So, I have started to watch the "3rd" season of Wakfu (or rather, the three 1 hour long episodes...

So, I have started to watch the "3rd" season of Wakfu (or rather, the three 1 hour long episodes, I guess they don't count as a season), I had watched the Legend of Ogrest before and even then, things don't add up.

Otomai seems to be well known of the heroes instead of just being character from an old tale, Ogrest is not just a legend either, Ogrest somehow had the six Dofus out of nowhere and now has lost them WTF?

Did I miss an other special episode that fill in, do I need to read some comic that fill the missing part, or it's just how the plot goes and I am supposed to wing with it?

Also, great show. glad it is on Netflix, I had heard a lot of good stuff about it on Sup Forums, don't know why I postponed it for so long...

Other urls found in this thread:

It's not infrequent to have kid show where young protagonists end up making a family in a sort of "aftermath" epilogue, but most of the time, it's implied they only went to this kind of business long after they adventure was over.

How many show have actually got the balls to canonically confirm that not only tow of them had sex in the middle of the adventure, but even made baby?

>Pinpin casually mention he has already seen Zvangelyn naked
>so used to PG cartoon setting and dialogue my mind is completely blown
that's when you know you are watching a french show.

Is it possible they... experimented... stuff?

Poor little Red boy.

Different Dofus, they belong to the Eliatrope race.
Ogrest is well-known because of him flooding the world.
The Dofus he took are always with him, watch to the end.

>Different Dofus, they belong to the Eliatrope race.
Doesn't all the Dofus belong to the Eliatrope race anyway? So they aren't different, then.
>Ogrest is well-known because of him flooding the world.
That I had caught up already.
>The Dofus he took are always with him, watch to the end.
If there is an explanation at the end, alright, but it doesn't explain the character's reaction.
Why do they act like they aren't surprised at all that Ogrest possess Dofus, wasn't it some sort of legendary stuff in season 1, they didn't even know before Best Dragon told them about it?
Why do they act like they know Otomai when he was set up as an old tale character?

Because of his shapeshift and that he guard a Dofus in Ogrest's legend, I thought Otomai was actually one of the dragon, it's not the case?

if I remember right, Yugo and the other Eliatrope leaders who have dragon siblings have their own dofus (I don't remember if common eliatropes have dragon siblings), while the ones Ogrest have are primordial dofus from Osamodas's dragons

I also think a lot happens between season 2's end and the ovas in the form of a comic, which only has a few english chapters last time I checked

>Ogrest is not just a legend either
Did you not watch the Ogrest special, or notice how often they brought him up in the series?
They constantly talk about Ogrest's chaos, what made you think it was just legend?

>They constantly talk about Ogrest's chaos, what made you think it was just legend?
I got from that that Ogrest existed a long time ago and what he did was still remembered.

Especially with what Yugo's father said about how there is many story about Ogrest and how only some of them are true, it made me think Ogrest lived a long time a go andthat the Ogrest Chaos happened in almost forgotten times (it's kind of confirmed with Noximillien's story, when Ogrest's Chaos happened, that it was a long time ago).

So I assumed Ogrest and Otomai were stuff of legend and old stories and that they weren't around any more.

Why didn't Remington's shushu turn back to normal when they were in the Shushu dimension?

they probably didn't want to get bullied

Wakfu Season 3 reconfirmed by Tot to air on tv in October. Thankfully I doubt they'll manage to delay this date.
On the other hand, they delayed the Gamakna that was expected for early March to late April.

Noximilien's story was just 200 years ago.

>Doesn't all the Dofus belong to the Eliatrope race anyway? So they aren't different, then.
No, any dragon can create a Dofus. There are six primordial Dofus, six Eliatrope Dofus, and then some other of lesser power. Ogrest obtained the primordials roughly 200 years before the Wakfu series begins.

>Why do they act like they aren't surprised at all that Ogrest possess Dofus, wasn't it some sort of legendary stuff in season 1, they didn't even know before Best Dragon told them about it?
Pretty much everyone knows the story of Ogrest and the Dofus, even though many take it for a myth since they're plebs in a medieval world that never get out of their own village.

>Because of his shapeshift and that he guard a Dofus in Ogrest's legend, I thought Otomai was actually one of the dragon, it's not the case?
Nope, just an alchemist (shapeshifting) and a demigod (immortality).

The Eliatrope Dofus are special. They were created by the Eliatrope Goddess and the Dragon God, and it's where the Council of Eliatropes comes from, but the rest of the Eliatropes are normal and don't have dragon siblings.
Normal Dofuses come from normal dragons. Six specially powerful dragons made what we call the Primordial Dofuses which Xelor used to create Time, and having all of them gives you power equal to a God, but other lesser Dofuses exist (such as the Ice Dofus Harebourg used to have). During the Dofus era these Dofus were scattered around the world, hidden, but Ogrest found all of them for his beloved.
The story of how exactly Ogrest got them isn't yet fully known, and is being told in the Ogrest comics.

