/doag/ - Dumbing of Age - G.I. Joe Enthusiasts

In yesterday's geriatric drama, Grandpa Clark looked like he's getting ready to beat his red-headed grandchild.

More than likely Ruth will end up punching him though. C'mon. Lets be honest.

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Willis posted some unused strip sketches today as well. Not as drastic of a change as the Ruth intervention strips, but kinda interesting.


>Billy moved to a different dorm
That is the most minor impediment to their "love" that I could possibly imagine.

It's not supposed to be an impediment. Like that chick with the gross hair said, it's conflict of interest.
You can fuck whoever, but you can't fuck someone who lives on your floor as an RA.

That's a rule? An RA can't pursue a romantic relationship?

Not with someone in their wing/jurisdiction, no.
If you're dating/fucking someone 2 floors down it's all good.
But you are the authority on your floor, you're not allowed to sleep with the people on it.

Or at least, that's how it was at my uni.

The actual problem is that apparently Sir Clint has enough clout to break from standard logic in favor of keeping his granddaughter an RA in one specific dorm and push out her girlfriend.

I just realized how they could have just kept Ruth around as an RA, but just swap with the RA from a separate dorm building. Then you wouldn't have to kick Billie out to separate the two.

Not if they're in the same dorm.

Not if it involves people you control.
If billie or ruth move, they can keep fucking each other and nobody would care.
Except that the evil clint will put an end to it.

I don't think that's what it is, I just think Willis didn't realize that's what would happen if an RA started dating someone on their floor.
University can't force a student to switch rooms. It's not against the rules for Billie to diddle Ruth, only vice versa.

>tfw very little strips with mute dyke
>tfw so many strips with loudmouth dyke
Why can't wilkinson do ANYTHING right except getting ass-barfy?

A relationship is mutual, Ruth is forbidden to do it.
What you're saying would make sense of billie was only hitting on ruth.
You are correct about not being able to force a student out. But given the powers involved, if willis was a decent writer, they would expel billie for alcohol consumption in the dorm.

Oh, I know the relationship is forbidden, I was just pointing out that Billie wouldn't be getting punished for it.
Billie didn't TECHNICALLY do anything wrong in terms of the relationship.

And, I dunno man. Nobody cares about consumption in the dorms in my experience.

Oh, sorry I misunderstood.

Where is Patranon with the goods?! REEEEE!

Can someone explain how DoAs moderation works, and what happened to Sageress? 'cause all their comments have disappeared.

He said that he would try to remember, bu maybe he's outside having fun .

what happened is they said something stupid, so presumably willis banned them.

comments go through automatically unless youre a first time poster or willis has marked you as needing approval.

First time an email address posts, willis personally chooses if you're worthy or not and approves/rejects your comment. If it is approved, next comments from that address will be approved automatically.
This privilege can be revoked at any time.

Patreanon is kill. Again.

No surprise. This is, what, our fifth Patreanon?

seriously? what a baby.

thats a pretty standard way to run a comment section

Meanwhile, Willis posted a new model "sheet" for Carla. Looks like she's getting new skates and a new skirt.

It's funny because according to his Tumblr, Willis is on the JoCoCruise right now.
So he's on the job while off the job. That takes a sort of dedication that nobody takes seriously.

The hunger of Cerberus cannot be sated.

That's pretty good compared to some of his model "sheets." Though I'm pretty sure he measured proportions from the skates instead of the feet.

>skirt is longer to hide her obvious massive feminine penis
>bigger boobs

I can agree with this.

Why does Chloe keep hesitating before 'disciplined'. Was the former RA taken out back and shot?
Roz is still a bitch, but I do like that joke in the first one.

I was never here.


Surprise surprise, Willis is never subtle.

oh boy it's starting

Well.... now I wanna know more about Ruth's father.

And there we go. This is Willis cementing Sir Clint as irredeemable in less than twelve seconds.

I guess what we're supposed to get here is that Sir Clint is Ruth's maternal grandfather and always hated his son-in-law/Ruth's father to the point that he lashes out at his granddaughter for reminding him of him. I feel like there are far more subtle ways of expressing this other than a villainous tirade.

