reposting the Mediafire link for anyone who wants to read this again in the safety of their own, un-alien'd homes:

Glad you liked it!

Oh yeah, on aggregate that's a long-ass story. Maybe the Slaine Brutannia Chronicles series, but that one is also 10-12 episode books with some wait between them.

brutannia doesn't really count, bunch of shorts put together into a whole again.

I think i remember hearing the new Bad Company was going to be a long one. Any clue on when its out.

The new-new one? Dayglo is drawing it right now, so I imagine it's coming out later this year.

aye that'd be the one

Thrill bump!

Good read, thanks for posting Judge.

Bump with a song!