Any chance of us seeing him again?

I personally hope he turns out to be antlers

He's already back.



wait...which one?

That one.

wasn't he just a robot?

Doesn't Aku NOT CARE about Jack anymore?

Aren't the scientist only interested in fucking Beetles?

no, Aku made him with magic

That's Sad Jack, OP is talking about Mad Jack

What about Glad Jack?

I personally think that the green undead samurai is gonna turn out to be the equivalent of Skull Knight

What about Fab Jack?

the fuck does that even mean? its not like we have any character who fits in there beside DEBATABLY Jack's dad

I just want Rad Jack

What about Dad Jack?

Nah, it's just the personification of Death coming for him.

I want Plaid Jack

That one's dead

How well would Jack's dad farewell fighting against Jack?

That's basically mad Jack but more frustratingly depressed.

Personally I think Antlers is Jack, only after he goes berserko sorta like Guts after the eclipse.

rad jack aka Bret Worthington
>a jack who is an ass to women
cad jack
>3d jack
CAD jack
>soccer hoolagain jack
lad jack
>jack with a GED
grad jack

Antlers is literally death you buffoon

>jack talking about how he's been around for too long and how his ancestors want to see him
>death shows up

its implying his time is up

How about ad jack?

I mean it could just be his own manifestation of death yeah.

However it seems to appear whenever he is reliving his personal trauma, similar to the beast of darkness is to Guts. Which makes me think it may be the darker side of Jack.

Wearing a lot of clothes & armor, he's Pad Jack

>CAD Jack

>it seems to appear whenever he is reliving his personal trauma
I got the impression Antlers is the person who Jack lost his sword against, so he represents Jack's greatest failure and is a reminder that Jack is not invincible

I too share this vision, this antler shogun is Jack, or it will be, but he must endure a series of trials before he can achieve this form, this is jack's endgame, antlers appeared to show Jack the way to the temple, he could also be his guardian spirit

Jack is a dirty hobo but pure inside.

So we need a Facade Jack. Pure on the outside but dirty on the inside.

Candlejack is the only Ja

>Samurai Jack in Shutter Shades, leg stockings, crocs, and a three wolf moon tshirt
>Fad Jack

>Fucked up Aku on his second try despite just being an emperor without world class combat training
>Meanwhile his son who was raised from small child to kill Aku goes insane after 50 years of trying and failing.
Jack was a mistake

Way better than Drab Jack

what about flap Jack

How about Fap Fap Fap Jack

Right here