How underrated is this film ?

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I feel like im only one who has seen it and seen it for a couple of times because its weirdly good

The music sucks tho

it's good
unintentionally comedic, but also creepy when needed
nice score too

they butchered a lot of nice cinematography
and that late 90 early 00 editing are the only flaws
I fucking love david arquette

>unintentionally comedic

i think its pretty deliberately tongue in cheek, i would probably classify it as a black comedy

[banjo intensifies]

Ravenous fucking owns, man. It's one of my favorite films.

you are probably right, Satan
there is a director commentary track on my dvd. I need to watch it someday

It's not underrated. It's overrated on Sup Forums

>The music sucks tho
You're kidding right ?...

>i would probably classify it as a black comedy

It hase been one of my favorite movises since around 2000. The music is perfect, the Nietzsche stuff is great and I enjoyed the homosex subtext.

The only thing that sux is that the HD version is crap

It's kinda becoming cult classic nowadays. I see a lot of mentioning of Ravenous in all kinds of lists.
The movie itself is full of homo erotism and dark comedy which kinda flew over a lot of people's heads (even some anons of this thread).
BTW, OST is great:

EXTREMELY underrated.
I'll probably rewatch it tonight

>BTW, OST is great
The soundtrack is kinda bizarre but amazing at the same time

Always thought it is great. They strings sound super Norwegian. Does anyone know how that style is called?

Who does this?

No it's shit and overrated if anything.
The music is also the only good thing.


The most memorable one for me was :

>HD version is crap
What do you mean ? It's edited ? or just a mediocre HD transfer ?

It's an upscaled DVD (or something).

It's a staple in my winter kino

On this board? Not that much, considered how many threads we had about it

Not during the "well..... Run!" scene it doesn't.

Well it's a good sign that there are still people here who are neither from Sup Forums, Sup Forums or reddit but care about cool yet fringe (fantastic) cinema.

Top tier dark comedy.

>Well it's a good sign that there are still people here who are neither from Sup Forums, Sup Forums or reddit but care about cool yet fringe (fantastic) cinema.
Op here..I'm from Sup Forums no worries, i don't bite.

I keep this film and Ronin in that same category.. Where I love them dearly but nobody I talk to has seen or even heard of them. Plus, you get to see ferris's principal die horribly.

my stoner and meth friends liked it enough. ctrl f stew and that's usually how a conversation about Ravenous starts as well.

Norwegian woods

>from Sup Forums



Probably the biggest tonal shift in a movie I've ever seen. Fun as fuck though.

I kinda watched it without paying attention but it was cool.

Isn't the director a woman

Yepp, and she is a heroine of gay cinema.

>BTW, OST is great
It fucking haunts you. Never heard anything like it in other films.

truly, this time it's over for blumpf

spic too

He is only charged with lying to the FBI. He is giving a lot to Muller for getting the other charges dropped. Next in line is Jared. Trump is fucked and he knows it. This is why he was flinging shit that last week.

Idc much tho I just want the movie with Homme as Trump.

>He is giving a lot to Muller for getting the other charges dropped.


so the subtext for eating your fellow man's flesh is really fellatio/cunnilingus? and the terror and disgust exhibited by Guy Pearce's char upon uncovering a ring of cannibals and their subsequent attempts to induct him into the practice is a metaphor for a square man's homophobia? i am beginning to see why certain elements of the board gushes about this film.

exactly, this time its all going to be confirmed forget those other times, this time it's legit

Literally every credible news source starting with the Post.

>Men alone in disclosed location.
>men who have urges that are condemned by other men/society
>Bird directing
>Christianity is prohibint it but not really

As I said it's a subtext and I missed it when I was younger but it's there.

>Eat to live, not live to eat.

If you can't see that Flynn cooperating with the Mueller is the latest escalation in a downward spiral there is no helping you. This event will be in future history books. Screencap this.

I never realized David Albarn was involved with the score even though I'm a big fan of Blur and I love this movie. Nice

>Flynn asked Russian ambassador to stay calm and not sperg out in regards to US sanctions against Russia
>BIG SHIT GUYS, It's over this time
And I will screencap it. Since you seems to be the type of person who would write pic related

This movie is an all-time favorite and I don't care how much of a chickenhawk Jeffrey Jones is. Arrow Video or some other cult label needs to give it a 4k remaster, anything would be better than the one used on the current Blu-ray.

tl, dr
You still can't even begin to explain why he lied about it tho. Also I would never waste my time to write wall of text about people like you, so that aint me.


The musings of a capeshit brainlet.

Because admitting that you spoke with anyone who even has been in Russia automatically renders you guilty as charged, shit luck for him that he got caught. Also, of course you would deny writing it, any sane person would, but hey, deep down you'll know the truth.

Lying to the FBI renders you guilty.
The first 10 words of your post prove that you have not been keeping up with the news. Shit comment. Try harder bruh, I am not gonna spoonfeed you here.

He won't flip you dumb shitposter, there is nothing to flip on. Jesus fucking christ, will go on like for 8 years? Someone farts and you throw an IMPEAAAACH dance only to get btfo again and again until next time when its definitely legit?

>pleads guilty after 1 hour
>he wont flip


god you're cringry, take your conspiracies to /x/

underrated bay-kino

>document ITT
>reports all over the internet incl. Breitbart and Foxnews
>hurr it's a conspiracy

Mate, we are way, way past that point.

Try reading a real book
>it must be true its on breitbart and fox!

>Washington Post

Because he was impeached, arrested, and lead out to a firing squad the other 9,001 times they said it was surely going to happen any minute now, right? Use your fucking brain. Just because you don't like someone on a personal level it doesn't mean reality is going to magically contort itself to fit your views with an elaborate hacking conspiracy. If that were the case, Hillary would be shitting herself between two boats right now.

Now shut the fuck up and discuss the film, you mewling fuccboi.

This looks a little like pic related

holy shit this image is cancer, lefty/pol/ truly is worse than Sup Forums

>missing the point
You are seriously barking at the wrong dog, dawg. Pic related, older books I got during college times.

>9,001 times they said it was surely going to happen any minute now, right
Show me where. They have been reminding the public for 9 months now that Watergate took years to unfold while you were eating up Trumps shit throught RT/Breitbart/FoxNews.

>lefties turn another thread into a drumpf debate

>Breitbart and Foxnews
wow, great sources there, you know those are just lefty boogeymen, right?