How can DC even compete?


HOL UP etc


why are there so many niggers

Speaking of overhype, I wanted you to try this comparison test if you had a high IQ of intelligence.


I think literally all of them except War Machine and Falcon are from the Black Panther movie.

Sit down, be humble.

you forgot Gamora

Fuck off shills
Reminder to not pay for this piece of shit, pirate if you are tasteless enough to watch this trash

Ned? tha fat asian kid? WTF MARVEl?

Nick Fury? Bitch what? Isn't he dead?

True, but she's a green alien. I forgot Nick Fury too but he's alright.

But they literally have characters called "M'Baku" and "Ayo".

I'll be there at opening night with my friends.

the new Green Lantern movie is gonna destroy marvel

I'll be seeing it 32 times for the 32 characters :) We want Marvel to know we care about these characters. #32forthe32

Benedict Wongs character is actually called Wong?

These wonderful characters have done so much
for us. Now it's time for us to stand up for them.

ummm.. no sweetie

No movie can be good with so many characters. Garbage.

this again...

so many black panther characters...

Not a fan of all the niggers tbqhwy lads

I know right? And only 7 characters are from GOTG! Seven! That's as many as five fingers and two!

Replace the niggers with Hela and Ayesha and this would be a 10/10 movie.

>7 out of 36
calm down, autist

What if Ned saves the day?

I get the feeling this place might be racist.

Well, "Man-Ape" probably wouldn't have gone over very well.

Because the movie begins in Wakanda you dumb fucking idiot.

and his costar is also called benedict
what a fun duo!

being the best soober hewo flick is like being the smartest kid with downs

I wouldn't have believed this could be real 10 years ago.

my nigga wong dope as shieeeit

If Marvel is so much better than DC, why is our nation's glorious capitol not called "Washington Marvel"??!

Checkmate marvel fags

Compete with something at its end and future uncertain?

James Wan>>>>>>every marvel director

By making superior comics, animared series/movies, games and having best capeshit trillogy including one movie which stands above capeshit?
DCEU is trash, but DC is oblitirating marvel literally everywhere. I don't know about tv series though. It both shit, but netflix marvel has better scores and less ratings as I know. I don't know how this happened.


Can they just stop putting movies into cinemas and make Blu-Rays/DVDs only already?

Fuck Camcorders.

>They will still complain about diversity


>Maria Hill

Worse character in the whole MCU, next to Ned. Why would they include her here.


The irony of posts like these is that Sup Forums is Sup Forums 2.0 now and most of Sup Forums came from reddit.

>black widow and hawkeye
>but not quake, ghost rider, luke cage, iron fist, or jessica jones

TV Shows, confirmed 100%, not canon.

Heh I made that years ago

Who the fuck is Ned?

You know. Ned. Come on.



Fury is confirmed? When's the last time he showed up? AOU?

>make a gorillion movies with a hundred characters
>time to do a big ensemble movie
>offer the actors a modest amount of money
>if they refuse just say okay, we don't need you we've got everyone else instead

When will DCucks learn?

Ned is the key to all of this.

It was also confirmed that in the post credit scene when the survivors are all down about the characters who died, agent coulson returns and blows their minds

why are all the white people on the top row and all the black people on the bottom row?

Kim Jong-Un's character in Homecoming