What movie is he watching Sup Forums?



The new Justice League. Kim as a fine connoisseur of movies became fond of kino and appreciate the work of Snyder, he's lately known as Kino and not Kim anymore

I don't know it's too white I can't see

probably just an endless loop of a monkey dressed as a cowboy riding a pig

It's just an image of some guy's hairy asshole on screen for 120 minutes.
Still beats capeshit

He’s watching Drumpf embarrass himself for the upteenth time at his latest press conference

Wow Sup Forums, the point was to photoshop but i see that none of you can or didn't understand, holy fuck this board sucks

Fuck you I ain't got time for that haha

Sup Forums is 95% phoneposters.


The Interview


some former guards who escaped say he makes his highest generals watch this scene dozens of times every day to test their loyalty




Someone had to do it

Does this mean I potentially have a high paying job as a General in a Rice Republic?

it would be a big responsibility






kill yourself you redditor you always want people to meme for you how about YOU provide something for once

................................................................I nuke.

probably basketball or a broodwar tournament

>"Sir, we've invited a very special person for you birthday!"

>kim jong un forces aidan gillen to reenact the plane scene for him every single day