Today is Kaley Cuoco's 32th birthday. Say something nice about her!

Today is Kaley Cuoco's 32th birthday. Say something nice about her!

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She's hot af. I already know every subsequent response in this thread will be along the lines of
>"32? Haha dumb roastie has hit the wall"
>"Still no kids? what a useless slut, any kids she has now will be mutants for sure"
from Sup Forums and /r9k/ posters

I bet her asshole smells incredible.

Don't ever be nice to girls. They're evil and will stab you in the back and leave you the moment something slightly better comes along.

send bobs

Trump hasn't even finished building it and she already hit it

>She's hot af
For how long?

What went wrong

Hi Kaley!

>the roastie's denial
why choosing an used 32 years old feminist when there is a whole new sending of fresh younger whores?

she's hardly a feminist

Happy birthday Kaley 8 simple rules was better than bbt
She is so pretty that the first time I went to fuck her I would cum on her thigh.

Any bewbie pics of cuoco?

She's really not. Passable, but not hot. Starting to age like shit, too.

she was very cute,but that was 10 years ago duh.

She is not a feminist. One of the reasons I like her

hitting the wall,rich, married and not having kids?seems hella empowering to me.

mommy-tier now

>looks 78


>I hate women
>Women are inferior to men in every single possible way
>Women are more likely to cheat, cause violence, do everything negative while nothing postive
>I am going to post everything I got off r9k & pol when someone disagrees with me
>Also beta, cuck, soyboy, roastie, never had a girlfriend, ect ect ect

there, thread done

Is this the new copy-pasta or are you just that triggered?

i just wish her fappening leaks were raunchier. we barely got tits


I am a nice person in the daily life and I also like shitposting,can you blame me?
>waaaaah someone is being mean on the internet waaaah.

Bernadette > Penny


contrary to popular belief, we have not even seen prime cuoco yet. prime cuoco will be milf-cuoco. she has the personality to pull it off too

this is only a taste of what's to come

old bag with ugly pussy

this stupid cunt makes more money for one week of work than most of us will make in our entire lives.

She aged poorly but not as poorly as I thought she would.

too many abortions


Idk, how's her foot game?

I want to lick her armpits.


She looks fine to me despite having a few more wrinkles now.

>thirty twothed

I can't imagine what she looks like under all that paint. How the hell can you people fawn over such fake bullshit?

dubs confirm





>To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)




She was ugly then. Look at that semitic honker.

t. soyboy

Please stop

>falling for the makeup jew
oh no no no

It's called lampshading and it doesn't mean she isn'T an ugly slut

She'd be pretty hot if she didn't look 20 years older and have tattoos.

bitch got extremely lucky with that show. set for life financially. a million times hotter, younger and more talented starlets still be waiting tables in LA, hoping for their big break,


When will you do a proper sex scene, Kaley?

>i entered this thread to say i've read this thread a thousand times

You've weathered better than Lindsay Lohan who's a year older.
(The pic isn't. Obvs)

it does look horrible in that gif

-*laugh track*

I came here expecting some lewd photos of her

Tightest push up bra available on the market.

Her noods were some of the best of the batch.

She used to be.
Not anymore.

Here you go, user