The MGS movie will be made by the producer and director of Kong and Jurassic World

the MGS movie will be made by the producer and director of Kong and Jurassic World.
How does it make you feel?

Is Kojima jewish?

Yep, Avi Arad. Did you also check on him yesterday? He's like a garbage magnet, or rather he's the one that creates garbage and has been for 30 years.

The whole project seems to be doomed from the start. I'm not one for sensationalism or stupid shitposting but it would be worthy of a OH NONONO HAHAHAHAHA thread already.

>How does it make you feel?

why would he be? he just became a dumb hollywoodaboo

So......... yes?

Kojima was always dumb.
I just watched The Grey after many years because I read an enthusiastic tweet he made, turns out the movie is stereotypical shit.

Oh god he's not even hiding it.

This gonna be good (bad).

>Avi Arad
this guy's bio is depressing.

What's more likely, the man who created pic related nearly 20 years ago is a brainlet, or that you are a brainlet?

It better be about Snake and not that faggot Bad Boss.

>How does it make you feel?
its going to be normie as possible,
just your average adventure movie.

Adding social commentary to a rushed, crippled game doesn't really mend it. You're talking about a guy who idolizes The Walking Dead and Grand Theft Auto V.

His only good game was Metal Gear Solid and he thinks The Grey is a good movie. You tell me.

Oh, right, forgot to mention he sold the rights for the movie to Avi motherfucking Arad. Hahahahahahaha.
Obviously, just look at who's producing.

The Grey is fine

Call it bad or shit
But rushed and crippled it is not
MGS2 was as complete as they could come on that platform
Get the ineedtofitin dick out of your mouth and spout your own opinion

Nothing could make me care about a movie adaptation of a video game.

It helps no one to be reductive.

>But rushed and crippled it is not
It was rushed because mid production Kojima decided to pull the old switcheroo and change the protagonist. This forced the team to rebuild everything in a little over a year and that's why all the levels look like an untextured CS map. This isn't some secret or anything.

t. has played zero games by Hideo Kojima

>It was rushed because mid production Kojima decided to pull the old switcheroo and change the protagonist.
I don't want to just laugh at you, but this is absolute concrete proof that you are the brainlet.

>in 2002

Why are they making an MGS movie.

The MGS games already come with MGS movies.

>by the producer and director of Kong and Jurassic World.
So a subhuman libshit sjw lgbt transracial multiculti pushing soyboi millenial nu-male kikejewpig?
This will be one of the best movies of the past 20 years for sure! Nu-Kang was already 10/10 fantastic. I can hardly wait.

do you actually talk to people outside of here user

All the time. I have a great circle of friends and am generally well respected and loved and always welcome at the homes of people I know and love and who obviously love me back - otherwise I wouldn't be invited.
I also have a great sense of humor and am also charming as fuck around people as long as those are not subhuman kikepigs or shitskin (sand)nigger muslims.
I'm cool with asians and hispanics. People know of my disdain towards judenswines and niggershits and they agree with me.

stop getting your knowledge from Sup Forums, people just make shit up there because retard Sup Forumsedditors believe everything
From making ofs and behind the scenes interviews we know that the feminine protagonist was a very early on suggestion from Konami to attract the female audience, and kojima just found an interesting way to integrate it in the theme and metanarrative of the game
Raiden already existed back when the game was called mgs III