I almost expect Billie to get bitchslapped in the next strip.

>I have given you everything. A home. An education. This job.
I feel like Willis has used this line before.

Also, I think Sir Clint's forehead grew three sizes just now.

Also, the password is "wretched".

I know, right?
I think we had the same feelings about Becky's mother when we learned that she attempted/committed suicide. Or it might be something else. But Willis sets up stories that would be interesting to follow, yet never actually follows through with them in the end.

You know, he had a great chance to subvert everyone's expectations and introduce legitimate drama and compelling tension, and he blew it, again. Is he ever going to find an actual original story to tell?

Hey, maybe there's more to grandpa! Maybe Willis will show an inner struggle as he tries to reconcile his hate of his daughter-in-law with the love of his son, and eventually show grandpa making peace with himself.
It's not like grandpa will be a one-dimensional hate sack; Willis MUST have gotten better by now.

It's like fucking whiplash. He gives us no build up to anything. Like, he's all normal one second then he does this the moment he's alone with her?

That escalated quickly.

Oh my god, panel 4 Ruth is coming down with a serious case of Becky-ism.

You say that, but at the rate Ruth leaves her room, the romance will be dead in two days.

Because he's been on auto-pilot since 2011 and he's literally just rehashing the same plot over and over for each book he releases.
It goes,
>Funny jokes at the beginning
>Reference the conflict from the previous book, but have a positive tone about it like things are looking up for the characters involved.
>New minor conflict arises, like Walky and Math class or Mike fucking Ethan.
>Characters from last conflict finally look like their lives are turning around.
>NOPE. Introduce new character, establish that they were the villain of this book in three or four strips, and set up the new main conflict even though it could be easily solved if anyone bothered to use their head.
>More forced conflict
>Awkward cuts to comedy or the minor conflict that was mentioned earlier.
>Willis gets impatient, rushes the conflict's resolution.
>The status quo has not changed at all.
>Rinse and repeat.

>Puts his daughter on a pedestal
>Hates his son-in-law with a passion
>Thinks the faults of his granddaughter falls on her dad's side solely

I think genetics are a bit more complicated then that Clint....

It's gonna get to the point where her eyes reach the top of her forehead and starts to resemble some alien like creature

Clint's a goddamn saint when compared to Ruth. This has the same issue as her appearance in the Mary/Carla conflict; she spent years being a complete fucking monster of a human being. Are we really expected to feel bad for her because her grandpa is a jackass who can't let things go?

I expected shit and I was not let down.
In fact, this is much like Shitmas, like when my dad used to beat me with s sapling covered with human feces while humming feshitive tunes.

Aaah Willis, what a masterpiece.

>panel 4
>you can't hurt me, jack
And surprise surprise, it's another "fuck religious parents" strip.

Hey this is a TOTALLY different scenario than the Amber's dad plot and the Toedad plot. THIS older white conservative controlling almost-assuredly-one-dimensionally-wicked patriarchal figure isn't homophobic (that we know of yet) or physically abusive (though the amount he grabs Ruth is kinda bordering on it) he's just insensitive to mental illness and appears to lack basic empathy due to still being resentful of his beloved daughter going outside of his control and marrying someone he didn't approve of, and then getting killed in a way that was outside his control as well, so he overcompensates by controlling the next available stand-in for his daughter.

Also instead of being her dad he's her grandpa.

>Billie's first instinct is to punch an old man

You know..... I really don't know what to say. Like this is how rational humans act?

To seeing your girlfriend getting manhandled by some guy twice her size in both height and width?

When he's grabbing your terrified-looking mentally ill girlfriend and talking to her in what's probably a low, dark Disney-villain monologue growl? It's a little understandable.

>rational human

>Willis character
>rational human

>Next Strip
>Billie goes on some long winded speech about how Ruth is a good gurl he dun nutin wrong
>Clint: "Shut up bitch."
>Uses his mind control to have Chloe hand her her eviction notice.
>Ruth then grabs his cane and bashes his head with it
>No one gives a shit cause "He's EVIL!"

>Becky's mother when we learned that she attempted/committed suicide.

