Was it autism?


Other urls found in this thread:


>Jordan Peterson

>Jordan Peterson

>Nosretep Nadroj

>Jordan Peterson

t. brainlets

The woman is this image is you, and the semen in question belongs to Jordan Peterson.

>Jordan Peterson

Make your bed




I fucking knew this shit would start happening after this video, even though it's just a pile of strawmanning to spark outrage.

>Hate Jordan Peterson's pretentious faggotry
>know I will get called a liberal soyboy if I speak against him

what did he say that was wrong? If you need some leaf Kramer to encourage you to wash your ballsack with parables of dragon-slaying then you are developmentally challenged.

Most of what Memerson says is common sense. The guy is a surrogate father for pretentious 18 year olds.

Are you trying to deflect an accusation of strawmanning by pulling off even more of it? If you get to the point that you're describing Jungian psychology and Archetypes as "parables of dragon slaying", you might as well just turn on caps-lock and mash your keyboard instead of trying anything else.

No, it isn't common sense. Now you may claim that this perception is due to any sort of flaws in my person, but I can just as easily throw that right back at you.

Jordan Peterson has cultivated and encouraged a cult of personality around himself from among the most belligerent, obnoxious, meme-spouting people on the Internet to enrich himself. He deserves to get devoured alive.

my ballsack is the enemy at the gate and I must master the superset of all possible ballsacks in order to truly go forth forthrightly into the world and conquer the hydra which is my penis.

i bet you think you sound really smart

>cultivated and encouraged

Really? I'm interested to know how, exactly. You try to back up that he's either actively encouraged it, has a "fan-base" that's particuarly belligerent (hilarious considering this thread was made first to attack him), or that whatever that he does is with the ultimate purpose to make cash.

That's a much better post, at least now you're being intellectually honest with yourself.

it wasn't easy because I had to venture into the belly of the beast in order to save my father, the savior figure, from the belly of the whale.

Go watch videos of him giving lectures in 2002. He's the exact same person who held the same/similar values.

You know, hiding behind sarcasm and cynicism only shows to everyone how deeply afraid you are to expose your legitimate points of view and have them bounced back at your face. Just because you're able to type a couple of snarky comments, that brings you nowhere near being right on anything.

you can exploit people with your own ideas, you know

250,000+ followers on Twitter and 6,500+ monthly donations on Patreon do not happen by accident, retard. He went viral and then realised it was a golden opportunity. One of the first things I saw for him was a promotional offer he was running for a one-time free Scientology-type Quiz on his website aimed at Redditors and Sup Forums users.

People who espouse Sup Forums and /r/the_donald are so desperate for anyone, literally anyone, to agree with them they fall for the most blatant con men imaginable - Donald Trump, Milo Yiannopoulos, Jordan Peterson.

What does this prove? He's been selling the same crap for a long time but no one cared until he took the noble stand against the hordes of screeching trannies and now advice which people would've discarded as stupid is seen as the key to the salvation of the world.

And what does that even prove?

t. jordan peterson

Well for one thing I'm an antinatalist. So it shouldn't be too hard

You are correct, they do not happen by accident - however implying that just because it wasn't an accident that must mean it was some disingenuous attempt at manipulating and encouraging people to engage in cult-like behavior is just the stretch of the fucking century. It's hilarious that you describe the Self-Authoring program, which is basically "write about yourself and what you want from life" - something that's been verified to improve grades and retention for college students - and link it to Scientology, just proving to anyone who understands the context of these two things how full of shit you are. Also, nice little hysterical name-calling with the whole "THIS IS REDDIT THIS IS MEMES" accusation, since you can't really make a cohesive argument you may as well aim at their "fan-base".

Get fucked with your shitty little outrage sparked by some strawmanner with no arguments. You have absolutely nothing to back up the shit you say beyond your own paranoia. Actually, it's not even your own paranoia, it's someone else's.

>What does this prove? He's been selling the same crap for a long time but no one cared until he took the noble stand against the hordes of screeching trannies and now advice which people would've discarded as stupid is seen as the key to the salvation of the world.

This guy taught in Harvard for nearly a decade and is a tenured professor at one of the best universities in Canada. How do you figure "no one cared"?

>People who espouse Sup Forums and /r/the_donald are so desperate for anyone, literally anyone, to agree with them

this. They co-opt the stupidest shit to the exclusion of all of JP's other work and he has to produce content exclusively for them. The internet was a mistake.

