Will avengers break the worldwide box office record ?

Will avengers break the worldwide box office record ?

At least until avatar 2

All signs are pointing to yes.

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probably , i still dont know why Avatar had a great box office, i liked the movie but it wasnt a masterpiece.

Avatar 2? you really think that movie is coming out?

Avengers 3 won't, Avengers 4 might

Avatar was just a event film. Everybody wanted to see the 3D gimmick in its full glory. But now people don't really give a fuck about 3D. So making another five Avatars isn't what people wanted. Avatar left zero cultural impact. Nobody gave a fuck about the story.

Nigga they’re filming now.

Why not?

It’s already getting stupid hype and it involves too many franchises not to do it imo

It’s literally the only reason I went to see. I didn’t even care about it being the first Cameron film since titanic which some people seemed to care about.

>Hawkeye leaving and wants no part of Thanos
Smartest by far.

Absolutely, the novelty of different franchises sharing the screen is back, Spiderman (civil war was basically a cameo), Dr strange, black panther(cameo) and guardians all on screen with avengers for the first time is massive, and is also why JL underperformed

I’ll be amazed if it doesn’t touch $2.5B

I wonder what kind of deal RDJ brokered for this one as he’s an uber Jew.

The story is literally blue-tinted dances with wolves.

exactly! The film doesn't have a bad message but it hit you over the head every 5 minutes with it coming from preachy blue aliens.

possibly. A big reason isn't simply for a story about beating a bad guy but the fact that people like and care about these characters. Their interaction is the best part of the films

Both will do

2.2B and 2.5B



There is zero chance it will surpass avatar, when will you learn. It might surpass TFA and titanic though

Why do you people still do this? There's still not even a teaser for Avatar 2 despite almost 10 years of promises that Avatar 2-10 and 50 spin-offs were happening.

>There's still not even a teaser for Avatar 2

Because it just started production and will be released only in 2020?


Found the mouse shill.

Superhero movies have a ceiling I think, where some normies don't care. TFA had way more going for it.

Not to mention that it premiered with basically no relevant competition for two months.

Say that to Terminator 2: Judgement Day or Titanic where they thought he was insane in pushing it through.

lol thor and ant-man. marvel is a joke.



Alsom his dead characters stay dead most of the time. rarely happens in capeshit

It wont even beat Jurassic World. screencap this

It won't and it doesn't have to. Marvel will be happy if it reaches A1 or even Age of Ultron levels. If anything the recent GotG2, Civil War and JL box Office points to Infinity War doing less than Avengers 1. The MCU just isn't that hot anymore now that everybody is having cinematic universe.


Avatar 2 won’t break $1.2 billion

This doesn't feel like just another JL / Avengers though, but rather like the next step in superhero team-up movies that we have never seen before.

Anybody that thinks that Avengers 3 will outgross TFA or Titanic is fucking insane, it wont even get to within $1b of Avatar

Doesnt matter how much you repeat 'muh 9 years of buildup' its not going to drag non CBM fans to the theatre in masses like those movies did
Maybe it can outgross Avengers 1 but doubt it will be much above that

No. Why would it make significantly more than Avengers movies? Ultron made less than first one too. It's making 1.5 billion.

And nobody cares about Avatar anymore. Unless it's some another "revolutionary" meme it's making maybe 1b.

Will probably gross a lot but looking at that cast, it will have to to cover the costs.

Bruh, they've literally put all the MCU characters into one film. That's like 9-10 franchises / fanbases in one.

The trailer already broke records.

There's a chance. A slim one.

They put them in because it's the payoff they promised people in the A1 mid credits scene. Doesn't mean it's gonna be the biggest movie ever. Infinity War is the reason why i watched all those other marvel movies until now. But that doesn't mean people outside of the franchise are suddenly gonna rush to the theaters. Infinity War will do fine and everything between 1.1 and 1.6 BN will be a success.

Also it's better to compare it to HP 7.1. Then the year after 7.2 made bank. So Avengers 4 is where the money is.

DC put out of business when?