

Be very.........careful now.


I... Have a use for you


Season 2 fucking WHEN lads?
Best show on tv.

2 years I think
It's going to start filming once Hardy is done with VENOM

what seriously???

never watched but cmon, it doesn't look that good

>it doesn't look that good
Be very careful now

It's the best thing I've watched on tv in years, great pacing, great atmosphere and a truely kino performance from Tom Hardy. It's the shit.

>tfw they havnt even started production yet

alright, what's so good, give some reason to watch it.

at this time I want to watch some good shit, I'm thinking to watch Fargo (everybody says that S1 is fucking good) and True Detective (same case as before) and Westworld. Are they worth it, is Taboo as good as them?? what's about it?

if you havnt watched LEGION yet i would start with that and TABOO

same creators of fargo did legion. westworld is worth a spin but its not coming back for a while so you have plenty of time


Fargo is quirky nihilism that tries to be artistic
True Detective is grimmy grim dark with good acting and mystery
Westworld has great production values but shitty writing that tries to hide its flaws by being pretentious
Taboo is sort of a revenge story set in the early 18th with good production values and better memes

>if you havnt watched LEGION
I did, fucking serious bad and boring stuff, pointless and stupid, a fucking drama queen that fag-mutant, if is that about Taboo, well then I have to say that I better pass.

thanks for the tip anyway, too bad they are not in netflix.

lot of shows blowing off adhering to an annual schedule. 18months to 2 years.

how would you rate those series, also I want your opinions about Taboo, cmon

hey what do you think about Mr Robot??

Fargo S1 8/10 S2 9/10 S3 7/10
True Detective S1 8/10 S2 4/10
Westworld 6/10
Taboo 8/10
Mr Robot S1 8/10 S2 7/10

They're all worth watching. You got the time.

that's a big hat

wow westworld is that bad, well I have to tried right now.

any suggestions, man I was dissapointed with Legion and Rome, fuck black mirror, shitty show. Still I have shows to watch, but is good to know some new ones.

>I was dissapointed with Rome

*uses astral projection to fuck his sister as a spirit animal*
hmmm ahh




Was getting caught part of your plan?


not gonna fall into that, is not bait, just saying that I got bored watching it.

alright then

Then you haven't watched much in years. I enjoyed the set design and some of the performances but it just fell apart at the end and very little was revealed or resolved.

Felt like a waste of time considering how long we have to wait until another season.

Its not a very good show but I somehow ended up watching the whole thing anyway

Maybe I am just in love with Bane man

There's going to be at least 2 more series so better get used to it, nerd.

Hmm... I have an etsobatsu...
Be vewy... careful... Wooee...


>rating Mr Robot above Westworld
>rating Mr Robot above anything

Shit taste senpai

I can get not liking Mr Robot
But Westworld is utter shit.
The entire show is like that scene in The Matrix Reloaded with the Architect


>two taboo threads up at once
I'm fucking feeling it

>I'm fucking feeling it
*blows magic dust into your face*

mhmm be careful now

I saw James Delaney in a warehouse on Wapping Wall yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for the Nootka Sound treaty or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now? Mhmm?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Mhm?” but he kept cutting me off and going “Mhm? Mhm? Mhm?” and blowing handfuls of ash in my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him grunt as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen kegs of saltpeter in his arms without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be African and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the kegs and started inspecting it, he stopped her and told her to be very careful and check them each individually “to prevent any Ka'lisumbaya” and then turned around and glared at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she inspected each keg and put them in a carriage and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by grunting really loudly.

westworld is nothing special. mr robot is extremely creative and unique at the very least, and the performances, ideas, plot, gimmicks, and cinematography all kick the shit out of west world

This is my favourite version of this pasta

Mhmm what do you want season 2 to be about?

James Keziah Delaney in Nootka setting up his new company and fucking Indians
Though I bet it's going to be mostly set in Boston or New Amsterdam as James deals with the Americans
That's boring though

Fucking his ghost sister.

Ghost fucking his ghost sister


Ghost sister fucks HIM


What a fucking twist
