How is Danger Girl still not a film?

How is Danger Girl still not a film?

>hot chicks
>loads of action
>cheesy humor
>commienazi villains
>ancient lore
>mad scientists
>plot twists
>globetrotting adventures

It's basically a summer blockbuster in comic book form.

Sounds pretty fuckin problematic to me, buckaroo

>hot chicks
not happening, unless they tone down the sexualization and blacksmear some girls

only happening if you remove the commies and leave the nazis

I saw 'girl' in the title and had post-traumatic flashbacks to Tank Girl

Second half of the series was too fantastical for me.
But I am for action movies starring hot women!

>How is Danger Girl still not a film?

live action is asking for commercial suicide
Animation that is consistent with Scott Campbell's art would be visually interesting.
Still it will not happen in this PC age of ours. Imagine a pixar version of danger girl, that's the best you would get right now.

cast them

Melissa McCarthy?

Like how?

The girls are sexy but also portrayed as smart, strong and resourceful. The baddies are really cool and the commienazi mashup is very interesting.

Tank Girl is so retarded it's kino.

Nicky Whelan - Abbey Chase

Live action could be profitable with the right marketing push. If they kept everything from the book intact, I imagine people would respond the same way they did with Deadpool. It's not like there's no audience for movies like that.

They literally just announced it recently

there's not a single 'hot chick' available to cast currently

nothing like pam anderson, angelina jolie, megan fox, or any other man-bait. instead its all nasty hoes who can't shut up about how strong and independent they are

>Resi, Hitman

10 years ago maybe

>Hitman Resident Evil producers

>Resident Evil

Now I'm scared.

Amy Pascal and Kathleen Kennedy made sure that females in action movies are lame as fuck in the present day. There is no Major able to do DG justice right now, not even Fox. It would be toned down, it would require diversity, it would create outcries from feminists on every social media. We would objectively end up with another Frankenstein adaptation of a comic book.

>2017 is coming to a close
>no Bomb Queen movie

what is even the point of staying alive

With those guys in charge it will probably suck but at least it won't be PC.

Is this any good? My roommate left a couple of trades behind when he moved out, but I never got around to reading them.

That shit is literally unreadable.

>How is Danger Girl still not a film?
We already have porn and J. Scott Campbell is insanely overrated.

>from the producers of Hitman and Resident Evil

yeah well seems like I'll need a lot of drugs when I see this one

By referring to every piece of media with beautiful women in it as if it's something nasty, you're only strengthening the PC crowd. DG isn't porn. It's one of the best mini-series in comic book history, and every time I revisit it I'm reminded of why I used to love comics once upon a time. It's big and loud and beautiful and fast and fun and stupid, it was meant to entertain and entertain it did.

The way Campbell's style has devolved in recent years sucks ass, I'll give you that, but back then he was at his absolute peak. The entire team was nothing but passionate talents.

bruh look at this film. wait till you see the producers. oh no no no...... PFFT AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!