But didn't he kinda cover that when they broke into her house? With the ghost projection stuff?

>turns out the evil was in the cane all along
>ends with a close up of Ruth smiling down on Billie, saying that she has, "such big plans" for her

>the rest of the arc is Joyce frantically attempting to lead the others in a demon exorcism of Sir Clint's cane, but it's complicated by the fact that all of her friends have instinctively learned to distrust the oldest, whitest man in the room and can't see the cane's evil for what it is

>and Dorothy and Walky miss the whole thing because they're studying


it's about as bad as I imagined

how long until we have a car chase and Joyce knocks out somebody 3 times her size with her first ever punch

It'll be her second-ever punch.

This is how Davis draws a character getting verbally abused by someone they're absolutely terrified of

: (

Naa, looks more like:

: (

She punched Joe a whole bunch around the time of their date.


>this schmuck has bee drawing comics for nearly 20 years

his eyes just weird me out

She's afraid of sounding like ~the bad guy.~ RMs often try to sound like they're all buddy-buddy-on-the-same-level with the RAs, so using words like "disciplined," "reprimanded," and "rebuked" sound like scary ~adult~ words.

>Cliff gave Ruth anything she could have ever wanted after her parents died
>Says she doesn't deserve any of it
>Cliffs the bad guy for being upset she squanders what he gives her

Idk, doesn't he have some reason to be a little upset?

His daughter is a depressed alcoholic whose parents died in a car accident. He deals with this by using his money and influence to get her a job where socializing and ensuring the safety of others is part of her daily routine. This job has no significant prestige attached to it yet Clint is hellbent on her keeping it even after she spent three nights on suicide watch.

He is insane. Chloe is insane. Every adult in this comic is insane.

Man, he didn't even close the door, Chloe can presumably still hear all this shit.

Why did i expect anything else.

Aww, I was hoping to see Cerberus freakout by now.

Someone claiming to be Sageress posted on Sup Forums

Willis doesn't admit it but I'm pretty sure he browses Sup Forums

So he probably saw the post and banned them

>hiding the dick (female)

I want that dong flopping out in the open

>can't let things go

From what he says her father was as shit as she is, her grandpa is in the right

>decide to intervene by punching angry grandpa
>but give him a kittypunch because you're afraid of actually hurting him

I realize it's supposed to be a joke but Billie just comes off as a fucking retard here

Maybe "where's becky" will be replaced with "where's ruth"?

Alcoholism is often considered to be genetic

Bam, Ruth's dad was a drunk

Well that sucks. I doubt it matters though, there's always going to be at least one person who's tired of williss shit.

>Also, there's a possibility his name isn't Lessick. Ruth's dad could be the maple syrup swilling limp-wristed lothario who stole his his baby girl and took her to that godless frozen pinko wasteland to the north to die. Honestly, I did always assume he was American.
Well it looks like that checks out.

>Sir will approach Ruth in private and put his hands on her while telling her to shape up.

Too easy, Willis you fuck.

Kinda interesting he transferred over the father's unfaithfulness to this universe, though. It makes him genuinely detestable. Of course that shouldn't transfer over to his regard for her, but you could see wanting to be a little more strict because of it.

However, Ruth's dad being alcoholic was never brought up, the other driver was drunk. So I guess he was just depressed and too into ladies.

I echo everyone else's disappointment and go to bed

Hey guys, remember when the main character of this comic was a likeable, sweet, moral Christian girl who could potentially develop in any number of interesting ways?
'Cause I'm having trouble.

>Remember when
Whenever we are asked to remember something in DOA it means it happened, at minimum, 6 years ago

I find it kinda weird that Clint recognizes "mental problems" as a thing, but also blames Ruth and her Father for being too weak to manage them. I guess it's a slight distinction, but why not just make him a complete unbeliever in that stuff. Just call her "weak," "lacking morals/responsibility" or something like that, so it seems like a personal failing.

Like Cerb said (I can't believe I'm going here) but for the war Clint was involved in (probably Vietnam) with, he'd definitely have some idea of people he respects dealing with mental issues and how tough it can be. It feels more like he'd dismiss Ruth's depression as being fake since it wasn't caused by real trauma like his squad mates went through.

