Thoughts on Paul Bettany?

Thoughts on Paul Bettany?

Top tier actor

He's a cück

I like him. I like his face and his voice. He's talented. He needs to stop slouching I don't want him to develop back problems.


What did he mean by this?

How recent is this? Conelly looks a lot better here than in some of her other pictures.

Also, Bettany seems to have pissed SOMEONE off; he's stated before he'd had a disastrous meeting where he'd been told he'd never work in hollywood again and was sitting in the gutter with his head in his hands when he got the call about playing The Vision.

It was probably an unrelated incident since he got work afterwards, but on one of his films he apparently angered the director to the point that he punched him

Manhunt Unabomber was kino.

>How recent is this?
Looks like the premier of Noah.

Made a film about dudes jacking off on his wife's face, but I still like the guy a lot. Always have done.

Bettany turned down The King's Speech (which was written for him) to do LEGION.

poor man's jude law

Taller Jude Law with more hair, you mean.

ITT: Photos women could never understand.

He's had the pleasure of cuming inside Jennifer Connelly for over 15 years!!!FACT!!!

He's a big guy

>Bettany turned down The King's Speech (which was written for him) to do LEGION.
Fucking hell it's real
Not saying Firth was a bad choice but I didn't really buy him as the last Emperor of India

After her peak.

I like paul bettany but think vision is a trash character

Why? I don't mind him

>mfw he was supposed to be the lead in Kingdom of Heaven but fox wanted a more bankable star

So close to pure kino


IMO, her peak was Career Opportunities.
I know a lot of men have JUST'd over the years but isn't her JUSTing one of the saddest cases? She should have aged into a curvy MILF goddess but instead went into skelly "can I speak to your manager" I go to Zumba mode.

doing that hobo movie fucked her up.

Great actor with a terrible agent

Her body was already weird before that though. Or are you talking about Requiem? I'm thinking of the one where she's homeless and gets cummed on to get drugs.

I like it when gets naked.

>remembering how thicc she was in dark city and mulholland falls

>ali brie
why do thicc mischling become so skinny bros ;_;

>sexy voice
>banging jconn

I'll always like Bettany for his portrayal of Steven Maturin. Phoebe Cates is better than Jennifer Connelly.


jude law is over 6 feet tall. how tall do you need someone to be?

Only guy in the MCU above 6'1.

>Dave Autista
>Meme Lord
>Idris Elba

he stole my waifu away

he's just a figment of my imagination


He portayed Darwin brilliantly

Was Crowe and Bettany the best duo of the late 90s early 2000s?