Why doesn't the Fox Marvel franchise stir up drama and arguments like the MCU and DCEU?

Why doesn't the Fox Marvel franchise stir up drama and arguments like the MCU and DCEU?

Fox doesn't pay for online shills, at least it seems like it

Its beneath us. Thats why you get films like logan and deadpool. The audience is just a lot more mature than marvel and their quips.

>praising dead pool
>complaining about marvel and their quips

because fox actually makes good all around films while mcu just makes quip shit

Logan was the best capeshit of the year, nothing else even comes close. And all they did was let a director make a fucking movie, funny how that works

I've read Jackman wanted the R rating so bad he accepted less monie to made a real adult movie about Wolverine.

Because no one cares about it

the low budget too

Some Xmen movies are good, some are great and some are shit and people generally all agree on which ones are which. With the MCU, some people are always going to hate le constant ebin quips that turn up in a lot of those movies and with DC, there's those few who insist those films are genius when they are, for the most part, not particularly great.

Xmen just isn't divisive in the way that the other two are.

>Logan tries to say his last words to Charles
>he is over come by grief

T-there's wate-
*chokes up*
There's water...

Do you not remember the shit show when that new fantastic four film came out?

It was the hardest fucking part of the film for me, and of course everyone in the theatre fucking laughs their ass off when he starts destroying the truck

We don't talk about that...

They're awfully average and everybody agrees about it, while MCU and DCU can be either totally shit or good, they also have more shills

Stop repeating this bullshit. I hate capeshit and assholes like you said this movie was great so I got conned into seeing it and it sucked. Same scene over and over, different setting. What a stupid fucking movie. Prof X has never been dumber.

Because Marvel made gangbusters on their films and received a lot of praise regardless of each film's merit, so you're gonna get push back on that. Then WB tried to play catch up on this trend and churned out mediocre-at-best films. So you have people latching onto the DCEU to spite Marvel fans, or just because they're contrarians.
But the X-Men movies started before the superhero craze really took off, so even the best ones never garnered as much attention. And even in this time span, some were good, some were bad. So now it's no big deal how each one has performed since this change in the culture. The Fox X-Men simply aren't as polarizing.

Shut the fuck up, it was a great movie, beats any capeshit so far, while the ending was mediocre and had some nonsense, it was solid 8/10, no flying shit, no stupid powerups, everything was consistent longer than any other capeshit, Xavier was a fun character for once, the interaction between 3 generations was good.
Your taste is simply shit.


You know there is a difference between a straight up comedy and forcing a comedic tone - unless you want to tell me every Marvel film is a comedy as well.

It wasn't me...it wasn't me...

Same here with the truck scene and his collapse, how tone deaf are audiences jesus christ.

Except nothing was funny in deadpool, it was a mess in every single way. I'm tired of ryan reynolds playing the same character in every other movie by the point deadpool was out it was painful to watch

>thame thene wher ar ecksposhions nd why is prf x actin so dumb

DC Pajeets only care about "fighting" Marvel, and most Marvel fans are normies that don't post on this board. Deadpool and Logan are also movies that normies love, but they aren't competition for either cinematic universe. They're just good stand alone films.

Quipshit has damaged their brains. They now expect le funny scenes to break up every dramatic moment

>Mess in every way
>Made a ton of money for being rated R
>Got high critical ratings
Guess most people don't agree with you where it counts. Personally I thought it was alright, much better than anything DC's put out and better than most of Marvel's shit too. It had the right mix of comedy and action, and the special effects were pretty good. So I dunno, go fuck yourself you miserable faggot.

Sad thing is that youre probably right

It was out in the right time and was hyped for years, if you can't understand why it was shit then go read the story out loud.
>villain fucks your body up so badly you look like a 3rd degree burn victim all over, and gave you regeneration that somehow doesn't fix his face
>seriously asking the villain to fix you
I don't care about the first point since it's cannon, but the second is really stupid, it would've been better if he just wanted to fuck him back, the characters were a big meh, shove a shotgun up your ass and feel free to shoot it as you orgasm

>and gave you regeneration that somehow doesn't fix his face
Yeah almost like he has hyper cancer or something.
>characters were a big meh
Supporting cast was on point, Negasonic Teenage Warhead was great and Colossus was fun as the big metal boyscout.

You really ought to consider suicide, and that's not a joke. I'm not saying it to be chummy, like we're having a fun back and forth. I genuinely wish you death for having different opinions than me about a comic book movie.

>Supporting cast was on point, Negasonic Teenage Warhead was great and Colossus was fun as the big metal boyscout.
t.underage faggot

too fucking true
audience doesn't want to feel bad they just want justified action and "yay he got the bad guy, hahaha he just called him a poopoo head while throwing him into a sewage plant"
they don't want to watch a man get angry and then take his anger out on the people that caused it

I swear to god this is only an America issues

All my theatre was in tears during most of the movie

>complaining about quips in comics out of all things

Those high critical ratings don't stop you from bashing MCU flicks tho huh?

But deadpool is memes and quips:the character soo its loyal to the source as it get...that why DC Keep losing.

He should've been more serious in the movie

It also gave us X3, Wolverine Origins and Apocalypse so your point is moot.

Because the latest Fantastic Four was one of the worst movies of all times.

Why were those effects so bad?

Because tribalism almost always boils down to two camps.

How do the blades create sparks without wearing down?

Aren't sparks made up of little pieces of the material combusting? At that rate of sparking, his blades would be nubs after not too long.

Also, why is my browser flagging "combusting" as misspelled?

The Wolverine workprint is pure kino.

Because when the XMU is shit everyone agrees it's shit, and when the XMU is good everyone agrees it's good. There is no XMU director with a legion of apologists to make endless threads about how kino his failures are.

Besides, X-Men will be in the MCU soon enough...

The director said they tried to make the claws looks like the adamantium was "fresh" (with an akward result obviously).

Film is more hated than it deserve honestly.

Of all the film genres, I think comedy is one of the most subjective ones. Some people laugh during Monty Python's Holy Grail, others laugh during a Melissa McCarthy flick. The point is, Deadpool set out to be a comedy as much as something like Anchorman, whereas most Marvel films inject humor into otherwise serious situations in a way which makes it extremely silly. Doctor Strange is the most painful example of jokes standing out because they don't actually fit in the scene.

They make actual films.

They're used to movies not getting too serious. They're used to a well-timed quip to elevate the mood. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Certainly, if you're doing a lighter movie like Thor Ragnarok, you want to insert a little comedy when a scene is making the movie get solemn, but Logan wasn't a lighter movie, and it made this clear from the get-go with the trailers and all the promotional stuff they did.

Same thing happened in my movie theater when the bear mauled Leo DiCaprio in The Revenant. Audiences don't know how to react to serious moments anymore.