/who/ - Doctor Who General

The Girl who Died/The Woman Who Lived Edition
Thoughts on this episode?

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Ashildir going by "Me" is fucking dumb

girl who died is pretty kino for the most part, woman who lived is annoying and boring and every appearance of Ashildr from then on out is garbage

>tfw I could be the one going to the whovians screening if I tried to get the ticket before posting the image
m-maybe someone else will p-pull out...

rip user


Not a two-parter. also this

that was like 6 months ago now, its getting pretty boring desu

Bill is cute

What emotion is this face supposed to convey

fuck im so sorry, where are you?

Just stop replying.

the girl who died in the streamo

kek it's fine, you should go
I'll keep checking the page occasionally, don't worry about me

"WE" + "daaammmnnn..." +"DAS RITE"

she did a great job

>>>/unironically watching le wacky British man show/


fuck off boardie

cytu be/ r / casualwhostream forgot to link sorry

I feel like if they'res enough demand they'll open up more tickets too. good luck user

You can DM on the stream right? if thats the case ill just do everything there


i dont normally, just that once

Yes, you can DM in the stream.

Do they do screenings in the same studio that the aftershow is recorded in? Because that has a fairly fixed amount of seating

I think they do but ive seen them have different amounts of seating depending on what show was being filmed, its possible that they arent maxed out yet.

It might be possible that they have contractual limitations to how many people can be shown the episode too
Did you get a response yet about if it would have the regnerations?

note yet

not yet*

if i dont get one tomorrow ill ask again

reminder that Jodi = cletus

We are all


Is Cletus a multiversal singularity?


reminder that missy = mistress = master = rory = farquaad = faggot = cletus

So there's the book mega, but is there an audio mega?

bit DOT ly/2BAnvI9


I just want a good episode of NuWho set on Gallifrey, damn it.

Is Vincent and the Doctor kino?

I want a MOTW ep set on Gallifrey, it's just a normal episode, but on Gallifrey

Hell Bent

"Whew," exhaled the Doctor. "That regeneration was a real rush! Wait, why is my voice like a lassie's?"


I just want a good episode of NuWho about Gallifrey, damn it.

End of Time
Day of the Doctor

>End of Time

Will she gesticulate this much as the doctor /who/? Will she fling her hands about accidentally hitting her companion and knocking things about when explaining things?

When you change it to about Gallifrey, that gets really broad. You can include any episode with many references to gallifrey, such as the Series 3 finale 3 parter.

"You do what you can," intoned the Doctor.

Thanks for the Tales of the Civil War by the way

Has Capaldi played the Doctor in anything besides the show, Class, and LEGO Dimensions?

Who was driving the car that killed Danny Splink?

A Christmas advert with a Brussel Sprout.


This is still one of my all time favorite YouTube Poops

>From DWM:
>“When I first had this idea, I spoke to Russell about the Master’s role in the Time War,” recalls Scott Handcock. “We chat to Russell a lot about what we do, to make sure we don’t tread on any toes and to check what he had in the back of his mind. I’m sure he won’t mind me saying that he initially went, ‘But Derek Jacobi wasn’t the Master in the Time War – he was a found as a baby on the shores of the Silver Devastation!’”

>Scott had thought that backstory, mentioned in Utopia, was a fiction created when the Master was transformed into Yana, just as the Tenth Doctor seemed to recall a childhood in Ireland when he became the human schoolmaster John Smith (in 2007’s Human Nature/The Family of Blood). “But no, Russell was adamant – he actually was a baby!” Scott says.

I always assumed it was memories implanted by the fobwatch. The idea of the Master quite literally turning himself into a baby is really funny to me

imagine the master flipping back and fourth between being the professor and the master like fucking captain underpants but evil.

Thoughts on Cyberbrig?


I actually really liked that moment and I'd like to see a short comic or something involving that iteration of the character.

I hope TUAT doesn't leak before the air date. I wanna have a comfy christmas in the /who/ stream.

we should watch the tenth planet sometime in the next few weeks on the stream

Literally ass-pulls: the show. It's like fucking Yu Gi Oh

Yeah, the revived series is like that

How is it anything like Yugioh?
Doctor Who follows its own rules

the doctor who experience
some BBC kids coding workship


Fuck off


who is erino?

>Doctor Who follows its own rules

hell bent is degenerate tier who
you know it's true

>general regenerates into woman with makeup pre-applied
>cafe TARDIS
>Clara """survived"""

fuck offerino. what a wonderful phrase
fuck offerino! it ain't no passing craze!!!
It means fuck off, for the rest of your days!
It's /who/'s problem free, philosophy
fuck offerino!



