Do you have any idea who you are, Sti Ling Fram?

>Do you have any idea who you are, Sti Ling Fram?

what did Bank mean by this? how did he know the robber's name? and why would Sti Ling not know his own name?

You're stretching, but I appreciate the effort.

>He's Au Twight?

Why did the robbers care what the banker's name was?

>No, no no no, I kill Tehpus Trifer

Cool, another capeshit thread.

>Ewan, your friends are dead.

How did he know he was talking to Ewan?

This isn't an effort it's a reflex.

bankmanagerposting is patrician meme

his full name is actually Ewan Eufrenza

I think about Lotta Loyalty every single day.

They fought in the Kosovo Wars together, read the prequel comic

>You and Yawfrens are dead!

Weird of Nolan to bring up a character only to never mention them again.

was Dunn Hier related to Dunn Kirk?

This is why Nolan is such a deep filmmaker, he makes you ask questions like this.

He was trying to solve the dilemma through non-violence. Similar in method to saying "I know you're a better person"

Why does he take off his glasses before he goes out there with the shotgun?

Wouldn't improved vision be really helpful in a gunfight?

Do you think Sti Ling Fram was in league with Dunnheir?

It’s so if he gets shot in the face the glass doesn’t shatter into his eyes

classic kino move

33. There are thirty-tree capeshit threads in the catalog right now.

where do Hutat and Yu Oudacownt fit in to all of this?

>take glasses into gunfight
>lose them
>spend moments disorientated and trying to find them
>get shot and killed

>go into gunfight with no glasses
>just keep shooting and take note of how many times they shoot
>survive and only get tear-gassed

You have any idea who you're questioning?

You're funny OP, i like you. Hell you can fuck my sister.


they knew that if they were dealing with Au he couldn't be reasoned with. The guy loved money too much. that's why he changed his name to Au (gold)

The one question that repeats itself throughout the movie.. Who is the Joker?
Nolan masterfully implemented The Riddler into the movie without ever showing him. This "riddle" of Joker's real identity looms heavily in the background and pokes it's head out only in a few select scenes.
McKenna serving as Nolan's self-insert, tell's the audience who the robbers are, all except for one. The Mastermind.
A more attentive viewer will pick up on the more curious names McKenna drops in the movie, most likely in attempt to try to get a reaction out of his accomplices and whether his perusing has any veracity.
All in all, three names are heard; >I guess the Joker is Askras Esthice / >If the Joker was Shous Martt, he'd have us bring Abikka Recar / >Six shares, don't forget Tegeau Whublandeab
To navigate through Nolan's cerebral labyrinth and find out the answer, we need to go back to the very beginning, and I mean the very first sentences uttered in the whole movie.
>Three of a kind, let's do this.
>Two guys on the roof, every guy gets his share
>Five shares is plenty
>Six shares, don't forget..

Arranging the names McKenna gave us, we get something like this and the only thing left to do is to remove the names that match the numbers, then we get the real man behind the curtain.
1. Askras
2. Esthice X
3. Shous X
4. Martt
5. Tegeau X
6. Whublandeab X

Jokers real name is Askras Martt. The man who is crazy & smart.