Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Adam Scott

Jesus Christ will play the dog. If he isn't available it will be Will Ferrel. Goddamn I need sleep. I'm up in dem nigga hours

Literally Sup Forums

I heard he donates all of his salary to peta. This dog, Mayor Roverburg is just another liberal shill but people are too dumb to see past the lies and vote for the better conservative option pig Chris P. Bacon.

Idris Elba

Painfully unfunny

Is that Sup Forums or Sup Forums?

>One day he could be POTUS.
the absolute state of america

At least he's white.

have an upvote good sir!

As opposed to orange?

jesus that was the worst thing i've read in months

as opposed to a nigger

"F" you! Lol.

>tfw every cool dog you saw in a movie/tv show growing up is dead now

I like to mention this aloud when I watch films from the 90s and older. "That dog/cat/etc is almost certainly dead." I don't have friends ;_;

I've never heard of white niggers
Whew, son.

Literally wiggers.

Wiggers are whites that want to be black. Niggers come in all colors, nigger by nature not by ethnicity.


Most reddit-tier post I've ever seen on Sup Forums. Even literal fucking quotes from reddit aren't this bad.

Right... but for us non-retards only blacks can be niggers.
