What could have been

what could have been...

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So he'd make something that looks cool but is boring as shit

He probably said no because he knew the studio wouldn't give him 100 percent creative control not to mention that its a big comitment. It would limit what else he can work on.

This guy always complains about time commitments but never actually does anything. His body of work is patchy and irregular, with few projects far between. He's a meme at this point.

Why is it that we hear so much more about "Guillermo Del Toro doesn't do something" than we do him actually making films?

I agree. His biggest blunder was working for hollywood. He wants and likes to make artsy stuff and hollywood just isn't into that shit. He abandons so many project due to creative differences, he wants to do one thing and hollywood tells him to do sonething else. He needs to go back to mexico/spain where he can do what he wants.

This. How many fucking times have I heard this guy being connected to projects that have either ceased to be once he left them, or turned to shit? Halo? The Hobbit? Probably some other place. It's like being connected with him, but not having him see though is an omen in any project.

>He needs to go back to mexico/spain where he can do what he wants.
Probably not enough money in that, both as a budget and for compensation.

I'm more upset he didn't get to do the Monster HBO series

>the Dark Universe was in preproduction since 2007
>a decade of planning led to The Mummy
>no one cared and the DU is basically cancelled

lmao whoops

This is nothing. Im still mad about P.T

if i were a mega rich billionaire, i would throw money at del toro to make whatever the fuck he wanted.

We already had Mummyfu, who cares about the other movies?

I knew I was forgetting something.

Because he doesn't compromise or give into the exec fuckery.

He shut down At the Mountains of Madness because they wouldn't give him an R rating and he knew it would be dead on arrival.

Why would you give money to a wishy washy director known for being a project dropper?

Considering how many mega rich billionaires there are, and how just about none of them have been patrons of the arts like that or would ever do anything like that, perhaps it's having this intention with your money that makes you unlikely to be a billionaire. I get your point, but it seems really strange how there are plenty of billionaires with this ability, but none who really ever use it like that.

>I have proven to be the albatross of video games,” Del Toro says. “I joined THQ, and THQ goes broke. I join Kojima, and Kojima leaves Konami. I have decided, in order not to destroy anyone else’s life, I have decided I will never again get involved in video games. Otherwise, I’ll join someone and his house will explode, or something.”

Even he knows he's a shadow cast over any project pertaining to any entertainment industry.

He could have also been in charge of the Hobbit movies but he was wise enough to bail on that shitshow

In place of something that looks like shit AND is boring as shit?

Then why complain when execs want to see some of their money back?

I can't believe people care at this point, the fat fuck has never comitted to a single project the last 7 years.

>The Hobbit
>Halo Franchise
>Pan's sequel
> Star Wars
>Silent Hills

That's none of concern of a true artist. They collect their checks, make true masterpieces with their budgets, along with producers and soundstages and other equipment owned by the studio, and if the final product doesn't do to well at the box office, it's of no matter, as the artist has carried his duty to his work and himself. If the studio goes bankrupt and refuses to work with him out of petty pecuniary concerns, he doesn't have to court such narrow-minded philistines. If anything, the bolder an artist is and the less he appeals to the unwashed masses and the more resources he can have devoted to these flopping masterpieces and the better paid he can be for it, the greater an artist he is. Truly, Uwe Boll is the quintessential and most accomplished artist of our times.

>> Star Wars
Was not aware of this.

Don't forget they had to cuck him out of Pacific Rim to get the sequel made.

> George Lucas plan with Star Wars 4-6 was to finance Skywalker Ranch as a place where filmmakers could freely discuss and produce their movies and ideas
> when he finally has the money he just becomes a regular producer for a bunch of shit that fails hard
> starts up Star Wars EU in 1991 to get a bunch of shekels from nostalgia-fags
> 30 years after ANH he finally has the money, makes one movie that no studio wanted to distribute so he apparently falls into a depression, sneaks into the Clone Wars writing room and basically turns the show from villain of the week to movies cut up into 4-part stories
> finally realizes he is unable to create stories outside of Star Wars so sells it and gives the earnings to cancer kids or whatever

It sounds absolutely surreal, I suspect there is brainwashing involved.

Everyone was asked if they wanted to do Episode 7. Only Jar Jar was stupid enough to do it.

Would have loved it but he always seemed so busy

He would've been a perfect fit.


It would have awesome sets and costumes but every single actor would forget how to act.