
Man I'm gutted that this show is ending...

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they couldn't even have a cute trap?

christ bruce isn't having it easy these days

>those disgusting thin man thighs

sarina valentina syndrome desu


It's on the internet, it's not on fucking "TV". Pornhub and thousands of other sites did it first.


do you think the point of the show is to titillate closeted neets?


This is a tranny not a trap.

that's not a trap it's an ambush

How many emmys will this win?

>tfw have gyno and a small dick
Am I basically a transsexual Sup Forums?

All of them.

Pretty sure that Penny Dreadful actually beat them to it

>"her breasts and penis"
>"her penis"
what a world we live in

Kill yourself faggot

Yep. See this? This is you when you're +40.
Get used to it.

just do a few pushups and some cardio each day and you'll only have the small dick.

I've never saw her face in the video. Where is this from?

so brave

>2" micro penis




daily reminder a trans vagina is a literal wound that tries to heal itself so they need to dilate every month.


dont think I like trap anymore lads


>parents faces when the doctor is talking about orgasms and g spots

"You know, Amazon turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually, I didn't even notice."

If your gonna get fake titties why get them so small and shit?

>Show makes history by showing a dick

Am I being trolled?

it was a feminine dick

Not surprised. Not like it changes the fact that 90% of actresses are trannies anyway. Everyone in hollywood is a faggot. You don't get into the industry without being one. Half of the top "actresses" you fags fap to have been feminized and gone through surgery since they were young lads.

>Half of the top "actresses" you fags fap to have been feminized and gone through surgery since they were young lads.

>Mon visage quand

>first full frontal scene from a transgender character

iconic ending

ofc sjws dont know of it

clever girl

you are literally insane

Fun fact: The Hangover's Yasmine Lee had to use ice between takes to shrink her enormous-even-while-flaccid penis down to a normal size so the film wouldn't recieve an obsenity rating.

Also The Crying Game

>"TV's first"
>the show is only available online

>celebrating mental illness

>only available on a streaming service no one knows they have and most don't even watch