The Chad beard vs. the virgin CGI shave

The Chad beard vs. the virgin CGI shave

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>Somebody get this man a Schick.

they should've just kept the beard instead of editing it

>mfw DC release a cut of the mustache footage

Watch as he dies and we have Bucky shave and become the new Captain America.

It should be, it's the most hype part about the trailer.

Holy shit his hairline

Poor Cocaine Evans



you wouldn't believe it if i told you how much cocaine he does


No i mean his hairline is fine.

huh? sorry, i don't do cocaine. so i don't understand. Cuck Evans has a better hairline than Superscalp.

No it isn't, he's starting to go bald. He's joked about it in interviews.

Yeah but then he got a hair transplant or something.

I dont understand the fucking thought process behind having superman clean shaven. Why didnt they just give him a beard? Wasnt that the original idea? Guy was in a coma, him growing a beard during that time makes the most sense. What the fuck was DC thinking?

The original idea is that the rebirth part was going to last long, Superman was going to fuck shit up with beard, JUSTed hair and black suit, but then they realize their cinematic universe would die forever and ever and retconned everything.


No, it's just movie "magic". Favorable lighting, "hair in a can"-type of spray, maybe even a "hair system" (partial wig). It's very easy to make a balding man (in the early stages) look like he's got a full head of hair in a movie, especially when you consider that practically every second is closely scrutinized and edited.


Yeah it doesn't even make sense, even corpses keep growing hair so he would actually have long hair and beard. What were they thinking? They should have kept long hair beard for the confused/evil Superman part, the he goes away to his farm and Lois, comes to his senses and shaves, and returns in a crucial moment at the final fight looking like the classic Superman.

Fucking hell they can't do anything right

It's as easy as
>play god-tier superman theme by zimmer/jxl when he wakes up
>have him fly Lois romantically while plays
>go to the farm, ezpz emotional shaving mirror closeup
>go get em tiger

Whedon fucked up.

Bodies don't keep growing hair, it's a myth. It's the skin contracting and more of the existing hair being exposed

Yeah but he's an alien so maybe his does.

Thank you for clearing that one up upside down satan

The whole idea of him having a beard is good because it shows that he's not actually dead. He's just in some kind of coma, which is consistent with him being basically a god as long as he's close to Earth's sun. Some kind of evidence of Superman not being dead would be enough to convince Batman and the rest to try to "revive" him, in the sense of waking him up and not literally resurrecting him.

they got pewdiepie to play cap?

You're not taking into account that it's actually YOUR myth about MY myth that is in fact, the actual myth.

Do you follow?

How would one measure a thing like this?
