Did she deserve it bros?

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>mfw she had my car keys on her

Yes this is the ultimate of a roastie getting toastie

>Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
literally translated,
>Die, Yuppie Scum!

>mfw i read the bible as well and didnt realize that verse does translate well into her getting a new coat and job etc...

>1 John 2:15-17 (KJV)

>15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

>16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

>17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

It was also telling how she had the opportunity to actually file the extension but refused just so she could get the promotion. She must have clearly had a blackened heart in the works and eternal damnation was coming to her anyway.


Drag Me to Hell (2009)

>Did she deserve it bros?

Of course not, that's not the point. Most people in horror movies don't deserve what happens to them. Doesn't stop it from happening though, which is why its horrific.

You bet she did. Dumb fucking roastie.

Did anyone else's dick get hard?

This movie and the “comedy” horror genre are absolute trash. I felt extremely cheated both with the entire film and yes this retarded ending that comes out of nowhere. Basically the retarded old cunt wins after being a massive twat years later and undermines everything the MC did anyway not to mention she’s also a cute Would not recommend to anyone and only ever hear people say, “haha bro turn your brain off and it’s enjoyable even if it does seem like it was trying to be a scary movie for the most part and then gives up halfway and has a cow floating around the room!”



Deserved what she got.

Christianity was ideal for keeping poor people in line.

dear lord

Good for keeping rich people in line too

Should have given the lady a loan.
Her fault.

>movie is called "drag me to hell"
>character is dragged to hell


Communism and Maoism was a better fit.

Turns out the poor enslave themselves if given the chance.

Didn’t she sacrifice a kitten to the devil in this?

none of this matters, no sin can put you into hell if you are a saved christian.
except maybe homosexuality, not sure about that because God says that he will give you up

Yeah the moment she was dragged to hell I got up and left the theater.

That's about not obsessing over material things.

Exodus 22:20 "He who sacrifices to any god, other than to the LORD alone, shall be utterly destroyed."

I think she deserved it.

not really, it just means that rich people are so prideful usually that there is no way that they would trust their fate for eternal salvation on Jesus Christ.

>Doesn't give a loan to an old gypsy woman who has no collateral and no way of paying it back
>gypsy then stalks and attacks her in her own car
>gypsy tries to kill her
>gets BTFO
>Somehow the MC is the bad person

Leftism, not even once.

I almost pity them, but it's their low intelligence that brought them to their impoverished lives, so not much of value is lost.

>Drag Me to Hell (2009)

If you falsely use the Word of God to push an agenda you will be sent to hell to suffer eternally.
Other sins will just result in your soul being destroyed, no afterlife at all.

Nice headcanon.

Is this the female version of Mr. Hands that avoided death by taking it in the throat instead?

>I'm too dumb so I'll just call it shit

thank God, I MEAN TODD

Even non-racists hate gypsies. They are shit people.

lying thieving noisy layabouts

>sacrifice an animal to Satan
>animals don't have souls, so he doesn't get anything out of it
>God still gets pissed

checkmate christians

The funny thing is that racism against gypsies is not skin-deep. No one hates them because they are brown but because every single one of them is a shit person.

Read the entire chapter.


The disciples ask Jesus if being rich is a guaranteed ticket to Hell, and Jesus says no, God can make a camel pass through the eyes of a needle if He wants.

So yes, rich people can go to heaven.

Posting an isolated verse out of context to argue for the opposite point the text actually makes is not a good practice.

This verse in particular seems to have ascended into popular wisdom as the polar opposite of its own meaning.

I'm poor by the way.

>retarded ending that comes out of nowhere

Literally the entire movie is building up to it you brainlet.

Hell, it's in the fucking title.

>I hated it for killing my perceived gf

Stupid whore had it coming.
The old lady deserved free money.

Deserved it when she tryed to get off by killing an innocent kitty kat

We showed those fucking hacks.


I literally rolled my eyes so hard at that point.


So christians should sacrifice niggers and jews, makes sense.

autists can't handle more than one genre at a time

>movie titled Drag me to Hell
>ends with Main character dragged to hell
>WTF that came out of nowhere?1?1

Jews are especially good because God hates all Jews because every last one of them carries the inherited sin of killing Jesus Christ. It's a well known fact among Christians that Hitler and all other Nazis went to Heaven because in the eyes of God, they dindu nuffin.