Also, Otomai is not a dragon, he's a Feca demigod. He's one of the greatest alchemists in the world and even has his own island (although I'm not sure if that got entirely flooded after Ogrest's Chaos)


From what episode is that bunch of girls coming in a dancing club?

I don't remember seeing it in Wakfu.

It's from the Dofus: The Treasures of Kerubim tv show. It's pretty fun to watch.

I's not on Netflix, isn't it?

If I get it right, the game Dofus take place before the wakfu game, so I guess the TV show Dofus alsotakes place before the Wakfu show?

Yes, the Dofus series happens around 600 years before the Wakfu series.
Don't expect Dofus to be like Wakfu though, it's a light-hearted show about a grandfather telling his grandson of his adventures when he was young.
After that you have the 'Dofus Book 1: Julith' movie which is more serious, and isn't on Netflix. The tv show isn't necessary to enjoy the movie but it makes you feel more for the characters.


Also, about Julith, he is an adoptive brother with the Cat people, just like Granny Smiss is the adoptive brother of Remington Smiss, right?

Julith is a woman.
Kerub is an Ecaflip and did adopt Joris.
Grany is a man and Remington's biological brother. His current Bow Meow form is a curse.

Is Wakfu still an active MMORPG? I thought most of them were dying out. How many here joined it when they started following the show?

Well, they're going to fuse the international servers because there's too little people, so hopefully the playerbase will improve with that since it's the only thing they can't really do anything about and they're already trying to improve balancing and PvP.
The bugs though, those are here to stay forever.

Learning French might become a requirement.

It's funny, 10 years ago, I would have been told MMORPG were just a fad, I would have laughed. For me, it was clear the genre was there to stay, as certain a FPS.

I was almost worried it would eat out most ofther kind of videogames as it is where the money was and convinced Blizzard was forever going to work on World of Warcraft and give up on ever doing any other kind of videogames....

It's funny how you can get wrong, sometimes.

>Joris is Kerub's adopted son in Dofus
>Kerub calls Joris father in the Wakfu ova

Is it just the translations on Netflix being awful, or did I miss something important?

The translation is alright. This was a mystery when the OVA aired too, but it's explained in the movie.

Missing the Dofus movie.

Been meaning to get around to watching it. Thanks!

Are Dofus/Wakfu girls the best?

I think so

They've actually started to add a lot more stuff into it recently and they're merging servers at the end of the year. Play for fun but I'm personally waiting for dofus 3 to come out.

The Primordial Dofus were laid by dragons that did not come from the Eliatrope planet. They are legendary in the World of 12 and so is Ogrest's theft of them and his subsequent beatdown of the Gods. He's the reason they stay hidden in the Wakfu era.

Do you even need to ask?

>Play for fun but I'm personally waiting for dofus 3 to come out.
wait, they are still running Dofus in parallel? I thought they had terminated it when they launched Wakfu?

(is Dofus still flash based?)

Yeah, they're running it in parallel, and they're going to make a new MMO that will also run in parallel. It started as a 3D upgrade for Dofus so the codename is "Dofus3" but it's become a completely new thing now. It's going to be a PC+smartphone MMO that kinda plays like Dofus and Wakfu, but where you collect spells to make a "deck" instead of the usual level-up. There'll also be "light" and "dark" elements and characters will change appearance depending on the what their spells are.
And I reckon they stopped using flash, but I'm not sure. Right now both Wakfu and Dofus use the same engine, if I recall correctly, but they're planning to make a new one for Dofus3 and then move Dofus and Wakfu to that one.

What are the change they'll actually outright do a /Straight Shota/ love story in Season 3?

Yea dofus 3 is a whole new team as well, iirc it takes place a little bit before Ogrests chaos. I'll post more concept art



Can you really blame Pinpin though?


Wakfu airing in october was already confirmed in an interview, his tweet re-confirming it is this one:
Gamakna delayed this other one:

is it going to be subscription based? or is there too little info?


It's going to be free to play. Pretty much everything we know about the game was summarized here:
But Tot says they haven't got to make a site nor a blog for it yet because they keep changing stuff, so some points could have been dropped.
The screenshots on that link are all low quality but if anyone is interested on better quality I can post them. I'd rather save them in case I need to bump the thread though.

seems neat, thanks for the info

Well, no, actually fuck that, if the thread has to die then it will, and if someone wants a picture then no point in needing to ask.
I've collected them all in this post (and a few newer ones):