Is it true that the main reason Sup Forums hates BBT is because it overshadowed Community which they like way more?

Is it true that the main reason Sup Forums hates BBT is because it overshadowed Community which they like way more?

Sup Forums doesnt like anything. its a cesspool of faggots

I hate both shows

We like True Detective.

I never really liked this show, too soft. Also its jokes fall flat too often.

i like both shows

Should've ended after Season 3

Arrested Development

What does "too soft" mean?

This reminds me of that copypasta, "X is a Smart Show about Dumb People, Y is a Dumb Show about Smart People".

Here Community is X, BBT is Y.

>moderately attractive girl who sees through Jeff pretty easily and is slightly liberal
>within two seasons is completely flanderized into being a borderline communist psycho who is almost as retarded as Troy while being hated and shit on by everyone

Why did they fuck Britta over so hard?

community was pure kino
should have ending after the 3rd

that dungeons and dragons ep
was the shit
also Pierce was dare i say it...../ourguy/


they saved britta. she was an unlikable twat s1.

I always wanted to see what would happen if Jeff and Dennis were locked in a room together.

jeff would nope the fuck out

Too warm and fuzzy, too Dan Harmon.

What's that one in the lower right?


oh you dear sweet child

Oh, so that's why Rick and Morty is popular. Because it's by the Community guy?

How is Friends for dumb people?

I mean he'd be unnerved because Dennis is a fucking sociopath but Jeff is fucking huge.

That's not the point of the image.

I wouldn't say it's for dumb people but it's not like it's a "smart" show. Lots of people enjoy it

he still never does confrontation that well and dennis is a literal psychopath

i think he'd hard dip out of the scenario

I thought the entire point of the show was to convey how the group's relationship was codependent on levels that almost approached the Always Sunny gang. They all got far worse than they started out in their time at Greendale.


That's why Rick and Morty has all the dramatic elements, Justin Roiland stuff is just funny and disturbing.

Keith David is and always will be our guy in anything he's in.

first two seasons of community were 10/10 it kinda went downhill after that when they made chang a major character

His exit was fucking great in season 6, basically being like "yeah it was a fun few months but I barely know you people, maybe we'll meet again, k bye" was great

>hard dip out of the scenario
I specified them being locked in a room together for a reason.
Let's play this out.

I agree, he was indeed our guy in the thing where he played the transgender communist Democrat.

I'm glad you agree.

>"You seemed smarter than me when I met you"

And Mad Men. And Mads.

>first two seasons of community
That's what I heard. I'm actually a little glad because I just discovered this series and I'm waiting too much time binge watching the episodes.

>dennis starts to feel out the scenario and ask jeff personal questions in what he thinks is a kind voice
>jeff sees through it and responds in a sarcastic tone
>dennis starts to get angry with jeff and wants to know why he doesnt want to be friends
>jeff starts to give a speech to dennis to try to calm him down

interesting theory, i still blame bad writing though

S1 and S2 = 10/10
S3 = 7/10
S4 = 5/10
S5 = 7/10
S6 = 8/10

It dipped until S4, but it recovered gradually. S6 was actually really good.

I literally binge watched season 2 and 3 of Community when I was meant to be studying for high school senior year exams

worth it desu

Lmao is this Loss?


It was such a dramatic character change.

>character is a feminist social justice activist
>universally regarded with disdain, treated as a joke, low status and her ideals are treated as eyeroll worthy

Could kino like this even get made in 2018? Wtf happened to Harmon?

Because Harmon has pretty much become that. Back then he was younger and a bit edgier

pierce > troy > jeff > annie > abed > britta > shirley

Only season one was 10/10
Everything after that was 6/10

>nope the fuck out
>hard dip

Pierce > Abed > Troy > Annie > Jeff > Dean > Britta > Chang > that fat nerd who wanted to kill himself > Shirley

nah they hate bbt for entirely different reasons

>placing Jeff that low
Greetz, nu-male

>he posts on Sup Forums yet doesn't consider himself part of it


The show itself is nu-male core, so any order would apply.

Nah, that’s Parks and Rec
Community’s pretty cynical

community had about 30 good episodes and most of those are from season 1. Terrible show.


big booty transexuals

"I'm proud of you,son."

No, it's definitely nu-male core.

Well since you know so well I'll trust you

Shut the fuck up.


That was easy.

Well I'm not done, so not quite as easy as your mother.

You sure are easy to troll.

Is that what you were doing?

You'll never know.

only ever watched for britta tbqh fampai

i think what they did to ben chang was equally as bad, he went from being this edgy play-by-his-own rules teacher to a fucking retard

master ruseman