I want to get into Anya Taylor Joy

I want to get into Anya Taylor Joy.
Where do I start?



the vagina

her pusy

She's beautiful hnnnnggggg fuyckkkkkkk I just want to squeeze her breasts fuck......... watch split

Money and connections. She won't let just anyone inside her you know?

It's actually her brain

Imagine saving her life and then she has to be your gf


Not how this works


The VVitch is pretty good.

Unfortunately Hollywood is dumb and hasn't figured out perfect she is yet. Split is okay if you can deal with Shmuelyuan

Try Area 51 ayy lmao

Christ, is that?

his entire "law" is null and void because 1 is fucking retarded. How can a past benifiet not provide for continued association? if you provide a comfortable living for a woman, she will usually realize that this will be the future situation if she doesnt fuck up. Is this guy retarded?

It means Sup Forums is safe from having to reproduce.

It means if you lose your resources, she won’t stick around. No matter how much you gave her in the past. This should actually just be common sense after 100,000+ years of human existence.

Well of course. If your gf got so fat you couldn't even fuck would you stick around?.

thats not what 1 says. 1 talks about past actions in relations to future actions. your past actions, like earning enough to feed your wife last week, DIRECTLY affect a woman's predictions of if you will be able to provide for her next week. he states that your past actions have no bearing on future assosiation. That is nonsense. She cannot see the future if her husband will suddendly lose everything. The future is decided by the past, this is basic causality/educated guessing

t. Man


No, but then you'd be a horrible bad shallow shitlord.

>past benifiet
>future situation
Well someone is retarded here

Jesus is this bait or are you actually mentally handicapped?

Based pusyposter !

yes past benifeits can influence people to continue associating with you

in fact those are often the sole things that influence future association. The image you posted is a quote from a retarded man

try arguing like a big boy

counterpoint: "What have you done for me lately?"

There is no argument. You are just too dumb to understand what past benefit means.

>female loyalty
are you going to tell us about black temperance next?

how is providing for someone in the past not a past benefiet? Are you retarded?

your right, lets all just buttfuck other men instead

Her pus-

start at the toes and lick upwards

Only men have honor, honesty, loyalty. And dogs.
Women don't.

You're wrong, I've seen women with dogs before user

so all the men in wars who had children with women in foriegn countries, plus all the male defectors, and wars aside men who cheat when their wives remained loyal, were they just glitches in the system?

oh also polls have shown 70% of women have said they've cheated once, compared to 72% men

but you can just say the women are lying or something

It's only natural not wanting to die in someone else's war, user, what I'm talking about is simply standing by your word.
It's not cheating if you've never said you won't go with anyone else.

>I'm Anonymous
>I hate women
>Women are inferior to men in every single possible way
>Women are more likely to cheat, cause violence, do everything negative while nothing postive
>I am going to post everything I got off r9k & pol when someone disagrees with me
>Also beta, cuck, soyboy, roastie, never had a girlfriend, ect ect ect

there, thread done

have you ever been in a relationship? you know relationships are typically monogamous by default right? you dont enter a relationship and say "WE ARE NOW IN A RELATIONSHIP THIS MEANS WE WILL NEVER CHEAT ON EACH OTHER, THIS HAS NOW BEEN ESTABLISHED AND IS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY"