They call themselves Anonymous

They call themselves Anonymous.

Other urls found in this thread:


They are hackers on steroids.


"Next thing I know I had a bunch of naked guys all over my profile."


hacking into people's myspace accounts

I bought a dog

His girlfriend left him.

>This video was a full decade ago

What the fuck have I done with my life




>back when we used to laugh at goatse, happy negro, cock mongler, firin mah lazor, etc
>today's Sup Forums would just call us faggots for laughing at that stuff and tell us to go to reddit

when did we get so serious?


nah if 10 years ago anons were to meet anons from today they'd tell them to go back to gaia

people who unironically use reddit as an insult are people who came here from reddit in 2012 or later and are desperately trying to not look like newfags

It's because you aren't in your early teens anymore. Most of that shit you loved back then isn't actually funny or cool.

I think you mean when did Sup Forums go to shit.


Unironically it was a different time. The world hadn't invaded the internet via social media so we could still escape normalfags doing things like phoneposting 24/7.

No such luck nowadays.

post absolute 4chankino

>today's Sup Forums would just call us faggots for laughing at that stuff
But I still laugh at the stuff desu. Also today's moot is a cock gobbling sjw faggot working with Google

unironically Sup Forumsharbor, probably one of the most hilarious things moot ever did

thats a fucking lie you stupid fucking redditor

I don't know. So many moralfags these days
>"but truly EPIC LULZ come from raids and invasion

pls go back to ebaumsworld/newgrounds

Place stopped being less about Sup Forums's random humour and more like Sup Forums

>Implying we are any less edgy now


unironically Sup Forums

it's not like Sup Forums's random humor went away, just go post on [s4s]. it's just not as funny any more, possibly a combination of factors including the average age of the boards increasing

Is this some kind of reddit meme? Fuck off fags

What year did you fall down the rabbit hole? 2006 here.

Also /R9K/ and Sup Forums being allowed to circle jerk over how amazing being a total waste of space loser is amazing.

2007. I was 13

2005 you fucking newfag

Remember when a Sup Forums meme went so mainstream it was featured in a Macy' Thanksgiving Day Parade

I remember browsing Sup Forums as an underageb& when that segment was first posted. I remember when Project Chanology started getting going. I was already on Sup Forums shitposting with my name when Boxxy was getting spammed, and she seemed like an uninteresting, boring girl. The anonymity on this website allows me to pretend the people here have shared my experiences and we're the same, but the terrible truth is most people in this thread and on this board and on this site are probably 17 year olds who genuinely did come here from Reddit. It makes me a faggot but it really does cause an ache in my heart. How many are there left who remember when an hero was used instead of kys, who saw underage girls on Stickam show their tits? It can't be many. I hate this nostalgia I feel for just acting like a faggot on the Internet with a bunch of other faggots but I really cannot stand how political everything has become.

Because that was the last time this site was relevant or had an impact on the internet. All the edgy " hackers on steroids" that gave this site it's bad boy of the internet reputation are now long gone thank to the old owner Moot becoming an SJW feminist faggot. In there place are a bunch of teens from reddit who came for the leaks in 2013, and stayed. You can't even say something that's not 100% PC on Sup Forums without getting a generic "Go back to Sup Forums" meme replay.

stop being such a bosnian kid


Fuck off namefag, unironically delet this

>2011 was 7 years ago
>2013 was 4 years ago
I miss dorner

oldfags from then would tell nu4chan to gb2gaia

The userbase has gotten older. This is also why you see so many depression memes compared to a decade ago.

absolute cancer and worse for this site than chanology

>you'll never be able to tell anyone to go back to gaia anymore

I miss the days when we were all young and grew up with the site

I invented the girugamesh meme and my FAGGOT ASSHOLE friend Dave stole it and pretended like it was his meme. If you're reading this dave, fuck you.

2004. Kill me

i always wondered how the guy who made the very first 'cool face' pic felt about his creation becoming so huge

then again, i wondered this back when people were actually using it

same. the only good board left on this site is Sup Forums . Sup Forums is garbage. Sup Forums has the best memes/OC

does anybody remember jewbecca and the applemilk raid on youtube. many lulz were had that week

God poll rigging was the shit.
>That time Sup Forums voted Launchpad and Albert Einstein through a "best videogame characters" poll.

Yeah, this site used to be a bastion for unironic far right thought, until those soyboy cuck outsiders came and ruined it.

>Moot became such a faggot that he went to work at Google
Fucking hell, Google actually has a true cuck working for them now.

Back when Sup Forums was still shit but it wasnt the same porn threads everyday and nothing else

I just enjoyed the bro-tier fanart of the two, combined with the unbridled rage of gamefags

When newfag stopped being a commonly used insult and everyone resorted to calling everyone Reddit, I knew something had changed. As for everything being political, I feel you. I remember when it was just people doing shit for the lulz, now everything after post-GG is now some political war that leaks into every other board.


Really? Well I was the first baneposter.

marblecake also the game

>Remember when a Sup Forums meme
>Sup Forums meme
Reddit now takes credit for all of 4chans past memes. Watch any video on youtube that talks about memes and 89% will credit reddit with their origin.

Since always

being a non-sexual camwhore is big business now, boxxy peaked way too early


the ephemeral nature of Sup Forums is a blessing and a curse

The cringe cycle is a real thing. Kekistan and kek in general is one of the newest pieces of shit for example.

She is cute. What is it from?

>Sometimes I forget just how edgy Sup Forums used to be
>Then I visit 8pol

I remember being super into Gemergate and all that at the time and it pissed me off because I took Sup Forums very seriously
Now I look back fondly

Does anyone have the "special report" from some Korean news that talked about /r9k/ after some shooting threat got posted right before a shooting and it was a big deal for a while? They had crude GCI frogs tying up and branding "normies" and it was absolutely surreal

Sup Forums's traffic has massively increased in the past 7 years, a lot of oldfags ended up going right wing, not Sup Forums tier though. I know plenty who came here in the 2000's who ended up like that over time.



applemilk is the "where are they now?" i most often ponder. fuck cracky and boxxy, emiry was /our girl/

why do they call it the xbox 360?

>tfw you got rickrolled
>tfw you got duckrolled
>jeff the killer
>cp out of fucking nowhere
>greentext stories threads
>OP's delivering timestamped pics eating molded semen crust from years ago


Because you turn 360 degrees and walk away

I started browsing Sup Forums in 2011 xD

restarting rick askly career is the best thing Sup Forums ever did

that was relatively recent though

>saw this shit in 2007
>didn't look for the actual website

No one ever talks about EFG one of the first ironic shit posting icons

>tfw this is almost 7 years old

>She says that when this sign was up, the pool wasn't closed at all!

If I remember correctly, she went full soft core camwhore?

You can totally see a bunch of newfags pretending to be oldfags in this thread.
let me list a few
And legit oldfags list:

Memes have life cycles and originate in Sup Forums mostly. That shit moved on from Sup Forums to reddit and other normie sites and here other memes replaced them.

pretty sure she got disappeared by the yakuza or something

I can't remember when exactly it was, but it was a few years ago, when everyone was raiding that online classroom/homework website. That was a fun time.

i always felt that people concerned with who is or isn't an old/newfag were people new to the website, desperate to prove themselves

you forgot one

>those gmask threads

reddit/pol takeover


U mad?

2006. I've been here too long


Do you remember when Sup Forums used to watch Russian people on cams? I can't remember the website. I remember some of them fucking tho

>pools closed
>the game
>gmask threads
>trollface/u mad?
>newfags can't triforce
>be there in 30 minutes
>iphone in microwave
>Jessi Slaughter
>Finding cat killers
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.