Yu-Gi-Oh! is a mess but at least it has Ted Lewis as Bakura


Aliens of London starts great. That's something about seeing the Doctor amongst crowds of people, and watching TV news, after witnessing an alien ship crashing that's really compelling.

Want to be a part of /who/ secret santa? Here's how!

Step 1: Set up an amazon account

Step 2: If you don't want people to know your full name go to My Account > Personalization >Your public Profile to change your name to something less tracky.

Step 3: Make a public wish list of stuff you want
Also make sure you add an address or your not getting shit. Go to List Actions > Update List Profiles. Enable 3rd party to get things from amazon sellers(and save a nice gifter a few bucks) For added safety, choose items fulfilled by amazon to avoid possible sharing of your personal address!

Step 4: You post your list with everybody elses

Step 5:???

Step 6: Profit!

Don't worry if you can't gift back, that's not what this is about.
Would like everyone who participates to receive a gift, so if you see a ** next to someone's list, move onto the next one that hasn't received a gift.

Gift Givers, please reply with the list you
purchased for so it can be noted.

3PAIZYX4T3S3W -Amazon . co . uk
1MXNH09BNBX5 -Amazon . co . uk
2IZ3HNTFTN5L1 -Amazon . co . uk
user requests a the Radical Doctor Lym requests Jess art.user requests art of a Ironside trying to make tea.
Post your lists!
Don't want a physical gift? Make a request for OC arts, Vocaroo holiday greeting, or something else maybe? Perhaps someone will fulfill your request!
Merry /who/mas!
Will add them to the copy pasta for the next thread.

Watching the Pirate planet for the first time, and I'm on part 3. Tom Baker's acting is better than usual this episode, the bit where he's asking the captain why he would destroy whole worlds is pretty great imo

Merry Giftmas!

You're a good man Cloi. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise

He's a creepy old man, actually. And behind the spoiler is mfw he won't live to see the 100th Anniversary Special.



WHY WOULD THE MONSTERS MAKE THEMSELVES AWARE THAT THEY EXIST IN THE DREAM? DON'T GIVE ME THAT SUBCONSCIOUS shit they knew exactly what they looked like despite all being taken when asleep. Fucking ridiculous.

And Santa too was also dumb as shit. Don't even get me started on Capildi (who's Italian NOT Scottish) acting like a retard on the sleigh.

Too much this doctor is acting like a retard. And his Clara obsession is ridiculous, she's been around long enough she needs to fucking go. I was so happy when she was like 80 I thought fucking finally but then another twist and she's alive. Pissed me off almost as much as Harry Potter still being alive at the end of the books when you blatantly show him dying.

British writers should just stop doing sci-fi fantasy if this is the shit they are going to make.

Fucking Clara. Fuck Clara. Annoying bint.

At least Tennant could handle a xmas special by himself, this Capildi runs to Clara within 5 minutes WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT MOFFAT.

Really ruined my christmas tv this episode did.


which sides of an argument in /who/ does this represent?

It speaks emoji


Hell Bent is Kino/Hell Bent is Crap

cletuses on the right, normal people on the left

trips on the left, anons on the right

Planet Mondas / Gallifrey Base

why does twitter call the symbol they put at the end of a hashtag an emoji? They don't convey emotions, they're just silly little images to draw your attention to whatever product paid for it

That moment Bill sought someone other than Weatherfu and made her become a deus ex machina at the end of the season.

this, if there was a scene where penny and bill almost kissed but bill stopped after thinking of heather then the finale would have been received better i feel

I agree with you Kinda, the episodes should have had flashbacks of Bill thinking of Heather or even some reference that one of the two waited for the other even after Bill "to send it away."

I think the worst thing is to imagine that even in simulated reality, Bill went after this girl. Bonus points for Jodie not wearing glasses or some accessory for sight after the 12th "use the vision of future regeneration" to read the Veritas.
I feel impartial about these three episodes. I do not know if their continuity was poorly executed or the problems presented were too much for the situation.

amazon.com/dp/B077RG1813/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_x_u.miAbY0RBTWM GOAT

But the Christmas special isn't even out ye---
>Released in February
Oh, I'm just retarded.
Yeah that's pretty neat, and I think it's cheaper than buying the DVDs individually? Then again, it's in USD. Each series here costs like 80 CAD in stores, but they're usually cheaper online.

This 100%

kino art

If it didn't have the text it'd be a pretty good desktop image or poster

>No Nardole