This is the bloody thing, like this is IT. Once you start down that road you just can't turn back, like you really can't. And I know it's my fault, but that's just the monster I am, like the bloody Jungian monster, ready to tear my own mind to shreds and bare the sheer pathological hatred I have for everyone else. It costs me tremendous power of will just to remain human in this moment, just to remain myself and not become like a second Hitler. Or Stalin, who was even worse. I know I could do that. Like I could starve all those people like that, easily. And I wouldn't even feel bad about it. I'm sorry for genociding you there, but you have to admit, you could be a bit less of a bloody smartass, you bloody marxist.

I've only just clicked on the video to which I assume you're referencing, to be honest. He makes p. good points? I don't care one way or the other. Jordan Peterson has boxed himself in by marketing himself towards Sup Forums and Reddit after the tranny shit went viral, but he probably is anti-racist, and now with his comments on racism his audience are going to turn on him. You should retake the Self-Authoring program (how could anyone think this is a cult???) and write yourself into not being such a faggot just in time to watch your surrogate father get fucked in the ass by his adopted angry dork children.

I only need one mentor in my life

And who the fuck are you? What have you accomplished? How have you helped people and changed lives?

I do love how in two posts you people have managed to produce nothing but posts laced with sarcasm and cynicism, but not yet any actual arguments or properly sourced criticisms towards the man. These can be mildly entertaining when you read it over a funny voice with some cute pictures, but as an actual convincing argument, it affects no one.

>and write yourself into not being such a faggot

my sides

silver tongued satan this guy

He already has a few trillion hours worth of content available for free. I guess as soon as you are above a decent wage you're supposed to give away absolutely everything you create for free. Otherwise you are a fraud.

Lmfaoooo I Love it Dude ?? xxDDD Youre Poast just Makes me LAUGH!!!! I'M F***KING LAUGHING!!!! SO HARD RN LOLOLOLOL xDDDD ;) You're Nothing to Me EXCEPT SILLY, STUPID, LAME, DUMB, BORING, ETC. Do You have a Peer Reviewed Study for that Opinion? Lol, NOPE. __IRRELEVANT, MUCH???__ Just SARCASM & Cynicism!!! (not cynicism meaning entirely self-interested such a pocketing millions from fatherless losers) Lol Read Youre're Fuckeng Post in FUNNY VOICE like Cos You Are reare Just so Are fucking Stupid, Dude!!! Hav eyou Even Self-Authored??? Lol, thoguht Not. *makes my bed* You'll Never be a Havard Professor like My Father!!!

Tbh, there's nothing really wrong with what Jordan Peterson is doing it. I'm more baffled by the people who buy dogshit than I am by the people who sell it.

Jesus Christ, are you having a legit meltdown just because someone called you out on your sarcasm? Is this how you plan on helping your case? Maybe you're not so well put together after all, huh?

I'm enjoying posting on the Internet.

Regarding the sarcasm, though --

>Maybe you're not so well put together after all, huh?
>I guess as soon as you are above a decent wage you're supposed to give away absolutely everything you create for free. Otherwise you are a fraud.
>I do love how in two posts you people have managed to produce nothing but posts laced with sarcasm and cynicism
>These can be mildly entertaining when you read it over a funny voice with some cute pictures

What the fuck do you think you're doing, retard?

Wow, man you're really invested into this guy. Is he, like, a real bloody father figure to you or something? I think you should cool off and sort yourself out of this thread.

I'm being sarcastic, which is fine. However you have done nothing but produce sarcasm and snarky replies, without even attempting to bring actually sourced arguments to attack Peterson, just:

>This is reddit and Sup Forums, because this is my perception and thus the narrative I want to believe in. No other website/board on the Internet follows his work.
>He is a charlatan, and everyone who follows him is an idiot and gullible. His status as an academic doesn't matter, I don't like him.
>His teachings are all common sense, which means if you disagree I can just say you have none therefore making myself inherently right.

Again, no arguments or criticism, just snark, as if that's going to get you anywhere. People like you just live to feed off the next outrage but I can guarantee that one day you're going to run out of them and find yourself without any actual beliefs.

He came to public attention after the tranny video went viral. He was doing the same thing before then, so I've learned, but he was much less popular. It makes perfect, reasonable sense he's mostly popular on places which are really invested in the CULTURE WAR against transexuals and liberals. You didn't acknowledge or address why this is wrong. You've just dismissed it as snark. There's nothing snarky about it.

His crap is common sense and selling common sense to morons is a con. There are thousands of self-help gurus practicing the same self-actualization thing. The difference with Jordan Peterson is he also, for a time, appeared to espouse a similar worldview to Sup Forums and /r/the_donald. This isn't just a narrative I choose to believe. It's what appears to have happened, and you haven't acknowledged or addressed it. You've just dismissed it as snark. There's nothing snarky about it.

