Batman 1966

Do fans of Batman '66 like this movie?

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No one liked it.

Forever on the other hand was fairly popular and as the years pass its getting a more possitive vibes. Val kilmer's bruce was great

I don't know (never really watched enough Batman 66 to consider myself a fan), but it's clearly similar tonally. Which doesn't necessarily mean it's doing a good job of capturing what people liked about the show.

>No one liked it.
I did as a kid, haven't watched it since then aside from excerpts. I certainly preferred Forever though.

Yes, yes I do.

Don't they technically take place in the same universe as the Burton movies?

I liked it.
I still like it.
It wasn't insightful or sensical, but it was fucking fun.

Yeah iirc, but it's not like there's much continuity between them.

People reference it all the time so they kind of do. They just don't want to admit it.

I like both and i get the comparison, but the 66 show feels like the cast and crew knew exactly exactly what they were doing while batman and robin is the exact opposite.

>I certainly preferred Forever though.

Forever toys were great

Only good thing in the whole movie.

Could you elaborate?

Not that user but Schumacher Movie feel lik if only Schumacher knew it was a joke.

>lik if only Schumacher knew it was a joke
Do you mean that Clooney thought the Batcreditcard was not supposed to be humorous? That Arnold thought that wearing polar bear slippers and directing a choir of henchmen was supposed to make him look threatening?

I enjoy it ironically

No. Batman '66 is really good campy fun with some great witty writing. 'Batman & Robin' is just dumb.

I do, for one.

Dude, John Glover and others confirmed that Schumacher started EVERY TAKE by saying "Remember people, this is a cartoon!"

You can argue he was out of touch because he was clearly drawing on BTAS second-hand and the resulting movie was way more cartoonish than the actual Saturday morning cartoon, but I was 9 when it came out and right in the target audience.

I never realized based Lionel Luthor was in B&R.

>because he was clearly drawing on BTAS second-hand
you are delusional


As Dr. Jason Woodrue, straight outta comics!

I wish he could've been Poison Ivy's lovesick lackey the whole movie, slowly mutating into a Floronic Man.

He says as much on the commentary track. He asked his kids (or was it grandkids?) "Who are your favorite Batman villains on the cartoon?" and they said 'Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy and BANE.", so they wind up in the film as distorted, cartoonish versions of their BTAS selves - Mr. Freeze has his tragic backstory and muh Nora, but is also a Germanic jokester because of vague memories of the 60s show Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy is BTAS' extreme ecoterrorist taken to eleven... thousand, and whereas the show somewhat disdainfully treated Bane in his only appearance as dumb hired muscle, the movie takes that further by making him a monosyllabic, evil Sloth.

>you will never live in a universe where TDK Bane is replaced with B&R Bane in the Nolanverse

The whole movie, no.
I do like Arnold in it though.

That's kinda neat. Thanks for the anecdote user. Rewatching it right now for the 1st time in 15 years or so


It's a dumb, cheap and silly movie. And I love it for it. Same goes for the RLM commentary track:

Best Batman movie ever.

This movie knows exactly how goofy it's being.
Is the amount of hate for it the biggest case of NOT MUH?

I love it. Next to The Room, its my favorite bad movie.

Red Letter Media has terrible opinions on film.
Don't trust them.
Star Trek Nemesis is a good movie.

DC fanboy pls go

Why do you think i'm being a DC fanboy? B&R is dogshit, but so is RLM.

Not the user you were talking to, but honestly, only Jay is noteworthy as far as opinions go. Mike is really entertaining, but he's also incredibly pleb. So is Rich. Notice how they didn't understand the plot of Civil War.

That alone tells you all you need to know.

>only Jay is noteworthy as far as opinions go.
None of them are noteworthy m8.
Jay is a bogstandard 80's fanboy/Lynch drone.

Well, you're not wrong about that either.

Watched it again recently with Forever. Both movies are pretty self-aware '90s camp. Forever is better simply because it was cast better. Uma Thurman is a fucking drag every time she's on screen.

Still want to fuck that Chris O'Donnell desu

Pretty much. It was a pretty big departure from the Burton films. Schumaker had a choice to try and emulate Burton, and make a movie that was completely inauthentic and probably shit, but decently-received by association alone, or to craft his own film, which was so jarringly different that people would automatically hate it, yet now stand alone as their own absurdly unique achievements in capeshit cinema.

The thing is though, I think Batman and Robin partly intends for you to laugh *at it*, like the '66 show did.
The fact that plebs laugh at it unironically is an achievement more than a shame.

Golden Age: Batman kills without paying much attention to it, and fights legit psychos.
Silver Age: Batman and Robin fight villains with zany schemes.
Bronze Age: Gritty reaction to Silver Age, more down to Earth/cynical.
??? I haven't watched any of Batman's appearances yet

SnyderBats is like NolanBats with a slightly more Frank Miller aesthetic. I.E. hyper stylized and more prone to bursting into speeches.

Well in the Nolan movies, it's more Alfred, Gordon and the villains preaching to him constantly, and him looking confused.

I should get around to watching BvS and SS "now that the dust has settled", as they say.

BvS is well made IMO, SS isn't (from a plot perspective, but the characters are interesting. (some will disagree.)

MAKE SURE to watch the extended cuts of both films.

I fucking love that video every time I see it.

I usually don't try to watch any special cuts because I'm a lazy and cheap man. Got any download links, friend?
I kinda hated MoS

I know right.
It's not even their best

>download links
Both are available on The Pirate Bay.
SS's extended cut is called the extended cut.
BvS's is called the Ultimate Cut.

>I kinda hated MoS
You won't like BvS. (at least the Superman parts. You might like the Batman element).
SS feels nothing like a Snyder movie though.

Thanks for the tips.
Yeah the Superman aspect is what drove me away. But psychobats can be fun.

He actually wanted to do Year One, but WB told him to do something light-hearted instead.

i like 60s batman and i fucking hate this movie because it killed funny batman in the mainstream

>killed funny Batman in the mainstream

what is Lego Batman?
what is The Brave and the Bold?

I liked it because Poison Ivy gave me child boners at the time. Especially when she gets eaten by her own plant near the end of the movie.

I completely unironically like it better than BvS.

I'll be praying for you.

The emergence scene was hot.

Shame she had terrible outfits and hammy acting that killed it after that.

At that age, I didn't give a fuck.

If you like BvS then you should save those prayers for yourself.

I don't think so, Tim.

Yea I agree. At least its tone and characters are consistent and it can competently stage an exchange of dialogue between two characters

>and it can competently stage an exchange of dialogue between two characters
Have you SEEN Batman and Robin?

dumb phoneposter

This is something that always bugged me. Wouldn't it make more sense for the third one to be called Batman & Robin and the fourth one Batman Forever instead?