So do you think he's enjoying the new Samurai Jack or do think he got triggered by it somehow?

So do you think he's enjoying the new Samurai Jack or do think he got triggered by it somehow?

It's suspicious how much you care about this guy.

He generally likes the "animation trying to be art" kind of thing so he probably really likes it even if it is slightly below par.

Fuck off with your e-celeb shit.


Fuck off AceMos.

The man is highly autistic — who the fuck cares what he thinks? The only way in which I care about this miscreant is that he has a sizeable following of what I assume are children and they might be forming extremely shitty tastes under his malign influence.


He's replaced Samurai Jack with BoJack Horseman as his new favorite cartoon because it's deep and existential. He discusses his fear of death in a further thoughts review.

I bet he fucking loves it.

why we should care?

>hates "mean spirited" shows
>his favorite show is one filled with bad people characters where bad things happen to everyone
lol, only an autist could justify both positions to himself.

Do people actually tolerate more than 5 minutes of his episodes? His commentary rarely adds any content to the video, and I've never managed to make it through the end unless it's a horrible episode I was specifically interested in.

It's not though...

Who cares what this autist thinks?

Who is this guy?


He’s probably totally ass blasted over something.

A good reviewer, but he's too obsessed with SpongeBob.

Literally who?

i don't give a fuck about what this autistic brony has to say he has shit taste for everything

How about you stop making threads about yourself, Jonathan Rozanski

I think it's because we all know someone like him

Hold the fuck up!

OP here.

I watch Mr Center's videos because I do occasionally like hearing his opinion but I do agree he is kind of a self righteous prick who gets angry over anything and everything.

I have never known him as his other name!
His real name is literally Johnathan Rozanki?!

This changes everything.

Sup Forums seems to care what Pan has to say

But he never hated "mean-spirited" shows in and of themselves. It's more his hate of the "Karma Houdini"/"Bad things happening to good people"" trope that tends to be a problem.

Thing is he hasn't reviewed the current MLP in nearly 3 years. Either the show triggered him away from it (possibly due to Glim), or he realised that praising a highly hated show wasn't going to get him attention, so he started doing the exact opposite.

>Yes I watched, yes I liked it.

From his deviantart

>tvtropes autist defending a YT autist
I see you stick together.

So Sup Forums agrees that whoever draws anime is a pedophile?

Is this guy the Sup Forums version of Scarufi?

>I have no argument, better call everyone autists

Can someone recommend me other Sup Forums reviewers. My only Sup Forumsmmentary sources are Laser Time and the We Hate Movies guys

The only thing I know about Scaruffi is the Beatles copypasta so I'm not aware of anything about him beyond that.

I know Pan Pizza hates this guy, but I can't take a beaner piece of trash seriously, Pan overplayed his hand on the Duckman episode, really showing how much thin skin he has compared to Mr.Enter.

Pieguy's pretty good.

There's something about his voice that's just so incredibly fucking grating to me. He's genuinely annoying to listen to. I don't know what exactly it is.
Also, I really hate when people try to sound angry. It's honestly incredibly annoying, and there's only a few people that can pull it off well. It's more like half-assed anger, because he's trying not to blow out his mic, either.
Not to mention just how fucking pretentious he is.