Its December 1. new Star Wars in 2 weeks, how crazy does Sup Forums get when a new star wars movie comes out...

its December 1. new Star Wars in 2 weeks, how crazy does Sup Forums get when a new star wars movie comes out? this is my first time being around for one

Half the board will be Star Wars.


is that way nigger shill, fuck off

Good time fuck off from Sup Forums, the board's been absolute shit every time a stah wahs movie comes out and all the plebs come out in droves to share their hot opinions

There will be tons of Rotten Tomatoes threads, even a Rotten Tomatoes hype thread. Then there will be a bunch of memeposting about whatever scenes for the next few months to come. Buckle up.

wow new star wars movie soon, nice

'please' leave

To be honest, for a good five months before TFA, the board was filled with Star Wars posts every day. Almost top to bottom. There are some screencaps (my HD died).

It's weird how quiet it's been. I can't believe the movie is only 2 weeks away, seems unreal.

last time was a proper reddit invasion, i wouldnt get too excited


>last time was a proper reddit invasion
Nah, it was a Sup Forums and Sup Forums invasion as soon as that first trailer hit. A thousand ooga booga threads made by autists that just couldn't let their childhoods go.


Its going to be a horrible month with shitty SW threads non-stop. Its honestly for the best if you take a break from Sup Forums during it.

TFA was nothing but threads with finn in the desert

Prequelfags? No one I knew as a kid actually liked them, myself included. Boyegas a fucking faggot though.


please get your ass back to reddi't

For the entire week after opening day of TFA, the catalog was all Star Wars. Virtually every single thread. This one will be bad, but not as bad as that.

i think people still watched the original trilogy as kids even if they weren't alive when they came out in theaters

>how crazy does Sup Forums get when a new star wars movie comes out? this is my first time being around for one

oh it's a good time m8
we usually have a group live stream where we jerk off on our sleeping moms with our dicks painted like lightsabers.

I usually just go to /ck/, /biz/ or /fit/ or some other board and spend a week or so there whenever reddit is about to invade Sup Forums with capeshit or glib facsimiles

were you around when game of thrones was airing? it's the same but with star wars.