Listen, uh, I was just wondering if you could, uh... put out uh... y'know a few uh, like aquatic, y'know, I uh...

>Listen, uh, I was just wondering if you could, uh... put out uh... y'know a few uh, like aquatic, y'know, I uh, do you talk to fish?

What the fuck happend to the most badass character in cinema?

Other urls found in this thread:

no mystery, the virgin whedon stuck again


>Does it upset you when I eat your fishy friends? Are you telling me to go vegan?

What did Whedon mean by this?

how do you go from the alpha that was batman in bvs to this beta in a costume

You take whedon pills

We went from Batman getting drunk and swimming with super models in a fountain to this shit.

>That kino eyebrow movement and smile before the delivery

>What the fuck happend to the most badass character in cinema?
he got W H E D O N E D

I've seen the movie twice and i can't for the love of fuck understand Aquaman's response to batman's question

>most badass character in cinema

It was a pretty great scene if they hadn't added that Batman line at the end. That ruined it.

based clark is best clark.

I think he meant he changes properties in the water, which then causes fish to want to go there and do what he needs them to do. Hence "the water talks to the fish (not me)."

Quick someone grab The Batman some oragne slices!!


Same joke 3 times in the movie was fucking annoying. I wish they just kept these gay quips down

I loved the use of the Elfman music as well with 'evil' Supes
Then the fucking America's Funniest Home Videos shot of Batman on the ground like he just fell from the top of a car took me out of it completely

holy shit flash raped ww>?

>You said my mommy’s name! That means we are friends now!

Alpha my ass

worst batman ever, constantly groaning and rolling on the floor, moves like a dumpster truck in low hanging jeans, mugging for camera and saying self effacing quips, total lack of planning, the investigation skills of a fucked web bot and an unrelenting sense that he's old and done with it. I've met people in their late 50's who have more physical vitality and life behind their eyes than poor broken Affleck. He's treated his body like shit and it's caught him up, this has bleed into his feeble batman portrayal.

>I didn't think you brought me back because you like me
>I *blushes* don't...not.... *gushing vagine*

The only really good Batman bit was him talking to Alfred and saying they needed superman not just because he's more powerful than him, but because he's more human. Good speech, very batman.

And I don't think this was just Wheedon, both he and Zach fundamentally don't understand him as a character and have done fucky jobs of it. Admittedly though, Wheedon may have fucked it up harder than Zach, hard to tell who's noodles are who's in the dirty chicken soup that is Justice League.

Batman used to be dominant as fuck with alt right undertones, now he fucking says 'ouchies' while Whedon waits to release the fart joke scenes on bluray

but yeah, that scene was pretty good, apart from batman. And superman in the last ten minutes was great, give me a superman like this, like Superman, and I'm all rosy glow. I hope Caville at least get one proper shot at it.