Sup Forums 2017 everybody


LITERALLY shaking right now

everyone here is pretty cancerous, but marvelfags are just retarded.

>implying goku isn't universe+ tier

but bugs bunny isn't real. can you prove that he is? checkmate

he's not wrong

Yes. He. Is.

that's just your average capeshit fan

Its correct

bugs bunny couldn't beat up "everyone"

he is a cartoon, do you think bugs bunny is going to beat you up?

do you need help?

please put any of these words into the title or text when creating a thread about capeshit of any kind: "cape", "DC", "Marvel", "Avengers", "Justice", "superman"

That's clearly a joke and you have autism
I'm more concerned about the other posts that you didn't circle out

that rabbit is too tricky for his own good

Look man, you can believe or not believe whatever you want about Bugs Bunny. That doesn't mean you have to shove your disbelief down on us. You're probably young, but when you grow older and get a little smarter, you'll become more open to believing in things you can't understand.

Also, I bet you're a fucking Disneyfag who believes in Mickey Mouse, you fucking dumbass, lol.

keep talking shit and you'll see who I can beat up, faggot.

if bugs bunny isn't real then who (besides bill murray) helped michael jordan lead the toon squad to victory and save the world from the monstars in the 1996 space jam?



>he thinks this is a serious thread
not too bright are we?

Beat up the monstars who beat up Michael Jordan..

Bugs>monstars>Jordan>>>>>>>>>>me or you

So yes

Space Jam says otherwise.

idk pham, with the recent influx of Sup Forumsedditors I would expect someone to take that statement at face value
if this whole thread is indeed a meta joke then thank god

Bugs... easy on the metaphysical boundaries between fiction and reality...

There are couple vids in other sites, when a guy gets all violent and want to start a fight, the other guy starts getting naked, and no matter how big, tall, muscular or "dangerous" they look, they all end up running away from a naked fatso or a naked twink.


is this some kind of gas lighting strategy that WB and Disney execs tell shills to do? pretend that we're not making fun of all of them so they keep the illusion that they're not unwanted here?