I think, Scream (1996), is one of the most important movies in film history, at least in the horror genre...

I think, Scream (1996), is one of the most important movies in film history, at least in the horror genre. Wes revitalized Horror, and I think Scream is on a level of brilliance that Psycho and Halloween are on. Billy Loomis is such an excellent killer.

>i'm a faggot: the post

Scream is satire, I still can't understand how people miss this.

Because it follows every single convention to a t.

It's a brilliant combination of satire and horror, and it's surprisingly frightening.

dont u blame the movies! movies dont make psychos movies make psychos more creative!

>it's surprisingly frightening.
now that's satire

>scream is over 20 years old

Hey man, the opening scene where Billy and Stu terrorize Casey Becker is pretty chilling.

Everyone who disagrees with this is a faggot. This place is so fucking autistic they think just because it's satire it isn't genius.

Yeah, it's fucking great. It's kind of weird how underrated it seems to be now as it's never spoken about as one of the greats, despite being such a huge hit in the '90s and revitalising the horror genre. All those teen slashers that followed were Scream copies, but obviously weren't as clever and weren't satires, even though they were everything Scream was making fun of. Billy Loomis and Stu were great killers indeed.

guess you have to have a pussy to relate

I don't know if it's important to cinema
but one thing for sure that movie is cozy as fuck.

No but really it was pretty awesome

without question sydney is the hottest horror heroine. Wes Craven's magnum waifu opus

she became my biggest crush when I saw it back in '96. I was 10 years old btw lol. My sister got this movie for me as a present because she's cool like that.

Anyway was in love with Neve for years, that tease with the bra scene sure was something. But my gosh neve campbell's titty reveal in thta one movie remains the most disappointing tits I've ever experienced.

Going back to Scream I don't even find her that hot anymore. Honestly I'd take Rose McGowan over her now tee bee aitch.

I only really dig the first one, partially like the second one and I'm totally indifferent towards the final two.

I agree with this. I like the way the movie looks.

is this why they kept her shirt on in wild things makeout pool scene? :(

probably... or maybe she was just a prude and refused (because she knew how bad her tits were).

eh, you can google if you like, but be prepared to cry

I understand not liking the 3rd. The 4th would have been better if Wes wasn't totally out of touch. The 2nd is just as good as the 1st, it's so great.

One rfeally neat thing this movie did was kill Drew Barrymore right at the start. It was genuinely shocking when that happened. They had her all over the advertisements for the movie, on the cover, etc, and she was the biggest name so people assumed she was the star. During the opening scene then the whole time you were thinking she wouldn't die 'cause she's Drew Barrymore, and of course she ended up being gutted in the first ten minutes. That was really shocking when you saw the movie for the first time.

Yeah I heard about that, it was the beginning of all the brilliant shocks, twists, and turns that you really DIDN'T see coming throughout the movie. One thing Scream did was make you think, and you truly believed the 'everyone's a suspect' rule that Randy had put into place. When I first watched the Billy and Stu reveal I was very surprised.

It's very jarring how underrated Scream is today. The movie pretty much brought horror back into the mainstream while it was dying. I really love the movie too, but I think the significance of it today is incredibly understated.

The sequel didn't work for me because it felt like Scream was slowly becoming what its predecessor has mocked.

what happened to hack the planet guy career?

That's what Scream 3 was to me, but I still felt like Scream 2 retained most of the satire and self-aware elements that the 1st did. Scream 3 was definitely the once that became what it once mocked, and that's because it's the *only* Scream movie not written by Kevin.

Weird guy to bring up since he's not in Scream, but he's in the show Elementary now.

budget johnny depp

have/be - what's the difference?

That's how satire works. Did you fail high school lit or something?

Time for Satirekino?

>Scream is satire
Maybe, but its got some legitimately great tension and mystery. I remember watching this for the first time at a school lock-in and everyone was hooked.
Also hit at the most perfect time in history.

I was going to start a thread about the Scream movies yesterday but I figured this board was too autistic with the avengers trailer, and it would’ve been pointless.

But yeah Scream is one of my favorite horror movies, and the one thing I wish they did with either the 3rd or 4th movie was use the same concept that Wes craven New nightmare was, where the actual actors in Scream end up getting killed/stalked by someone who was influenced by the Scream movies.

but johnny depp is budget johnny depp

I guess the concept of it just didn't work for in the end like it did with the first one. Will rewatch them all soon to see if my opinion might have changed.

I think, The Water Horse (2007), is one of the most important movies in film history, at least in the family fantasy genre. Jay revitalized family fantasy, and I think The Water Horse is on a level of brilliance that Narnia and ET are on. Crusoe is such an excellent creature.

