Why do some people say Nic Cage is a bad actor?

Why do some people say Nic Cage is a bad actor?

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for a while he was doing the easiest form of acting: random funny faces. he got better in the last decade. kind of.

He can be when he doesn't give a shit or doesn't try

The fact is he is more often a bad actor than he is a good actor.

Is he actually certifiably insane?


Cause they've never seen the movies where he actually tries in, back in his prime. It's like if people only saw the Thor and Transformers movies and say Anthony Hopkins is a bad actor

That movie with him and Travolta was so fucking bad.

Vampire's Kiss is top Cage

Are you sure you're not describing Jim Carrey's career?

Gotta watch Ghost Rider 2 for maximum cageness.

Cage has a sort of face where I want to smile just from looking at it

He is both bad and good,

Joe was pretty great desu. Has he done anything since?

Did a pretty great Paul Schrader film with Dafoe than went unappreciated.


He overacts worse than Gary Oldman.

>box office: $2,430

His performance in Leaving Las Vegas was one of the greatest of all time imo

He's got fucktons of talent but seems content to shout his way through movies for a pay check. Seems like a candidate for "had an existential breakdown 20 years ago and never recovered"

>no national treasure 3
>not continuing the franchise and expanding the treasure hunting/illuminati secrets universe
>no more Diane Kruger treasure hunter waifu
Years later and I'm STILL fucking mad Disney didn't give us a third. National treasure is better than any capeshit franchise. Rip

unappreciated kino right here.

National Treasure is like a less pretentious and far more entertaining Da Vinci Code.

Exactly, well said

Lord of War is GOAT Cage

So true man. So many people forgot this movie but it's truly great and one can say it's a hidden gem.

Goodman great in supporting role, Scorsese at his prime.

He’s one of those actors who’s only as good as the director you put him with. Give him Martin Scorsese or Werner Herzog, he’s great. Give him whoever directed Season of the Witch or Outcast, he’s shit.

oops you are right, I had Yes Man and movies like that in mind


goddamn I love this movie and both nick cage and laura dern so much

Thats the worst movie ive ever seen

he really carries the whole thing

hes not a bad actor but he is an overactor

fun fact: nicolas cage is pretty fucking good. sure, he has some stinkers, but then again - who doesn't?

No idea

>in kickass when he's supposed to act pain he instead sings in a falsetto voice
>in ghost rider when he's supposed to act anger instead he sings in a falsetto voice
>in when he's supposed to act in he sings in a falsetto voice

Because he IS a bad actor. But he's popular with old women and old gays who first saw him in that gigolo movie and have been masturbating to him so many years ago.

hes not great by any means. he only got into the industry because his family are mobsters