Choose one

Choose one

If we're talking Mystery Inc, Daphne.

Mystery Inc Velma was a lesbian-in-the-making controlling cunt.

Daphne would be the better girlfriend. Velma is a self-centered cunt.

Mystery machine.

Daphne. She is hot

You're the one I need, OP.

Neither. Fred.

Daphne but Be cool scooby doo version

>skin-colored eyes

came here to post this

I bet it feels like throwing a hotdog into a hallway.


Mystery INC Velma is dumpster tier

Movies Velma is 10/10 wife

>be into velma all my life because plain girls are my fetish
>mystery inc happens and she's a total cunt
I'm glad Witchlma happened.


so many velmas to choose from.

>asian velma

Mystery Inc Daphne is a 9/10. I only dock her a point because I sometimes worry that she'd go completely nuts and murder me with an axe.

Best girl.





This is a KIDS cartoon. Fucking distraceful.

Daphne easily, Velma is too generic "cute" nerd girl

It's fine.

holy fuck, daphne's pelvis aint right

Her exhaust pipe is tight.

She's going to get FRANKED


Velma is the Redditors'/Facebooker's choice

a broken clock is right twice a day


Velma, but both are great.

>tail didn't curl up under her robe
Wasted potential.

The patrician choice is both.

Hot Dog Water

Velma is a dumpy, average chick so she would probably slob your knob and do freaky shit with little issue because of her low self esteem

Daphne is a pretty bitch and you would probably have to spend $5000 on her before she let you get to second base

The choice is obvious


>not choosing best girl

>mommy issues detected
spotted the pussy MGTOWs who've never had a healthy realtionship with a woman who has a spine and don't know how to interact with a woman doesn't take shit and speaks louder than they do


>dating literally Velma
>would rather have a smokin' redhead



>shaggy kicking asses
>not being a coward anymore

wtf happened?

MI has many good waifus.

You sure, user?

>Tries to get Shaggy to choose between her and his dog
Nah, Vemla was Both a cunt and a fool

Daphne all the way.


It that venture brother's I see?

Letting ANYONE control your life, to the point where you have to choose between them and something you love, makes you a cuck, at least in spirit.

If they really had your best interests at heart, and your interests weren't self-destructive, they wouldn't have an issue with you enjoying something besides them and life's too short to deal with someone who has that low of an opinion of themselves that you having fun without them threatens their existence.

Velma. Where's Daphne's belly button?


Holy fucking shit, this is some next level insecurity.

Scooby was in danger so Shaggy found his nuts and started beating asses.

It was also an homage to old 60s action cartoons so they were inexplicably strong enough to fight for no real reason

To be fair, the monsters in Mystery Inc. were a lot more dangerous than the monsters from most other adaptations.

I mean christ, the radioactive slime and the crocodile family were pretty hardcore for one-off villains.

Mystery inc versions were cute too

Never underestimate Shaggy's power level.

Saying to choose one while the other is in swimsuit is hardly a fair contest.

Strangely it was drawn in another episode.

Whence comes goth Velma in the upper left corner?

Aqua Teen

Daphne, every single time

Daphne in every universe there is. She is always cuter and has the better personality.

>literally Gwen Stacy in a dominatrix outfit in a sequel to the very first episode of Where Are You with special guest star Harlan Ellison
It's like somebody's fanfiction from 1970, and I mean that in the best possible way.

When I was a child, I was infatuated with Velma.

Then I grew up and realized Daphne made more sense.

what about the 2 of them fusing together as one single person?



one of best episodes.


Daphne is taller, has a better body and is a redhead. Not even a decision.

Shit it is Gwen Stacey.



You know, that *could* be sexual, but all i can imagine is someone taking a small bite of my dick and that's fucking terrifying

Surprising consistent with the left to right cleavage proportions.

The left breast is typically slightly larger than the right one in real life as well.


I think it has to do with handedness.


I wish there were more Japanese creations based on Western styles.

Okay, fine. I decided to finally start watching this show.
I'm now 4 minutes into the first episode.
Why didn't you tell me this was actually fucking funny?

T. Fred

Badass shaggy! Awesome!


>don't know how to interact with a woman doesn't take shit and speaks louder than they do
yeah i do. call her a cunt and tell her to fuck off. if she keeps yelling then choke that bitch out.

Motherfucker, look at the goddamn signature, that is Iwao Takamoto, the original fucking character designer for Scooby-Doo, Where Are You.

Literally Valerie Solanas.

Is Velma the Butterface Queen?

Daphne doesn't seem like a bad person and since she's been with Fred for about 40 years, she's a very loyal girlfriend.


Is Velma the dumpiest Sup Forums girl?

That's not a choice.

Which one is the top tier Scooby Doo waifu. Daphne or Velma. DECIDE. DECIDE NOW.

In MI?

Daphne. She actually tried to be a patient and understanding girlfriend with Freddy "I'd trade my girlfriend for a bear trap and 20 feet of rope" Jones, and went out of her way on numerous occasions.

Velma on the other hand was a turbo cunt that tried to seperate a man from his dog.
You don't do that.