You keep calling me snarky and sarcastic while acting incredibly snarky and sarcastic yourself. This may seem very snarky, but are you legitimately autistic? You're responding with snark, "LOL, IT IS SO FUNNY READING YOU'RE DUMB SNARKY COMMENTS! HEH, I AM LAUGHING!" dismissing everything as if you have to give some response to devalue the criticisms offered against Peterson without actually being able to address them. Peterson obviously hasn't done a v. good job at helping you.

And then, when you're down there at the absolute bottom you realize. Like it's a terrible thing. It's terrifying to find yourself there. It's devastating. No beliefs, no guidance, not even any bloody will to pull yourself out. That's what the belly of the whale feels like. That's Cain killing his brother - or figuratively killing himself before God. That's the Temptation of Christ, when he met the devil in the Judean Desert. Only this time the devil is you, like you're the bloody devil, and has been all along. Tempting yourself and testing yourself, in a pathological impulse of self-destruction, it's like you're testing how low you can sink. But you have to live on somehow after you hit that bottom. You have to find some belief, you have to emerge from the whale, cursed to walk the earth forever on like Cain, to ultimately sacrifice yourself to your father like Jesus, after you sort yourself out and regain complete morality. To assemble yourself from pieces back into a normal human being is no easy task, far from it. That's the story of humpty dumpty.


Alright, since you've finally put something honest forward, let's talk about it. You are proposing that some of his points of views are shared by reddit and Sup Forums, citing that his initial outburst of popularity with the issues of transgender people acted as some kind of entry into it. You are correct in saying that. However, you will also come to find that he also spouses a lot of other views that are shared by other people, from your regular Joe to other academics in psychology or evolutionary biology. The point being, what's the inferred conclusion on saying that reddit and Sup Forums share some of his views? That in no way means he's some sort of shill dedicated to petting their egos.

And like I said, this whole "common sense" argument is a load of shit, for two main reasons: Jungian psychology is based entirely on archetypal and quintessential ideas, to the point where one of its main concepts is the collective consciousness. Yes, no shit it's about the common sense. However, bringing whatever ideas lie within the sub-conscious into the active mind is not at all a simple task that anyone can accomplish.

But who am I fucking kidding, of course you don't give a shit about any of this, little outrage sniffer. You just say it's common sense so that I'll be baited into say "IT'S NOT" to which you will proudly follow with "THEN YOU MUST HAVE NO COMMON SENSE CAUSE *I* SURE KNEW ALL THAT HE WAS SAYING".

You don't even inspire pity

>Alright, since you've finally put something honest forward
>a reiteration of the points I've made throughout the thread which you've dodged as simple snark

>And like I said, this whole "common sense" argument is a load of shit
>Yes, no shit it's about the common sense

You seem confused. Tidy your room. Peter is nothing special and he says nothing new or interesting.


Actually what's wrong with a self-help guru if he actually helps people?

If the people who support Jordan Peterson admit they're a bunch of mentally defective spastics who actually need someone to tell them how to think and feel about things while pretending a philosophy of individualism and they're fine with paying him to give basic shit that's out there for free, nothing. More than Peterson, as with anything obnoxious, it's the fans who are the problem, and his fans are pretty bad because they're really fucking stupid but think they're smart and they think Jordan Peterson is a saviour figure. Dislike Peterson? Brainlet! ;)

Youre 100% right i just wanted to tell you that.

Can't argue with that.

le fandom strikes again!

>You have to define what "Jesus" and "believe" mean

wtf I'm ready to venture into the underworld and kill the dragon that's making my room dirty now

t. Metocuck. Try actually watching is videos before brushing it off as "just common sense"

I watch him because how well he BTFO's marxists and the way he talks about archetypes. What's wrong with that?

Peterson must know his teaching because they say the exact same things on a some subjects.

The anti peterson shilling spreading from /pol to here surprises me, how much paying does a shill get? maybe i should follow that career path

>his fans are so obnoxious
Are they?
I've never seen any threads specifically about him nor met anyone irl who knew who he was.
Yet this thread seems to be made specifically to shit on him and his fans.

Tha anti-peterson shit comes from Mister Metokur fans mostly. People in this very thread is just parroting what he says

>The anti peterson shilling

nah peterson is just shite. No point being paid for that here unlike all these comic movies threads

If it was common sense then the universities wouldn't be overrun with marxists

Take a look on Twitter or comments to Youtube. The tide has turned because he's criticised racism and anti-antisemitism but he had a large following among Sup Forums and /r/the_donald, people who think the west is degenerate and Peterson's teachings will help men be men once again. It's the same people who call everyone cuck, numale, soyboy, who obviously have issues with their own masculinity. I'm surprised you haven't encountered them, to be honest.

There was one ITT, so you could judge for yourself. Threads specifically about him are mostly a Sup Forums thing though. I've no idea why this thread was made here.