So I was watching Girls with my gf and my question is, Is this supposed to be satire...

So I was watching Girls with my gf and my question is, Is this supposed to be satire? Am I supposed to sympathize with the stupid whores? They're pretty terrible people and I sympathize way more with the guy characters

Scene definitely triggered the fuck out of me.

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Imagine a girl would get assmad at you for everytime you would wank off into a tissue killing your possible future children

btw i killed your baby lol

my wife gets assmad that I cum on my socks. She used to think I had a real bad foot condition, until I had to come clean and let her know that it was just cum.

She looks quite pretty there.

This board has killed the word "satire." You retards see everything as being for or against DA JOOS and if something on the wrong side mocks itself in any way it completely blows your brains and you shout "Is this satire?" like a fifth grader in English class.

No you're not supposed to judge them, they are terrible. It was trying to be realistic. Somewhere arounf season 3-4 it goes crazier, more hannah less everyone else, presumably because the girls started hating each other in real life, and Lena dunham succumbed to internet criticism / feminism. Its a good watch with your girlfriend, but a lot of it makes no sense, the dialogues overwrought / bad because the entire show is run by women.

See Lena Dunham is such a shit writer that even though I agree more with Gillian here that having a baby with a girl you’ve been dating a few weeks is crazy, I would absolutely want to know about it before hand. She ruins her entire argument by making Gillian be a smug cunt about it with all the quipping and acting like Adam Driver is stupid for having an emotional response to learning his girlfriend didn’t tell him she was pregnant and aborted it.

>implying ejaculation is the same thing as abortion of a foetus
Most women's studies majors can't pass biology so I'm not surprised

death to lena dunham.

Is this something that is now normal in the USA? I'm Eastern European and when my friends girlfriend got pregnant and suggested they should abort if he smacked her around until she came to her senses

To be fair I’d be pretty mad if I knocked up prime Gilly and she aborted it desu

Ive literally and unironically had to pay for 4 abortions.

Don't tell me americucks have to pay to let the slut murder your child

>Don't tell me americucks have to pay to let the slut murder your child
Not only do us amerimutts pay for the privilege of having our fetuses aborted, but PP turns around and sells those same aborted fetuses for $$$

truly g*d's greatest country

>be me
>using dating apps for the first time
>been a while since i started random hookup shit again
>looking at bios
>99% of women including the wholesome looking ones are narcissistic insane idiots
>see the same interests and bio 300 times in an hour
>every single one says they’re bisexual or feminist and wants you to message first
its over lads, idk exacty what date it ended but its done. we’re finished just go watch your kino in your little cuck apartments like im doing and say goodbye to grandkids and culture. its done, no human resources left to salvage anything. Most of them have some kind of media born autism that’s probably incurable. OP’s question stems from this reality break they all had a few years ago. Completely schizo as a group now, i have to lie 100% of the time to speak to them

The real answer is that the show is NOT intended to be satire but it's so absurd that a lot of its fanabse either watch it ironically or believe that it's supposed to be satire.

Not a straight up satire but it is self-aware about its entitled characters. Ray is often the voice of reason.

I know this feel user. Lucky for me I met a girl and we have similar interests and she's not a psycho (so far) been dating for months. I already told her though if this ends I'm done dating. Its simply not worth it anymore. If we break up as far as I'm concerned I don't need to have sex get married or even acknowledge women.

you live in brooklyn?

Seattle, almost as forsaken

the one on the far left barely looks human

These shows are social conditioning for the youth. Actors are merely sockpuppets for the ills that the writers and producers want to push into the population.

Is it any wonder the Lena Dunham is a Jew?

most "people" on the far left arent human so it makes sense

You just don't know what it's like to be a woman!

is it self aware though? i've heard this argued a lot and i don't see it

There's literally no difference it's all birth control.

Are there a lot of scenes like this in the show?

>Being a woman is like having everyone want to fuck you all the time

Yes, that's what I imagined it was like.

It's not satire, every girl I knew in college fit one of those four especially Marnie.

>Muh period is birth control for a week

Ok Lena, OK

It's not like women are original. The new thing is to make your bio as repulsive as possible.

>an attractive person having sex

>dike haircut
>looks like she showers once every 2 weeks

I would expect her to say something like this

>watching with GF
Advice, if youre "GF" is watching Girls, especially in 2017, she's not only a roastie she's probably on her third rewatch, and she's fucked other guys she's watched it with. You're a cuck in her tattoo of a spider web.

I pray someone goes rogue, cuts off her head and lobs it in a Starbucks. Or into Vice's headquarters. It would be the curdling Charles Manson moment for Jewish degeneracy. And memes.

>So I was watching Girls with my gf and my question is
>with my gf

yeah that relationship is not gonna last long...unless you're unironically are a stereotypical numale cuck

The characters are terrible people, and your enjoyment of the show depends on how interesting you find stories about terrible people.

Some people only enjoy those types of stories if its in particular contexts, so maybe this one isn't aimed for you.

Damn, Kylo's mad as shit

>m-my dishonesty is THEIR fault!

I don't really care for this show, but damn Adam is actually a pretty good actor


>There's literally no difference
One is the physical removal of something that took two humans to synthesize (a gamete/embryo/fetus)

The other is the physical expulsion of something that one human produces on its own (spermatozoa)

>tl;dr: wrong

> On tinder for a month
> Get a gf
> She's cute, sweet, understanding, reasonable
> Haven't had anything close to an argument or even a disagreement yet
> Messaged me first

And that's after 5 years of nothing. They're there you pleb. You just suck shit at it and I GUARANTEE your profile is total garbage.

