Itt: well written females

itt: well written females

Other urls found in this thread:

>no neplies
this thread is poetry in action

Sly 2 is best design

Sly 2 best game in series
Best Carmelita...but just one thing, why Sup Forums? This shit goes on Sup Forums

I'd say her writing is 8/10/8

>comic books
>movie(that was scrapped)

It's as Sup Forums as Sonic the Hedgehog

>videogame character
>well written

Movie wasn't scrapped.

>ITT: Op not posting a Sup Forums female

Don't tell me they're going to finish it. Ratchet&Clank was a flop. Trailer looked awful.

Feel like it's only Sup Forums if it's the comics specifically, everything else should be in Sup Forums

>tfw Sly 4's character designer was a furfag and tried to give her huge tits.

>Play Sly 4 thinking nothing of the new developer and just happy to have Sly back
>Get to the belly dancing scene


i think the artist ws a female herself.

anyway, thi scene as pointless and only for fanservice.

Slycould use a reboot, i dont like the direction 4th game went.

The rest of the devs toned it the fuck down. You should see the designer's sketches, she wanted C's tits to be head sized.


Compared to what the artist wanted, not at all. Honestly, I at least appreciate that the artist doesn't hide that she wanted a sexy design rather than the "hide-behind-the-veil-of-decency" approach the rest of the team took.

Sounds like a great gal.

A gal who understands.

I don't care what any of you fags say, this is the superior design.

Aside from her adherence to generic-anthro-muzzle, she has a great sense for design and motion.

It's weird that 4's 2D Carmelita was A-OK to have honkers, but the devs were reluctant to keep that consistent with the 3D model.

>Sly 5 never ever
It still hurts

It's okay user, it had a good run.

yeah, these three games were great.

>it had a good run.

Yeah, we should be gratefull that sly 4 actually made it to the stores, and that it wasnt a letdown but actually fun.


>Ends on cliff-hanger
It isn't okay. This has to be the worst way they could have ended Sly 4. ;_;

this game was made by "fans" of sly cooper, it was bad idea form the start, fans dont know shit.

We live in such a sexually repressed climate that a seductress having large breasts is seen as offensive.

What the hell is wrong with us

That shit went weird places after it reached the point that by all traditional standards should have been the ending.

Women are free to be more than just sex-objects.

You mean the uglies and crazies are being degenerate hypocrites by bullying those who had it going on by taking care of themselves.

>He says when a woman's design for a female character is censored by men.

Are they free to willingly themselves being a sex-object though?

It really felt like a fan-project in the best and worst ways. On one hand, we get bottle-hunting back and meet the ancestors. On the other hand, the characters are badly-written half the time and we get stupid fan service.

Why would they?

And this draw, fictional character isn't forcing real women to be sex objects.

I'd post some, but I don't want to interrupt the Sly Raccoon thread.

It is setting up a standard of expectation that real women can't achieve.

ITT: controversial examples from another board.

Only to people who can't tell fiction from reality, and then their problems extend far beyond depicted body-types.

>Slycould use a reboot

True, but mostly because real women don't have fur all over, a tail, pointy ears, cartoon eyes, and a low poly count.


>low polycount

Because they want to

replace him with a female holding a magazine for women.

Well why the fuck not?

Otherwise we're approaching a slippery slope where actually intelligent or otherwise well skilled people are forced to keep their brilliance to themselves so the useless hambergs and betamax humans don't get offended.

Yeah, basically, which is why the idea of hot women being tabboo is just as silly as removing hot men from fiction.

in the case of 4 i suspect how the 3d character models came out had less to do with "intent" than with technical ability. I mean if you look at pic related that's a pretty clear cut case of a stock female body asset with a "we didn't want to pay for an experienced character modeller so we just handed the environment modeller a turnaround sheet and had him do it instead" style head plonked down on top of it.

Post pics fag

Because if they can't, you are forcing them to being one way, and that isn't any difference than what SJW get uppity about with "the patriarchy"

Read the thread, gaylord.

One suffered and fought to save her kingdom,

And the other squandered it all away.

Ay I ain't no furry but I'd do Carmelita...a lot.

you're in denial then.

You let the feminists and the other SJWs run train on pop culture and turned your noses up at the Right.

Only her tho...I mean she is the first thicc vidya character I ever saw as a kid.

>We are free to have censorship of fictional characters
Gee, really makes ya think. Just throw in something about sin and the Lord and you'll be the same as actual puritans.

it's not my fault you're a faggot user

>Real women can't be attractive meme
Wew. Also, fantasy /= reality. If fps games don't create mass killers (as shown by actual statistics/research), why do attractive anthromorphs create unrealistic expectations of women? Why don't superheroes create unrealistic expectations of men to be strong, heroic hunks who have impeccable moral sensibilities?

Until Sly 4 that is, where she's written as a naggy, angry girlfriend for most of the game, nevermind that she also tricked Sly into being her cop boyfriend.

What happened to Penelope was the worst, though. I didn't oppose making her a villain, but the way it was handled was really bad.

thinky veiled furry thread about a video game character.
>but but there was one comic! Remember! It's totally like Sonic!

Deal with it fagtron.

We can switch to Sonic, if you want.

She's not well written. She's incompetent because all her arrests are on criminals that Sly beats up for her. She's also in love with a criminal and despite such shady loyalty to her bosses she's not fired from her job. Then she pursues a relationship with said world wide criminal and she still doesn't lose her job despite the bullshit she invented that Sly was her partner? You've got to be kidding me. She was so coddled by the writers that it wasn't even funny.

well, we should, because it IS Sup Forums

It was fanservice? Seriously? I thought the graphics were way too ugly in the game for it to count as fanservice. Krystal in Starfox Adventures, a much older game by the way, has a better model so she showing up in a two piece was much more impactful.

You can always talk about prequel. Kaz will update soon.... right?

To keep it in tone with the thread
Albedo: Erma Felna of the EDF. Great sci-fi comic, it's getting republished online.




Remember in the old games where Carmelita was like twice his size
sucks there's so little porn keeping the size difference