So now that he's consumed Chuck Berry's soul

So now that he's consumed Chuck Berry's soul...

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It will never be enough. You know that, right?

He was feeling weak and was cancelling shows. What could he do? HE HUNGERS!

Tim Curry is next.

Galactus consuming worlds is a biography of Stan Lee consuming celebrity life-forces.

Hopefully that satisfies him for a while. Chuck Berry had a lot of soul.

He's slowly consuming Stephen Hilenburg.

Sup Forums sacrificed Chuck Berry for Stan using meme magic, when will he revive GLTAS for us?


Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?

so have I been confusing chuck berry for chuck barris all this time?

If dubs he takes Your Favorite Writer lifeforce

Stan Lee lives on... sucking out the life force of celebrities to keep on taking credit for comic book creations. Jack Kirby could have stopped him... now its too late. Hollywood is doomed.


Dubs decide who's next

Tim Curry

What other celebrities eat the souls of others to extend their lifespans? Kirk Douglas is about as old as a lich and looks like one, too.

A young Stan Lee consumed Walt Disney.

Michael Jackson and Prince were midnight snacks.

Steve Ditko can't keep ignoring his destiny forever. He's the one prophesied to slay down the devil.

The White Queen will fight him and the winner will rule the galaxy.

It's Stan Lee, patron saint of Marvel comics, took a lot of credit for characters he shouldn't have (Spider-Man, Hulk, etc) but he's been forgiven for that (by fans) and survives to this day as an affable old grandpa figure who cameos in Marvel movies now and then. He has no DC counterpart.

The Sup Forums meme is that he's old as fuck and outlived a ton of his contemporaries in the 60s and 70s, so obviously he must be a lich stealing the souls of recently deceased celebrities to sustain himself.

>He has no DC counterpart.
Bob Kane?

rolling Bendis, Brian Michael Bendis, the writer.

*since he's old as fuck

It most certainly isn't a meme in and of itself that Stan is one geriatric son of a bitch

How do we stop him Sup Forums? We need to reverse our meme magic before he kills again.

Al Ewing.

Spongebob creator.

His life force got sucked up with Spaghetti in 98.

You know what I haven't had in a long time? Dinner at the white house. They always did serve the best food.


Dead, universally shit on, and even before the hate surfaced regular assholes couldn't name him if they tried. Not like Stan

He's already taken most of Frank Miller's life force. He will finish the job soon.

/r/ Stan lee and Betty White lightsaber fighting for the fate of the galaxy


don't say things like that.

Chuck Berry was still alive? Huh.


Alex Hirsch


Jar Jar Abrams

HAHAHAHA You fools, you can't stop me!

I'm taking them all!


I guess his new fox show is gonna be cancelled before its released

Donald Trump ha ha ha ha

The Great Wizard has enough powers to stop him

>all of them.




Those dubs say otherwise

this shit's getting too intense for me, man.


bob barker

>Dub dubs
Do these cancel each other out or make the meme magic twice as strong? Will he finally be slain?


Everyone in this thread

Gardener Fox is the Stan Lee of DC when it comes to contributions

>Created Flash
>Created Hawkman
>Created Sandman
>Created Dr. Fate
>Created The JSA (First Superhero Team EVER in comics)
>Created the Bat-Belt, Batarang, Bat-Copter (the first real Bat-vehicle because the batmobile of the time was just a car)
>Created Dr.Death the second actual Supervillain seen in comics
>Did behind the scenes work on Showcase #4 (essentially Kick-started BOTH the golden and silver ages)
>Created The JLA
>Introduced the Multiverse to DC

Conner and Palmiotti.

Also wrote various crisis comics, paving the way for obnoxious timeline changes and crossover-event comics for decades to come

We can do it my lad.

Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner

Someone Post Dorstannu

Do this count?. Please tell me this dubs count


Looked up Fox earlier this week. Here is a quick video on Gardner Fox.

Hahah ebin meme guise! I remember when Chuck Berry was Sup Forums related too! Haha! Have a le upboat, you earned it my good sir

Looks like you guys just sealed his fate if hes not already.

"No, Strange, YOU are the bargain"

Scott Snyder.

He's been dead for a while.

Have you seen Curry recently? I kinda hope he does just so he can stop suffering.


Paul McCartney.

>tfw the drummer outlived the bassist and both guitarists

Poor fucking guy. All he can do is voice act.

Ringo was the true Beatle.

Zack Snyder
Ben Affleck dies of 'alcohol poisoning'
Gal Gadot

I'm honestly surprised how animated he is while performing. He jogs onto the damn stage like he was still 24.

>Chuck Berry sang "Johnny B. Goode"
>Marty McFly performs it in Back to the Future

logic, user

Sorry, dude. Henry Cavill is the first one to go.

RDJ or Evans desu.

Jokes aside RDJ looked really worn out in that Infinity War trailer.

It's such a shame, he is one of my favourite actors.

It's only a matter of time.

But he wont. He'd just bitch about how consuming souls is such a mainstream trope and how it's ruining the wizard industry. Then he'd "quit" being a wizard for about a month.

Okay, I chuckled.