So you're in the club and this girl slaps your bf's ass, what do?

So you're in the club and this girl slaps your bf's ass, what do?

Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子

projecting are we, OP?


..., I'm asking for a,heh, friend.

does your friend's name happen to rhyme with Bar Stutterfly?

>what do?
get cucked, probably

t. Star

Well, she's a bar, alright.

nice little delusion you got there

awwww are you mad? hold this L

>jarco will never be endgame

neither will starco

Marco is his own endgame

and then i say THATS HOT

what is this, an L for ants?

>that's not an L
>THAT'S an L

what is L? some new meme?

I'd ask her why she didn´t slap mine

because you're not cute.

nice dubs though

Well it's certainly not a miserable little pile of secrets because that's what a man is.

Because she's not a lesbian, Star.

That's a men-only vice. Girls don't do that.

You haven't been going to the right clubs if you actually think that.

make your own thread then, you pizza-face.

>actually going to clubs
Fuck off, normalfag.

I've seen girls joking about this sort of stuff all the time though...

Either I live in the least tumblry area or you've been to shit clubs.

I become straight.

What did I miss why are there suddenly Ls being posted everywhere

Marcia belongs to boy Star

jackie is a cuck lol

How boy Star can compite with alpha male Jack? Star is an autistic mess while Jack is sociable, handsome and fit

Boy Star has money

What if Marcia marries Star and take half of his money on the divorce? Then she can spend it with Jack

What the fuck is this

a vocal cover of evanescence

Deck that bitch to the floor.

I'd fuck her right in the pussy. then while cock is still wet from her pussy juice fuck my bf rite in his ass.

Kiss her while holding my bf hand

What clubs should I go to?

Jackie Lynn Thomas falls in love with Marco Diaz.

Unable to confess, she is gifted by a deus ex machina with her best friend's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, she immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on her as well.

But, the next day, when Jackie recounts the previous day's confessions to Marco, he only looks at her with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, she finds out that the boy she called is not the same boy she fell in love with. In fact, Diaz doesn't exist in this universe at all. The other Marco is the alternate universe counterpart of her crush, who has fallen in love with her AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.

Hijinks ensue as they strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip each other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of ALTERNATE LOVE.

Pin to the ground and fug pregnant.


Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

Jackie is so much hotter than Star.

I don't know how she even competes.

Its just one person forcing it, Ignore and move on

Fuck off.

Star has six arms

>Sup Forums memed Trump into the presidency and made Britain Brexit
>Sup Forums memed Keit-Ai into the no. 1 highest grossing anime movie of all time and no. 1 anime in MAL
>Sup Forums memed a plane crash with no survivors and a Bane porno
>Sup Forums memed Gamergate into existence

Is there nothing meme magic can't do?


praise meme magic praise kek

I've literally never heard of this ever being a thing until now.

Interesting. Tell us more but in greater detail.

its not retard. its just edited from different animes

Sup Forums meme



I'm genuinely curious what a girl would do in this scenario.

Why did she slap my trap?

Turn straight.

Dude wtf you can't turn straight. "Turning" literally means not going straight.

For now.

>Haven't seen this show yet, looks cute though, magical girls are cool
>Suddenly see multiple anons going on about shoulder fetishes and posting screenshot edits emphasizing Star's shoulders
>mfw I already have a raging shoulder fetish
Should I start watching?

What exactly are you talking about? She has normal shoulders.

>Is there nothing meme magic can't do?

Keep Keit-ai from being bannable content.

jesus christ jackie is so fucking hot I wish I was marco and she was real so I could fuck her, god she's so fucking THICC


>She has normal shoulders.
I suppose. Though wearing something that plays more to my fetish can make them 10/10 shoulders

Just watch it. You'll enjoy the porn much more if you know the backstory.