I'm a girl and I hate that show. I can't relate to any of them and a lot of times the way they behave pisses me off. Sometimes it's just very insulting. I don't think I'd be friends with any of those characters irl.

>I GUARANTEE your profile is total garbage.
Soyboy-to-Human translation: "Your profile doesn't have enough epic references to capeshit and Broad City or pictures of you with your mouth agape"

>Is this supposed to be satire?
Yes and no. Some scenes are quite serious. Anyway its the most antifeminist show ever existing despite Sup Forums and Sup Forums saying otherwise.

wow, how brave

you are refering my my post or pics?

Disgusting roastie.

THANK YOU. I have been saying it is anti feminist for ever and nobody agrees with me and other women rip me to fucking pieces over this.

The pictures. True bravery

>possible future children
>the same as children

>Taking the bait this hard

>infanticide is just birth control lmao

Got me thinking

thats quite obvious desu. Ppl say its feminist fest because they have never watched it . I watched every single episode and sometimes I couldnt believe that anyone hasnt noticed how blatant antifeminist things she included in her show


I don't get it, is she implying women are obligated to fuck anyone who wants to? Or is she comparing """microagressions""" to being fucked? How disconnected from reality are these people?

DNA is DNA. Spit, piss, shit, period blood, abortion it's all nothing untill it's actually born.

How is it antifeminist? Also why is the cute ones nipple blurred?

What if it's early or c section? Is that a loop hole to personhood? What about it being illegal to kill babies in the womb by, say, punching a pregnant woman? It's just biological fluid? When does a human become fully formed?

What is the issue here? Are we suppose to simpatise with that Soy Boy? Blaming a woman for being an addict? Saying you became an addict because she treated you bad? Jesus how pathetic of an excuse of a man can you be?


>How is it antifeminist?

>All women in the show are retarded. Sometimes literally
>All women there make retarded decisions
>all women there are despicable, backstabbing people
>Lena was raped by a feminist lesbian
>Lena used sex to get things in her job
>"Girls solidarity" but when one girl dates others guy (who was free) she flips
>Enpowered girl thinks that she is a man and hitchhikes alone which backfires almost immediately
>Making fun of transgender people
>Faggots there are a caricature
>Only decent people in the show are white hetero men

I only scratched the surface of this show

I want to see some dude give his girlfriend an abortion without her knowing.

probably even more so, I mean it's the birthplace of starbucks.

fuck kill kill fuck

kill kill kill kill

Is this show supposed to be a more grounded and serious its always sunny geared towards modern women? Where the characters are all terrible and exhibit psychosis in such over the top ways that its supposed to be funny, but people are just retarded and assume the writers condone the behavior of the characters because there is no Frank Reynolds or Dennis to clearly spell out for the audience that these are bad people

I'm glad upper class urban white women are finally getting a voice in the media. This underrepresented group definitely needs their voices heard.

T-that's different and would be murder which is different from an abortion bc ???

Over half of those things are seen as empowering. Only really anti-feminist thing is the white hetero men thing.

This is why you just bang escorts like a man of culture

Man, Adam did a really fantastic job in this scene.


Pretty much this.

Choice to abort is ultimately hers, but the adult thing to do would have been to have a talk with him about it before hand and let him support/come to terms with it. Not just drop it on him like it's a fucking piece of inane office gossip.

That's got me thinking. I get that the choice to carry to term (or not) is ultimately with the woman, since it's their health and body in question. The man gets little to no say. But why is it the same when it's the other way around - the man is still on the hook if she chooses to have the baby? I mean, I know why, but it still doesn't sit quite right.

Is that just down to bad writing, as opposed to a deliberate agenda?

you know, not everyone is a degenerate

nah. its more like a hidden mockery

>Choice to abort is ultimately hers
I don't know if I agree with this, the baby belongs to both.

In this day and age, where women make art pieces of their period blood, provided they're not to busy crying about being stare-raped or mansplained to, why would you even watch a show that's literally called girls. What the fuck did you expect exactly?

Reading the comments on that video make me weep for the future of the west.

I don't necessarily disagree, but I meant under most recognised laws.

Ignoring the "when is a fetus a baby?" thing, if you believe that an individual's body is sacrosanct to none but that individual, how can you force a woman to carry to term a baby they may not wish to? In that instance, I think the only real answer is to make it their choice. I'm not sure how else to solve that.

>only women should get a say in infanticide

well not really since in reality its of no biological cost to him and it can straight up kill her

however if a woman can choose to fucking merc the baby its only consistent that a man can also sign away his parental responsibilities to the baby and have no need to pay child support, but feminists dont want that kind of equality

So what's your non-Sup Forums answer?

Tie them down for 9 months and force them to give birth?

Abortions should carry the death sentence.

Yes user. If killing babies is their intention then we should make a law that punishes them when they kill the baby. Not that complicated

The same way you solve it for males. You didn't use protection (which was your responsibility) so now you have to accept the consequences. Like the male so the female too should be free not to have any involvement in the child's life but neither has a moral right to kill it. I don't see the problem.

kek, i had to summon up some courage to look at em

gud4u user I hope she doesn't cheat on you like 60% of married women have admitted to doing in the last 5 years per Huffington Post

nah just give men the right to legally disown.

That's probably the correct answer, but never going to happen.

>per huffingtinpost

Not that I'm trying to defend roasties but didn't they give Trump a negative 20% chance of winning the election on the day of