Is plague /ourguy/?

Is plague /ourguy/?

Does he draw porn yet? If not then he fucking needs to. The dude's got talent.

he used to


I'm a fucking furry and watch RWBY!

Bloody hell, that shit is hot.

He wants to get stepped on my thicc wolfgirls and saiyans, of course he's /ourguy/.

He's a degenerate like us, if that's what you mean. I think our sectarian politics are a bit beneath his notice though.

He drew porn for years and was a common drawfag here. Yes the guy is clearly a Sup Forumsmrade.

>Plague will never go back to drawing impregnation porn

He used to show up on Sup Forums regularly and participated in draw threads then he dissappeared. I remeber him mumbling something incoherently about the experince on one of his fusion videos basically saying this place sucks.



Ask Zone to ask him

Probably because of the mod that took over here 2 years ago.
Basically any anthro cheesecake is deleted on site. And the artist is banned. Chochi himself this has happened more than once to him.

Doesn't he still draw here? Thought all of those Winnie pics were his.

do you think all the animators of the internet all know each other, does plague, zone, shadman, etc. all get together like twice a month for tea?

Eddie is /ourguy/


He's the guy that pulls up a chair to the side of the table and tries to get others' attention and just ends up saying random things people ignore.

But there are definitely art circles in the porn community, like Herny, Joe, and Lynx.

I miss those girls :(

Really activated my almonds

They all get together in a secret headquarters shaped like Darth Vader in a swamp.

Pan is banned.

You just know he lurks here.

it's no surprise they're linked, artists usually form communities for three purposes: to keep up with commissioners, to keep up with fads to ride, and shill eachother.