Scream was inspired by New Nightmare, so it only makes sense. On another note, New Nightmare is the 2nd best Nightmare movie. :P

Did pic related kill Wes Craven?

Was he even ever a good actor? I can't remember anything where he gave a great performance to validate the hype. He seems like he's just there for chicks to dig the flick.

>make a tv-show of Scream
>don't have a Ghostface killer, instead make the mask almost one-of-a-kind, thus defeating the purpose of the mask in the movies
>don't have it be connected in any way to the Scream movies
>inject some retarded jason-rip-off instead of relying on the Woodsboro Murders for a backstory
>people finally start connecting with the cast despite all of that
>"lol we're rebooting with an all-new cast now"

What the fuck were they thinking?

MTV is the most out of touch fucking channel there is right now

Watch the movie Blow. Incredible performance.

It was a classic example of the genre it was satirising. Thats how Wes Craven spoke of it at the time.

I've seen it two times around 2010, but don't remember much of it. Will watch it again when I feel like it.

I love the Scream movies because they all feel like violent episodes of Scooby-Doo. Speaking of which, Matthew Lillard is a god-tier yet under-appreciated actor.

Also, I'm sure you've seen it, but his portrayal of Hunter S. Thompson in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was incredibly accurate. Shame he used a similar persona over and over again ever since though.

He was by far the best thing about 13th Ghost.

He's the type of actor who deserved better, but didn't have luck like many other actors, who are worse.

I seen the film when I was around 10 on VHS so some scenes were pretty scary.

The twist is one of the best. The killer was right in front of us the whole time, the writers litteraly told us that it was him but we wouldn't believe them because it was too easy

then Hollywood missed it too because horror was on it's way out before Scream

This is how I feel about Fast Five and on with the Fast and the Furious franchise. There is no way the writers aren't being satirical from that point on. The films make me laugh so hard every time. It's like if Escape from LA had a huge budget.

In Scream 2 original script Derek and Haley are the killers. Cotton tries to kill Sydney for revenge. Dewey dies. The script leaked online and they decided to change it. Sounded like the better ending. Wonder what it would've been like?

I used to be obsessed with this movie. I thought it was the most brilliant horror movie ever made.

I love the fact that in hindsight, it's so obvious that Billy and Stuart are the killers. It's staring you right in the face the whole time, but since you don't expect it to be two people you can't see it.

Donnie Brasco is Depp in his prime and the most underrated crime movie ever.

What mask and outfit do you think current day Ghostface would have?

Have you seen the show?

Except no Halloween store carries that shit, its supposed to be extremely common.

i thought it was just Young Adult shit version of classic horrors. I didnt even watchd this and the other YAhorrors like it for years.

I completely forgot about Donnie Brasco. Thanks for the reminder. I know what I'm watching this weekend.

Is this the real life?

1>2>4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Scream is a great movie. Scary movie 1 is also great cause it follows scream plot closely.

This. In addition it was pretty daring or progressive at the time to have a gay killer couple.

Yeah, satire alright. I remember ironically masturbating to it.

>Scary movie 1 is also great
Kill yourself, shitstain

Showgirls is, sadly, not satire.

Scream was on starz a few months ago and at first I was just going to watch that awesome opening. 2 hrs later the credits rolled. Forgot how much I loved that movie. Just sucks you right in so good.

No halloween store carried the ghost face mask from Scream until after the movie came out, ya dip.

t. soyboy

Your mother sucks black cocks in hell, fag.
Scary movie is great and a couple of the sequels (especially the one with the War of the Worlds plot thread) are great too.

>tfw parents rented this from the local video store when it came out and I was in 4th grade

I'm now 30

Yeah in tv series the mask represents ugly face of a "supposed to be killer but died years ago".

Lol. Fuck off you nostalgia ridden plebfags. You can go and literally eat shit.

>wild things director:"okay girls everyone who's getting topless walk past this line"
>"not so fast neve"

I like to think this is how they told her

I satire was supposes to satirize something. Not just rehash it.

Oh wait, I forgot. Occasionally a character would say "this just like a rule in a slasher movie."

>'''postmodern'''' takes at genre is now satire

Yeah you can go fuck right off


Scary Movie was better.

he turned a teen movie into horror which i guess is kinda important

There is no such thing as a good comedy.

My childhood best friend used to always say you got to see Neve Campbell's tits when she's stripping down and her and Billy are about to bang but I watched it on DVD a bunch when I was little and knew he was wrong and that the most you ever saw was her in a bra but he kept insisting I was wrong and that she showed her tits well he died of cancer at 17 so who's in the wrong now huh?

lol no

>New Nightmare is the 2nd best Nightmare movie
Unpopular but true, user