>Or you coild[sic] look to see if the parental figure does something an asshole would do. Has everyone forgotten about the phone call Ruth got way back when?
First off, we only got her reaction, and the general idea that Sir was disappointed in her. Second, I still think it's more interesting if the parent/guardian is deficient in specific respects/situations.

Take, for example, the idea that he comes down hard on Ruth. Here, instead of instantly grabbing her and calling her the spitting image of the asshole who "killed" his daughter, he could've at least asked how she was. Said how worried he was that he lost her. He does say he sees little of his daughter, but he definitely sees some, there would be concern. But then when Ruth tried to get out of her responsibilities by citing her issues, Clint could've ramped up to a strong reaction, because that specific aspect is where he is deficient.

Then we can still see that for someone dealing with depression and self-hate, Clint is not great at being a guardian, because he reinforces that while putting her out there, which stresses her out and causes her to look for crutches like alcohol and Bullie.

Don't forget
>The entire storyline (about 150 strips) takes place over a period of 4 days.

>I have given you *everything.* A home. An education. *This job.*
>Don't you *ever* throw that away aga[in]

So Clint is nice guy god.

I'm not religious, but Willis' simplistic outlook on this stuff feels incredibly dumb. I get not believing in heaven, hell, souls, sin, etc. But positing that "well even if God gives you eternal life, there's no reason for him to be such a controlling Dad / Nice Guy trope about it" is so fucking stupid (and reductive).

Silly Willis.
Grandpa did nothing wrong.
Well, other than sending her to university, of course. Girls have no agency, so they don't need education. What they need is to get married and start making babies.

>So Clint is nice guy god.
Providing for a child is like, the bare minimum that is expected of a guardian.

I mean he's clearly abusive. You don't excuse that just because he does what he's supposed to do at the same time.

Yeah, Grandpa has abandoned all subtlety in this strip and will soon be fighting Billy and Ruth with his shirt off while he talks about college football.

man I wish Willis had the balls to depict direct physical violence on women if he's going to make strawman villains. Just Grandpa gut punching Billie so hard she collapses on the floor gasping to give Ruth some motivation to stop being letting him steamroll over her life.


As long as someone gets called batshit insane, it'll all be worth it.

I could do with more Metal Gear characters in my webcomics, besides Awkward Zombie which has tons.

>Providing for a child is like, the bare minimum that is expected of a guardian.
So, we agree that she has no agency, and a male authority figure ought to make sure she won't screw herself up again?
Good, good.

Remember hiimdaisy?
Remember when a group that did dubs of the hiimdaisy MGS comics decided to crowdfund money to make an unauthorised continuation?

I'm not excusing anything. I was just pointing out parallels of examining god as a needy figure who does stuff for you *only* to hold it over you and Clint.

No, we're expected to feel bad for Ruth because somebody said mean things to her face.

Perhaps, but we never actually learned WHY she did it. All we saw was Yung Becky rushing into the bedroom to find her with a bottle of pills.

It's no different than buying a doushinji

You don't create a crowdfunding campaign to make a doushinji.

>This is a nonprofit project
>First $1500 goes towards buying a new drawing tablet

you don't make a profit if you keep buying shit for yourself

What a convenient loophole.

I meant it like "it has a long skirt to hide penis because she did not get surgery"
A short skirt and no penis shown would make me sad.

No one knows she's an alcoholic since she and Billie hid all evidence of their boozing. Plus right up until this arc Ruth was shown to enjoy the power and control being a RA provided.

It's more that even being an abusive asshole there is room, even more so than Toedad, to have a complex and well-rounded antagonist in Clint. Aside from the fact his behavior is far more in line with a college SoL series as opposed to Blaine's kidnapping or Ross' kidnapping, in his brief appearance he's shown a lot of potential history and personality that could be explored but we all know it's not going to happen in favor of "Don't worry, he's evil."

Twenty bucks says Clint kidnaps someone at some point.

This is also another case of the Strong Independent Lady shattering like crystal the second she's triggered or in a situation where she doesn't have a witty or violent response.